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Author Topic: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!  (Read 12499 times)


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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2011, 02:27:50 pm »

Agurtha: Search for an elf and capture his soul.
Then research some artificial construct, maybe a robotic Wolf or something
Grand Master Lurker
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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2011, 03:36:17 pm »

" "it isn't as bad as you think."? Pfft, it's probably much worse."
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2011, 04:34:52 pm »

You dig through your guide to form changes, in search of something to combine your two objects of interest into one familiar. The book however was written for an Elven Druid, not a hag, and you cannot find such a vile spell. After reading the whole book cover to cover you begin to think creatively, and eventually two spells catch your eye that could be used together to merge those close to you. You read both aloud carefully, commenting on the spells as you go.

"Crawling Redemption: It is the duty of a Druid to slaughter those who offend nature. Sometimes however we become weak, and see the good in those we are required to kill. This ritual allows the victim to avoid the well deserved fires of hell by begining life anew as the colony of worms and maggots that come to rest on his or her body. From there she will be able to redeem herself in natures eyes by aiding in the act of decomposition.

To begin the ritual one must have the following four components.
1. A being facing death and redemption (Preferably bound) "Could I get Stanton to offer himself willingly? That would be sooooo romatic... If so he can help gather components beforehand"
2. A fast acting lethal poison "I could buy or steal this on the black market, or get one of those hags to make it for me."
3. A large bag or sack of evergreen needles "Evergreens grow on the moutains nearby. Easy."
4. A means of digging "Stanton owns a good shovel."

Dig a shallow grave and instruct or force the subject to lie within. Afflict the subject with the poison. You must then work quickly to cover the subject with the needles and bury them alive before they expire from the poison. Wait 12-15 hours and dig subject up. Remove all worms, bugs, maggots, and arachnids found between the pine needles and the corpse as they bear the subjects soul. Release the subject(s) in the wild away from the body.

Spawn Dire Bug: This multipurpose spell combines the minds, bodies, and souls of a mass of worms, arachnids, and insects into a single large bug that is generally loyal the the casting druid and is fully subject-able to all the spells in this book that tame or control bugs. A large bug has several uses: a spider or centipide can serve as an assassin. A winged insect can serve as a messenger or scout. A group of dedicated druids can even work together to create a truly massive bug to unleash the fury of nature upon an encroaching settlement!

To produce a Dire Bug the following components are required
1. A dead bug of the species you wish to create a giant version of (Refered to as the mold)
2. A mass of live bugs to be merged "The bugs I turn my friends into with the above spell..."
3. A mass of animal fecal matter equal to 1/2 the mass of the bugs to be merged "Dammit. Why the hell did I pawn off my scale again?"
4. A drop of Ichor from one of the subteranain bug species. "Shit. I'm going to have to make a daytrip to the Elven retreats or dwarven fortress to pick that up. I'm not likely to find it in a human city."

Light the mold bug on fire until it is reduced to ashes. Combine the ashes with all other components in a pot with a lid. Light up a campfire and leave the pot over it until the fire burns out. Open the lid and remove your new dire bug!

You look through the book several times more and eventually conclude that you currently have no other way to combine two living souls. You would kill for a darker tome of shapeshifting.


You fly through the air cackling wildly as you go. Eventually you spot a farm and swoop down. Your first stop is the chicken coop where you replenish yourself from your flight by eating all the eggs raw; shell and all! You then storm the farmhouse.

The farmhouse contains a farmer, his wife, and his daughter. The wife appears to be just slightly too old to serve as the offering of maiden, and the daughter just slightly too young. The mortals cower at your fearsome appearance and you instruct the females to hold still while you bind them with rope. You then lead the farmer outside, instructing him to do as you say if he ever wants to see his family again.

You order the farmer to hitch his two finest horses to his cart. While he dose so you load the cart with all the firewood and coal you can find. Once the cart is hitched you order the farmer to kill all of his foul and throw them in the wagon. He heads to the chicken coop while you return to the farmhouse and head to the bedroom, where you rip the farmers bolted down safe out of the floor with your great phyiscal might! You exit the farmhouse holding the safe in one hand and dragging the human females with your other.

As soon as you load all three items onto the cart the farmer jumps onto the seat and takes off without you. Taking to the air you chase down the cart and 'convince' the farmer to drive to the meeting grounds. When you arrive you bind the farmer and throw all three humans into the cavern you dug out.

"I decide your fate later" You announce "It wont be pleasant."

You then go outside and take inventory.

+Lots of firewood and coal: Useful for fire magic
+17 Dead chickens: Can be eaten. Feathers useful for air magic
+1 Small Vault: What could it contain?


You mutter a vile incantation to activate a spell that you had weaved ages ago. Suddenly chicken legs sprout from the bottom of your wagon and your home begins to walk in the direction of the Elfin retreats!

As you travel you look through your Tome of Curses to research potential constructs. Two spells catch your mind. You read them aloud, skipping the incantations so as to not cause any magical side effects.

Fate of the False Fey:
Taketh ye a gem of soul and recite upon it the incantation of true form once each hour for a day.
Dropeth the gem in a skin of wine or tankard of ale and recite upon it the incantation of liquidation.
Feed the soul booze to a dwarf unsuspecting, and take joy as your trapped soul forces the small one to construct for it a body.
The dwarven folk will assume that their brethren has been overcome by a fey spirit, and will gather supplies for the possessed one.
When finished, the construct will spring to life and seek you out, oh wise hag.
Any mortal encountered by the construct as it searches for you (including the creator) will be struck down by your new beast.

Doll of The Hag:
Just before sleeping craft ye a doll of the cloth of your choosing
stuff it with fur of the wolf.
For one of it's eyes place a gem of soul
then drop to the floor and disrobe.
Say a dark prayer and nod off on the floor without clothes, mattress, or blankets.
Clutched tight to your boosum the doll will obtain your allignments
and rise in the morning your new fell companion.

You ponder the spells, trying to think of a way to incorporate your blood into either of them. Your focus is broken however as your wagon speeds up to chase down a pair of elves that it spotted. It runs the pair of fairskinned folk down and crushes them under its legs before stepping aside and sitting down, allowing you to disembark and finish your prey.

"Well, well, well... two dear elves out for a walk in the woods. Tell me ladies, have you ever met a hag before?"

The elves refuse to subcumb to fear in your presence, claiming to be rangers train to fight the likes of you, but they are broken, and incapable of fighting back. You decide to break one by killing the other and approach the more injured of the two elves, and entangle your long fingers around her neck.

The elf begins to scream as the her life is drained from her by your foul magic. She first becomes skinny, then old, then her flesh rots away, followed by her muscles, blood, and finally organs! After several minutes you throw the skeleton to the ground and turn to the other. "Well my pretty. Your turn next!"

The elf screams and a couple minutes later her soul is full of enough fear to be harvested. You touch her with a diamond and her body slumps to the ground before you. You pick her up and carry her back to your wagon for examination. She appears to be young and fair enough to serve as the offering of maiden! Of course, you could also use her soul to make a familiar should you not want the color of dragon attracted by a diamond.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2011, 05:31:18 pm »

> To me it looks like you conclude wrongly young one. Shouldn't you just be able to torn both onto bugs separately, then simply combine the piles for the creation of the dire one?
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2011, 05:32:35 pm »

"I think you misunderstood me spirit. Did I speak unclear? That is exactly what I am planning to do."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2011, 05:55:10 pm »


> May the dwarves have a kin of booze that calls for blood as an ingredient, old one?
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2011, 05:58:15 pm »

I think Agurtha would be better served by an undead familiar, personally, but no matter.

Celeste: Approach Stanton and make the offer. If he refuses... your coven can assist with subduing him.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2011, 06:04:08 pm »

"Don't ask me what you know I don't know spirit. All I know about dwarven drinking habits is that they do it a damn lot!"


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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2011, 11:31:35 pm »

Korel: Consult your potion book to find a potion that can be used to turn metal into mush. Use this to open the vault.


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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2011, 06:10:29 am »

I think Agurtha would be better served by an undead familiar, personally, but no matter.
That depends on the type of undead. A zombie rat or something would be boring.

Agurtha: What sort of undead can you make?

Grand Master Lurker
Dabbling Poster


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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2011, 07:25:54 am »

Celeste: Approach Stanton and make the offer. If he refuses... your coven can assist with subduing him.
Put into this light, Dr. Robotnik and Armok could easily have been roommates.

Known as That_Kobold on BYOND


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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #26 on: June 04, 2011, 01:33:49 pm »


You put on some clothes and leave your shack. Despite your unusual appearance you draw little attention in the slummy outskirts of the major human city. Here is where those with subhuman blood and leprous disease call home, you fit right in. You whistle for your horse Roach and the beast quickly appears by your side. With a quick nudge you set off towards the Stone Quarry just outside of town where your beloved Stanton works.

Some of Stanton's friends smirk and whisper as you ride into the quarry: Common knowledge states that when one's woman visits during work hours, ones mouth will likely be busy with something other than food during lunch. Eventually you spot Stanton arguing loudly with a scribe. The half orc towers over the human and yells at him about some clerical error with a voice as wrathful as a thousand bezerkers. Just when you are afraid that he is about to do something violent and dumb you clear your throat and call his name.

"You lucky bastard. My sweet Celeste is here for me! Get back to work... but mark my words it will be your HEAD if you ever misplace a decimal point while calculating my crew's monthly yield again... Fuck my two copper for the day, I'm going home with my Celeste before I hurt somebody."

Stanton leads you away from the scene of his outburst and helps you onto your horse before mounting his own. He leads you to his shack just outside of town and instructs you to wait outside. Several minutes later he emerges with a dead deer slung over his shoulder. "What is that for?" you ask.

"Well love, you always complain of being hungry enough to eat a deer whole when you turn into a large monstrous person, and the day of my birth is tomorrow. This year I was hopping to sleep with a troll for my birthday."

You smirk. "I'll do a troll for you, but I'll do it tonight. For your birthday I've decided to give you something much better. Your life."

A look of confusion passes across Stanton's face. "But I'm already alive..."

You cut to the chase. "You were right all along my beloved brute. I am indeed a hag. Two other hags... sought me out... yesterday and requested that I join a Coven with them. Now one thing I have to do is deposes of all the mortals I am close to. That would most certainly include you. But I've decided that instead of just killing you, I've decided to turn you into an animal to serve as my familiar. The bond between Hag and Familiar is suposed to be closer than the one between lovers, or even spouses. What do you say? Spend eternity with me?"

Stanton seems taken aback by all the information. "I don't know... that sound painful and weird..."

You sigh. "It is either that, or the other two hags will hunt you down and subject you to some sort of torturous death."

Stanton nods slowly. "I'm in. On one condition." The half orc embraces you and brings his mouth to your ear to whisper. "You sic your whole coven on that damn quarry boss and his pet scribe. They deserve it."

You kiss your beloved on the cheek before whispering back. "That I can do, and as my familiar you'll even get to play a part in it my sweet! Come on, let me show you the spells I'll be using to do the deed. You can help me gather the components!"

You show Stanton the marked pages from your book and mention that you will be using two people to craft your familiar, so you will have enough bugs to work with. You also lie and explain that you have figured out a way to ensure that his mind will be dominae in the creature they will become. Stanton offers to aid you in acquiring the following spell components.

A fast acting poison - "Troll tusks drip a quick and leathal vennom. You could kill me, save money on poison, and satisfy my creepy troll fetish in one go!"
A shovel - "Here are the keys to my house. The shovel should be leaning on the wall next to the fireplace."
A drop of subterranean bug ichor - "I'll ride out to elf territory and visit their market. They should have weird things like that there."
A bug to use as a mold - "Last time I visited the elves they had a huge display of preserved insects for sale. I'll pick out some awesome ones so you wont have to turn my into some common city bug."
A scale to weigh fecal matter in - "The elves should be selling those. You could just buy one in the city, but I might as well spend like there is no tomorrow."

Stanton, now sold on the idea and excited about the romantic prospect of becoming your familiar mounts his horse and takes off towards the Elven territories.


You walk into the cave where the humans lay bound. "Alright. I have problem. Must return to my home to read up on potions. Cannot leave you here to break free and warm mortals. Solution simple. Adults burn, child comes with me."

With a quick flick of your wrist you ingite the farmer and his wife. You then grab the vault under one arm and the girl under the other and take off into the air! The screams of the young girl bring great joy to your heart as you cross the land and head for the mountains!

You arrive at your mountain cave home and set the girl down. You head to your storage chest and retrieve your Natural Potion Guide. You flip open to the make containing the cauldron of earth to air. A quick lookover of the recipie confirms that you already have all the required ingredients. You set up your cauldron and add to it a few down feathers, a lock of your hair, some gravel from the cave wall, and a piece of the metal vault that you laboriously nick off with your Pickaxe.

You look at your full cauldron for a second and then recite over it your bastardized version of the incantation of liquidation. "Solid is as solid now, melt before this hag's scowl!"

The contents of the pot begin to melt and meld together, eventualy forming a cool and thick green goop, which you stir for several hours until it turns a bright neon pink. You then pick up the vault and drop it into the cauldron. The metal object instantly polymorphs into a cloud of noxious sulfur gas as soon as it makes contact with the goop. The contents of the safe float on the surface and you pluck them out.

+50 Gold Coins
+168 Silver Coins
+1 Vial of Green Liquid
+1 Vial of Purple Liquid
+1 Vile of Orange Liquid
+1 Strange Document "Curse my lack of reading mortal tounge."


You order your wagon to return to it's original positon. Knowing the journey before you is a long one you pull out your Book of Death and research potential undead familiars. You skip over animate small remains, after all a zombie rat would be boring. You find only one spell that would create a creature small yet awesome enough to serve as your familiar. You read it aloud

"Skull of the Elements:
Take ye a skull of man, elf, or orc and polish until it gleams.
Take ye two identical gems bearing souls and push them into the eye holes.

Take ye the tongue of bird or imp trained to speak and put it into a pot.
Take ye the the water from a murky pond and put it into the pot.
Take ye two hearts with four chambers and put them into the pot.
Bring ye the pot to a boil at dusk and stir until the sun rises.

Blast ye the pot with an elemental spell, and count from twice thirty backwards.
Then drop ye your skull in your terrible brew and wait till your new slave rises."

You then nod off to take a quick nap while you journey to better digest the life force you drained from your elven victim earlier.


Quick reminder. You are all knowing spirits. Feel free to metagame a bit and make one hag act on information that she wouldn't otherwise have.


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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2011, 01:59:02 pm »

Koral: Attempt to identify the liquids. Maybe your Potion Guide can help you?
Then go to the city and kill the quarry boss and his scribe. Celeste knows where you can find him. While you are in the City, give the Document to her for translation.
Grand Master Lurker
Dabbling Poster


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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2011, 02:16:10 pm »

I would strongly recommend waiting on the quarry boss until we're more established, and making it more elaborate than "hag appears, lights them on fire, runs away." Also, ensuring Celeste's new familiar is in on the carnage would be ideal.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Young Coven: A Hag Adventure!
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2011, 02:31:32 pm »

making it more elaborate than "hag appears, lights them on fire, runs away."
hey,WhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong :)
OK, forget the quarry boss.
We need lots of gold, so go and kill some traveling merchants or something.
Grand Master Lurker
Dabbling Poster
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