Dwarf Fortress community, please grow a thicker skin. You guys and gals represent both this community and this game, especially when you post on other forums. I understand that you are very passionate about the game, but your attempts to defend it are often... Overzealous.
That was an antagonistic first post in that thread, Capntastic. You're leaping to the defense of something you know little about. How does Toady feel about this? Their developers? Why not let them hash it out?
You took some random fan's responses as the developers' answer. You continued to insult them. And in the end, because of the hostile attitude they're looking into changing it. Great job. You sure showed what the Dwarf Fortress community is like.
Edit: Punctuation.
Are... Are
you Tastyrice?
I mean that was one hell of a passive aggressive bitch slap there to us all. There are some mixed opinions here, some for, some against, and some saying wait and see, but then you go and make a broad stroke statement saying "Great job. You sure showed what the Dwarf Fortress community is like." as if we are all in agreement, and we are wrong, and we are jerks for it. And not one of those things are true. Taking into account that this is the fan forums for DF, it makes you looks like a zealous dev looking to fight back.
Just so you guys are aware, I emailed Toady a couple of hours ago to ask for his opinions. Hopefully he might stop by and make some comments that would settle the matter one way or another.
I do think there are a couple of people being a little bit overzealous, but to be fair, they do have some reason to feel that way. I do think homage can be made in many more subtle/acceptable ways than re-using familiar music, for example. But if that's how they choose to distinguish (or not) themselves or their project, so be it. The only person allowed to object to it at all would be Toady, or whoever composed the music originally.
Well I don't see 13 seconds of music, out of an entire song, to be 'ripping it off', but I know my opinion isn't the only one. Capntastic and thvaz have perfectly valid points of view, and from a legal stand point might be standing on firmer ground then me, but I think Toadys opinion is the most valuable here. Maybe is is happy that somebody enjoyed he's music so much that they wanted a little piece of it? Perhaps he's music is like he's code, sacred, and not to be slung around in any game? So while we can all take our moral and legal stand points, it isn't exactly up to us.
Why this is silly:
1.You are under no obligation to defend Toady's commercial nor moral rights to his work. Making a fuss about it when he doesn't is a bad case of overzealous patriotism. Nothing good ever came out of it.
2.You do not know if any copyright breach has occurred. Maybe they contacted Toady, maybe it's not copyrighted, maybe it wouldn't pass for a copyright infringement in a court.
3.You are accusing the authors of trying to acquire financial gain by using the 13 second bit of (let's be honest, unexeptional)music, as if it were some magical compulsion tune, or extraordinary piece of art that will instantly turn every potential player into a buyer after hearing it. The only thing it can do, is remind any DF player that encounters it that indeed the authors do know DF, and are acknowledging where they got the idea for their game. The rest won't even notice.
4.Calling people dicks is always silly.
bah, ninjas.
1. If I made a game, it would make me happy for my fans to defend it, so I do on to others.
2. Thus we seek he's input.
3. Well legally they are, but in all reality, I don't think anybody will invest in this game for 13 seconds of music, so it is a fuzzy line.
4. You offend my friend Richard.