There was one story-- that I suspect is did not have a game, but if it did would be 40d-- involving a single kobold running past innumerable traps, war dogs, civilians, military dwarves, and their weapons (flying crossbow bolts, axes, swords...) all the way to the throne room where he stole the king's pants. Then that kobold ran all the way back through all those chasing him and the other defenses to exit the map with his prize; completely unharmed.
The part that had made it so great was the description, but I cannot recall it in detail, nor can I find it in the search.
Yes, I understand how it works in DF, it just doesn't seem to make a lot of sense in general.
Aside from
the cube-law mentioned, haven't you heard the saying "the bigger they are, the harder they fall"? It's one of those things you can even feel as you grow up: when you're young, falling on your face just means getting back up; when you're pushing six feet, falling on your face means a broken nose, blood, and possibly a concusion.
I've always hoped that Toady would have the kobolds eventually wielding cobaltite weapons and maybe even armor, since the metal is named after them, and it ought to be useful for something.
The problem is cobaltite was named such simply because it's so fiendishly hard to smelt into anything useful; thrice because of the sparce amounts of ore, because of the odd process, and because of the poisons released when attempted the two former.