yeah but, i can kill every single one of them and not die, on the hardest setting...until nothing lives and i wont run out of ammo because i can keep grabbing theirs. Jensen can wipe out entire cities solo.
I wont tolerate fanboyism here on this (I'm looking at you Umiman), like many of us Deus Ex is on my all-time favorites list; I'm just saying they could have done more. In many ways, the upgardes are graphical and some minor enhancements to the UI and aug system and hacking. Otherwise the game is very similar to the original. READ: AI is retarded.
Early in the game, i went around killing some of the gang members in their rooms. Later when I got quests to go there, the dead bodies were still laying on the ground as the quest targets are just going about their business. No matter how much you love this game, that just breaks immersion. Theres stuff like this all throughout.
Another weird choice they made is to get rid of the heavy weapons skill. So basically I can dump my points into hacking and still whip out a rocket launcher. There are still many paths to the goal, but now I can take them ALL. I can sneak all the way in, not being seen. Then, before the end, I can blast my way back out to the beginning, killing every single thing (usually with just the 10mm pistol) and hack every single door/chest. Then, satisfied I have beaten the mission utterly, I can walk back to the end of the mission. Even on the hardest difficulty (again, except for boss fights).
EDIT: I realize I am oversimplifying the improvements of this game over the original. I will even say this game is in many ways BETTER than the original. My point, and I think I have made it clear, is that it could have been way better if the world felt a bit more alive.
Maybe we are so relieved that this is NOT a shitty console port and it IS NOT WORTHY of the original like so many sequels these days that we are looking past these things.