Whoops, I didn't realise (didn't think to check) that this was a semi-necroed thread, and this is probably not relevant 4 pages down from the original reply I made, anyway... Still, here you are.I'd like to go ahead and request a crawling domain, so that entities can stick to walls like an insect. Oh yeah, and a configurable domain for jumping (flying short distances) several tiles.
Something I've mentioned in previous pathfinding threads is an extension of this... Limited-resource using paths. e.g., goblin squad comes on-screen with five ladders. Can they find the best path that has no more than five 'use ladder' steps? (Perhaps for bridging, as well as climbing.) Merely using ladders at the first opportunity, along the various branches of the search tree, may not be as optimal as retaining the ladder (making a short detour around the obstacle) until it is useful to provide a much more vastly profitable short-cut (or even the only possible access opportunity) shortly thereafter.
This complicates the pathfinding algorithm, requiring an additional 'dimensionality' to the search-tree, with "n ladders left" (in this particular example, as it could include other used-as-resource items) branches 'overlapping' the same 3D space[1]. Perhaps less intrinsically complicated is an AI behaviour that allows emplacement of bridging-resources (temporary pathabilities) and then removal of same once the last unit is across, for re-use later on, but it requires a coordination of unit AIs (or at least an assumption of this, in the original path-finding, to be fulfilled as far as local conditions eventually allow).
Less controversially, in the multi-mode connectivity map, future possibilities of the presence of 'sappers' in a unit should allow (at a movement cost, at least insofar as time) pathing through solid rock (or at least soil), and building (or construction!) destroyers having a similar possibly biased-against possibility of pathing through other 'solid' areas. But while this, also, should also be something to
consider when designing the pathing from ground up, it of course does not apply to the current incarnation, so you may wish to hand-wave it away (or consider it, and reject it, in the initial write-up of the problem description)
Certainly, compared to these other examples, a connectivity map containing maps with "up to two 1 Z's climbed up, up to 2 Z's jumped down, and the ability to leap 1Z-wide channels/gaps", or however many can be done
in a single move, is not overly complicated.
But if that linked-to thread is not the one of the ones in which I already mention all of this, I'm sure the various other threads can be found, as well. For inspiration, only, as there's always a lot of different interpretation and ideas, in those, not all of which might be considered useful to you.
[1] You don't just forget that a tile is reached in 16 steps if an alternate path is found that reaches it in 8 steps. If the former used one of the expendable 'bridges' and the latter used two of them, you'd have to retain both figures until you knew whether the lack/availability of the final bridge invalidated/validated an optimal path further down the lane.