Notes: Initially this went quite well. Note the upgraded feeding drop, constructed out of trap bridges, which draw away if an undead is near. If we are placing a "Volunteer" in the pit, we need simply stand on the lower one, and drop them.
Furthermore, our highest hopes were validated when we noted the undead biting and clawing each other! Although no intact notes made it out (read on to see why), we can safely say that it is at least once zombies have to stand two deep, do they attack each other, preferring to attack any "new comer" to their pit, before attacking the existing members.
Of course, this all changed once we managed to subdue a ZK through the use of three simultaneous bombs, and a few well aimed slashes from the security forces. Once knocked out, we quickly dragged it to the pit.
It awoke, casually crushed a few zombies, and began tearing through the stone lining to the mining shaft.
We decided that a keg would be the best bet, and sure enough, it knocked it down, as well as thinning the zombie numbers. Side note; Some of which escaped into the tunnels. We replaced the stone with with wooden walls, and placed the ZK back in it's home.
The wood was destroyed even quicker.
We repeated the containment procedure, but this time lined the pit with gold. The ZK was unable to escape.
Our experiment done, we began celebrating! In our arrogant folly, we had not noticed the top side team being overwhelmed. We quickly manned the defences, only to be met by the emerging freshly dead miners from inside our fort.
In the panic, the bulk of our forces died quickly, with the last few attempting to flee.
He's beneath the pile of zombies to the right.
Conclusion: A well made fort will be invincible to standard zombies, due to their hunger overwhelming them and causing them to attack each other.
Coat the outside of a fort with gold to prevent ZK's from levelling everything.
There is no variance in infection rates. It is a few seconds for everyone
Now if only we had something to use against the Wraiths...