Arizona bill requires that teachers follow national broadcasting standards in public and personal life.
Don't you know that censorship and big brother, which somehow does not qualify as "big government," are Central Conservative (real "only real") American Values? That, "freedom to do what you want," thing only applies if you're rich or incorporated, which are the only two types of Real Americans TM. "But what teachers do is so important to are childrens," then pay them something you hypocritical bastards.... (yes the "are" instead of "our" was intentional). Rather than pay them to recognize the importance teachers have, we'll just starve them and butt into their personal lives, brilliant! Yet another soon to be labeled unconstitutional law violating the first amendment but garnering votes for moron politicians, who will then blame the courts for being "activist judges." And speaking of which:'s about damn time the judiciary, the only semi sane branch of government, started fighting back against the 2 out of control branches of government--the legislature and executive which both need slapped repeatedly. Frankly, many if not most judges try to be reserved and often site the judicial code of conduct as reasoning why. Let's see though,
when the judge starts getting multiple death threats and single bullets mailed to him, fuck the judicial code of conduct, because it won't raise the dead.... This judge has actually had to rely upon federal marshals to keep him safe/keep the damn politically stirred up loonies from trying to seriously kill him. Why? Because he said separation of church and state meant schools couldn't lead prayer at graduation....
The best part, the judge says this referencing the following quote from the bible: “Any American can pray, silently or verbally, seven days a week, twenty four hours a day, in private as Jesus taught or in large public events as Mohammed instructed.”
The Judge is referring to Matthew 6:6 in which Jesus states:“But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”
Source: King James Bible, Cambridge Edition.
I love the religious zealotry about a book these people haven't/won't read. It's funny how they say judges should know and enforce the constitution when these people know nothing at all about the constitution or the bible they say is practically incorporated into it. "Judges should be taught the constitution," say the people threatening the judge. Who's going to teach these people their own holy book? I'm pretty sure the bible doesn't condone multiple serious death threats against a judge. There might even be a commandment about it, I dunno, something to do with "thou shalt not kill?" Maybe.... Kinda.... Sorta.... Entirely....
Really, the stupid thing is, if the school were smart, then they'd just have a "moment of silence," and everyone could know this is code for "the time we all pray." <--- problem solved.