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Author Topic: A Savage World community game- the diaries entries.  (Read 1300 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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A Savage World community game- the diaries entries.
« on: May 28, 2011, 08:37:26 pm »

This thread is where we will post the diaries entries from the Savage World community game.

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Re: A Savage World community game- the diaries entries.
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2011, 08:43:57 pm »

1st Granite, 76, Early Spring
By Bathunter, Overseer

   Dear Diary

   We have finally arrived at a suitable location. Now, I can show those close-minded bastards back at the mountain homes a true fortress. You see, dairy, I have always hated living underground. It just felt so cold and cramped. I have always dreamt of living in a great big tower, able to see the landscape for miles around. Now, thanks to my job as a banker, I had acquired enough money to start a new fortress.
   I had managed to persuade my friends, Dragoncurse, Lafiel, and DJROCKS95 to join me. In addition, I had recruited two peasants down on their luck, Noddle0117 and Toa Boris43. Finally, I have hired a trained guard, Sir Leonard 3rd to join us. In addition, I was able to bring plenty of extra supplies, including serveal dogs, and cats, and two new sort of pets that the hunters at the mountain-homes had tamed, lawn gnomes, and huge dragonflies. May they serve us well.

To the south lies a great plain field, covered in snow for now. There are plently of trees, and the wide open plain will allow us to build the town that I always wanted to live.
Behind us lies a great big mountain. Should the tales of our fortress attract a miner, I will have him start mining stone for our village use. One day, we might be able to set up a great tower to over watch everything, on top of this mountain.

Well, I set up everyone on their job. Everyone but me and Noddle0017 one militia duty. While Sir Leonard 3rd and Lafiel are on permanent watch, Toa Boris43, DJROCKS95, and Dragoncurse will start cutting down trees. Once we get enough wood, we can start on the first building that any good town needs, the keep.

Now, I just want to know where these webs keep coming from.

Goodbye for now Diary. I got dwarves to manage.

23 Granite, 76
By: Bathunter, Overseer

Today we have started construction of the keep. Every above-ground village should be centered around a massive defensive structure. My plans in the future is to have the keep be a room for nobles, a barrack and archer tower for the military, and a meeting hall for all dwarves. Surrounding it will be workshops and houses for each profession. For now, through, we have to have everything inside the keep once it is completed, food, workshops, beds, offices. But we can live like this for a while.


Sir Leonard 3rd has informed me of two unusual creturse that I have never heard of before. First off, the webs belong to giant forest spiders. Secondly, a massive moth keeps flying overhead.


We need to finish the keep, and quick.

25 Slade, 76
By Bathunter

   Dear Diary

We have finished the ground level of the keep. Now we build the second floor. Then, we can set up bedrooms, and an office for me.


27 Felsite, 76
By Bathunter

   Dear Diary.

   Finally, I have an office, inside the keep. It came in time. This land is cursed, I swear! I been seeing several massive giant versions of creatures. I saw a bloody giant snail! And it was eating other creatures. Who knows if it will go after me?
   And the ground, there are just spots of random black sand, where no plant where grow. What is the joy of an aboveground town if the land slowly morph into sand?
   And at night, I just see odds things in the blackness. And it not just me. Sir Leonard 3rd reports seeing them as well.
   At least I am safe in my office.

17 Hematite, 76
By Bathunter

   Dear Diary,

   Today, a raccoon, a damn raccoon, ran into the keep, and started to tear into Lafiel. Too bad for the raccoon that Lafiel had her ax. However, it managed to do a good one into her. Her thumb is broken, she has scratches all over, and she yelling at everyone. Once we set up some beds, I see if I have brought a book on doctoring. Perhaps I can try to mend her thumb.
   Sir Leonard talked to me about how ineffective the keep was at keeping wildlife out. I told him that it would take some time, but it would be worth it in the end. Then he dare suggest that we move underground just for a short while. There, we be safer till the aboveground buildings are complete. I nearly slapped him. We are here to prove that dwarves can live aboveground, and that it is healthy for the mindset, to live on a great open plain, not in some cramped tunnels.

25 Hematite, 76
By Bathunter

   Dear Diary

   Some migrants has come to share in my vision of a beautiful upper-ground town.  They consist of one warrior, Joost66, some farmers, a butcher, a tanner, and three craftdwarves.  Now, we shouldn’t starve, and we be able to produce some trading goods.

13th Machenite, 76
By Bathunter

   Dear Diary

   Sir Leonard 3rd annoy me. He runs around, thinking of ways of the best way to protect everyone. It is somewhat reassuring, except that he keeps yelling at me to do something different. I shrugged him off. The noises at night won’t stop, but besides the stray raccoon, we haven’t had much trouble with the wildlife. Sir Leonard 3rd likes to remind me that it is only a matter of time.
   I been getting rather annoyed, but the other military dwarves look up to him. He will stay, for now.

6th Galena, 76
By Bathunter

   Dear Diary

   By the blood of Armok himself. Giant badgers. They just tore into Joost66 like he was nothing. They just blizted him while he was attending to his duties. I never seen anything like it. Then, they attacked Kutsuun. However, she was lucky. They ran away without killing her. The only thing she lost was her right hand. She was taken to the hospital. I hope that a doctor comes along, because after reading the medical book, I really don’t want to try to fix her up, but no one else is willing...
   Of course, Sir Leonard 3rd rubbed it in my face.

18th Galena, 76
By Bathunter

   Dear Diary
   Can’t sleep, giant badgers will eat me. Can’t sleep, giant moths will eat me. Can’t sleep, giant snails will eat me. Can’t sleep, Sir Leonard will not shut the fuck about the town walls.
   In other news, I am going to order an outer wall, even though the keep second floor isn’t complete. We can build inside of this wall, and if we need to expand outward, we just take it down and build another wall.

26th Galena, 76
By Bathunter

   Dear Diary

   Sir Leonard 3rd finally got what he deserved for pestering me all the damn time. Today, while he was out cutting trees, Leonard was attacked by a giant badger. He fought off the beast, but almost loss his leg.
   It felt good, but since we all share a keep, I have to listen to him all day and night. Maybe I fix his leg one day. After I’m done updating the books.

3rd Limestone, 76

   Dear Diary.

   Noodle0117 has fallen to a werewolf. He fought back, injuring the werebeast in the leg, but it didn’t matter. On the other hand, there a was another Noodle0117 among the farmers. Huh.
   Anyway, I sent the military after this beast, Tosedkol.

4th Limestone, 76

   Dear Diary

My military has killed the foul beast. We lost a couple of dogs and a large dragonfly, but they kept the beast busy until Toa Boris96 leaped on his back and started tearing into him, with DJROCKS95 shooting him full of wooden bolts.
   Even that bastard, Sir Leonard 3rd, dragged himself out of bed to kill the beast.
25th Limestone, 76

   More migrants, including a mason, some farmers and brewers, plus a fisherman.

21th Sandstone, 76

   Dear Diary

   The giant badgers are back. While DJROCK95 was out cutting trees, a giant badger blizted him. I considering sending out a hunting party, but Sir Leonard 3rd advised against it. He say that even with crossbows, and battle axes, their bone armor isn’t good enough. The badgers would just rip them apart. We just have to hope that they leave in a couple of week.

1st, Timber, 76
By Bathunter

Dear Diary


2nd, Timber, 76
By Bathunter

Dear Diary

   I’m feeling better now. Except that Dragoncurse is now yelling at me. I wonder what the military’s issue with me is. Good thing that I am trained in the art of book-fu.

5th Timber, 76

Dear Diary

I can’t believe those bastards. I was feeling a bit angry, and this cat keep aannoying me, so I kicked it just once, I swear. So Sir Leonard 3rd came and start hacking into my limbs with his fucking ax! Now, as I lie in a hospital bed, he has taken over the fort as its new leader. I swear, Sir Leonard, I have my revenge. As soon as another doctor come to the fortress.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 02:16:28 pm by Bathunter »
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Sir Leonard III

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Savage World community game- the diaries entries.
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2011, 09:10:42 am »

6th Timber, 76:

Found this diary on the poor bastard who grabbed my cat. You don't hurt a commander in the military's cat and get away with it.
The fucker no longer has a hand, and let me tell you no-one else will either if they try to stop me. I'm currently have a bridge built at the "entrance." At least where I think it will be. We should probably get underground if we can for building materials for the walls. I'm investigating that soon.
There's also blood fucking everywhere. And I mean everywhere I'm surprised we aren't dead. Badgers are close by, skeletal ones. SKELETAL Giant badgers, too. And a fucking moth, that's right. A fucking moth. Well- Bloody hell... Badgers have entered our area, time to give them hell.

Great god, the fuckers took down Kogan. They just bit him and swung him about, like a doll. And then Meng. They literally destroyed him. His corpse is so mutilated.

7th Timber, 76:

After losing two men to a couple of badgers and a dog I've decided that we should get stone to speed up the wall construction.
I've told three of the dwarves that they're assigned to mining and they've already channeled out the entrance. I'm planning on building something similar to this:
                                  ggg  The g's are bridges and the P's are pressure plates. When enemies try to cross they'll be thrown underground and be trapped there. Our marksdwarf can finish them off or just leave them. Who cares? They won't cause any harm where they'll be.

15th Timber, 76:

We're hunting a lone giant badger, right? And the dwarven caravan comes. So that's good, but not only that. The giant moth swoops down and we shoot at it, and guess what? We got the fucker, we didn't kill it, but we shot it in its left wing. Good day so far.

20th Timber, 76:

We've traded with the caravan and got a piece of cloth, so we can fix up the Banker, an iron buckler for defense purposes, some food and other things. We're going to do just fine if the wall is finished in time and the badgers don't fuck with us.

21st Timber, 79:

We're getting more stone now, and the bridge is getting closer and closer to being finished.
Let's just hope it actually will be finished.

23rd Timber, 79:

A dragonfly egg has hatched and out comes a female baby. Hopefully we can get a new dragonfly to start laying eggs for us.

27th Timber, 76:

We're mining out the ice in the frozen lake to be used for walls. I'm also walling off all but one of the entrances in the central fortress so we are safer.
Here's a small picture of what I have going above ground. Right now I'm just adding walls, the real wonder is underground. The miners are getting us the supplies that will help us repel the badgers.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

6th Moonstone, 76:

Part of the wall is done, but we still have a fair bit of work to do. I'm planning on building a mason's workshop, kitchen, still and other things for traps and the bridge/pressure plate idea.

9th Moonstone, 76:

West wall is done, I'm working on the south one now.
We also have an ice kitchen up and running, so that's good.

10th Moonstone, 76:

The banker is up and running again. He's a bit dented, but the fucker should be okay. Hopefully he can help us out here.
After all, he built half the wall I'm working on right now.

20th Moonstone, 76:

Nothing happening, no badger attacks. We're almost done mining out the first, small lake.
The south wall is almost done.

4th Opal, 76:

Nothing's been happening.
The farmer I beat up is slowly dying, though. Since we have no water source we can't clean him or give him water to drink.
I've decided to destroy part of the central wall, so we can build him a wooden crutch. I just hope he'll be able to get his own food and drink.

9th Opal, 76:

Today some monkeys decided it'd be a good idea to try to steal some of our supplies.
We found them, chased them and then literally tore them to shreds.
The fighter took out a bunch of them and I killed the stragglers. I hope the rest of the fuckin' primates know not to attack us from now on.

13th Opal, 76:

Some turkeys wandered by the fort after we dispatched the monkeys and we decided we need more food.
Long story short we tore apart the turkeys, like we did to the monkeys. We just have to butcher them and we'll have some food.

16th Opal, 76:

We were digging out the area underneath our bridge to make it so enemies would drop quite a distance. While our miners were doing that they discovered an amazing thing: An underground cavern. Yes, that's right. Underneath us, the dwarves, the mountain people, a civilization, be it primitive, was living. We also found a lake that never dries up, so we're using that for water.
I think the man who attacked a gnome is going to be okay.

28th Opal, 76:

Toa Boris died from thirst because those idiots wouldn't build a mason's workshop. I just needed a stone and I could get a well going.
I swear, the second Timber comes around I'm handing this position over to some fool. Weird thing is there is another Toa Boris.

11th Obsidian, 76:

Once we have enough wood I'm going to start working on the sky palace upper levels.

23rd Obsidian, 76:

That banker keeps complaining about how he can't store his shit, because he's too fucking injured.

24th Obsidian, 76:

Those upper levels of the sky palace won't get done soon, my priority is finishing the wall. At the rate it's going it's going to take a while

4th Granite, 77:

The king told me I had until timber. Apparently I'm not doing a good job.
But, hey, whatever. I planned on handing this palace over to someone else when it gets to timber.

7th Granite, 77:

We took down a giant snail that keeps passing around the outside of our fort. Lokum hacked its eyestalks off before we got there, then I finished it off by bashing its brain in with my shield


16th Granite, 77:

Surprisingly the wall is almost done. We just need a few more stones, or logs, and we have a fortress all walled off. After that I'm going to connect the bridge to a lever so we can pull it to stop advancing enemies when we need to.

21st Granite, 77:

Dammit, the well I set up is too close to the surface. When I use it the water freezes a few stories down. I'll have to build a new room, channel the stuff out and then build a well closer to the bottom.

1st Slate, 77:

Well, I've told the builders where the walls will be, marked the areas on the ground when they got the supplies and now I'm waiting. When they're done then we will finally be safe.

14th Felsite, 77:

From what I see an elven caravan is approaching. I don't like that.
Elves are annoying, little creatures and they will be treated as such. Do you know what another word is for an annoying, little type of creature? Vermin. Do you now what people do to vermin? They kill them.

25th Felsite, 77:

Elves are slow creatures, when they finally got here it'd been a while since I last wrote about them. They had an unfortunate accident and they left us all their items.
On another good note, the wall is completely finished. I'll be starting on the pressure plates and mechanisms for the bridge very soon.

6th Hematite, 77:

Our food supply is doing very good. We have much, much more than we need.
The pressure plates are being implanted and all we need is something to hook them up with.
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28th Hematite, 77

Our defenses are insufficient. Nothing attacks us, but it's just... Everyone knows the military isn't the best. We have the wall up but we need something more. And for that I am creating four ballistaes . All of them will be at the four cardinal directions.

19th Malachite, 77:

A raccoon wandered into our fort today and since the pressure plates aren't completely set up it got by. Luckily one of our war gnomes saw it and rushed it.
They are vicious creatures, let me tell you that. The son of a bitch didn't even see the gnome come at him.

24th Malachite, 77:

I have four days to finish the siege equipment and place them. I don't know, we're running low on logs and it takes a while to take down the walls for places to put them.
I hope I can do it.

2nd Ganelan, 77:

I overstayed my welcome and since a new ruler of this fortress isn't coming I'm handing it over to DragonCurse.
I'm not going to bother defying the king. Dying so soon isn't my idea right now.

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« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 05:30:20 pm by Sir Leonard III »
Hush little baby, listen to my song,
Mamma's gonna tan you a troll leather thong.
And if that thong don't menace with spikes,
Mamma's gonna kill you whatever you like...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Savage World community game- the diaries entries.
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2011, 06:35:44 am »
