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Generating Story...
The year is 2047, and the nefarious Doctor Maldevious has discovered the secret of time travel. He subsequently traveled to the year 2011 and made an alliance with the terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden, enlisting the help of several Al-Qaeda terrorist cells. He then traveled back in time with Bin Laden and his troops to the year 1945 in Berlin, Germany, and contracted the help of Adolf Hitler and several hundred Nazi troops. Our spies have been unable to collect any information beyond that, as the assembled army retreated into a secret compound believed to be beneath the Reich Chancellery in Berlin.
Your mission, as members of the elite Temporal Task Force, is to infiltrate this compound, discover the whereabouts of Maldevious, Bin Laden and Hitler, and assassinate them all. You are then to return Hitler's corpse to the bunker in Berlin, as well as Bin Laden's to the compound from which he was abducted. We have already prepared the clone which will carry out the "assassination" of Bin Laden after his corpse is returned as well as the cyanide-poisoning of Hitler's wife, but Hitler must be assassinated via the period-appropriate Walther PPK 7.65 mm pistol which has been supplied to the team before his corpse is dumped in the bunker.
End mission briefing.
You step through the time portal. You are now in the streets of Berlin, Germany on April 29, 1945
Status: Ready
Inventory: Handheld Time Travel Apparatus | Plasma Rifle | Stun Grenades x5 | Kevlar Vest | Gas Mask | Walther PPK 7.65 mm Pistol
Wounds: None
Abilities: None