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Author Topic: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)  (Read 6482 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2011, 05:38:52 pm »

Patrick nodded along as Brian spoke, taking a small sip of the strange beverage and trying not to give a sour look. He was loathe to spend good credits on alcohol he didn't finish.

“Hopefully we won't need much fighting. I have help for that, in the off-chance I do manage to piss-off the wrong group of people. But having a blaster by your side isn't a bad idea, just in case.”

He took another small swig from the tumbler and frowned, his hopes for the second taste being any better were unfounded to say the least.

“You mentioned you had a ship? Small thing? Fit on a Foreman class docking bay? Or are you leaving it in port for now? In either case it sounds like you know your stuff and I'd be up a creek if I went on this next mission without someone looking after the Knave's engines. So I'd like to offer you a job. We work on a share system. So the bigger the profit, the more loot everyone gets. Your own bunk too. I'd bring your own sheets though. Last engineer we had was a Farrellian... they tend to... secrete things from their glands. Smelly things. A lot.”

He extended his hand for a deal-sealing shake. “Don't mean to rush the situation, but it seems we'll be on a tight schedule.” His lips curled upwards in a friendly smile.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Die Wacht am Rhein
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #31 on: May 28, 2011, 05:45:19 pm »

Brian started to think for a few seconds. After a few seconds he responded "I suppose my ship could fit on a Foreman Docking bay, might be a small fit but it should."

He grinned and said "Im in.", he then shook Patricks hand. "Now where do you want me docking my ship?"
Well, you do have a busy life, what with keeping tabs on wild, rough-and-tumble forum members while sorting out the drama between your twenty two inner lesbians.
Your drunk posts continue to baffle me.
Welcome to Reality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #32 on: May 28, 2011, 05:48:06 pm »

" Captain we have a problem we have massive energy readings from bearing 2-5-8. Oh god ! This isn't good Captain the energy readings match that of the Space Force's Taission. What do we do?" asked Vannessa. Hikari looked over at the computer right beside him, and said " It seems they are in range of our Leviathans if we use the long-range launch tubes. Ok lets get this started Vannessa ready Launch tubes 1, 3, and 5 for lauch. Grubs bring all solar collector panels online, and change Launch tubes 1,3, and 5 to long range launch mode. " within a minute Vannessa replied " We are ready to launch on your oder Captain. " The Taission huh... they must have gotten serious, and now its time to make them pay thought Hikari as he reached over, and pressed the launch button. Immediately after he pushed the button the intercom came on " Beginning Countdown to long Range launch. 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... FIRE !!!! " the missles left their launch tubes heading to their target the Taission. Hikari looked at Vannessa, and siad " Open communications with the JSF tell them we have the package the wanted. " she nodded, and began to contact them, and Grubs looked back, and siad " Captain Power is down to 50% if the SF catch us here we are dead. " Hikari looked at the floor, and replied " I know thats why we have to activate the stelath field once we have contaced the JSF forces, adn get this package to their base. "


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #33 on: May 28, 2011, 06:18:33 pm »

7476 looked in dismay at his readouts as a salvo of missiles came crashing down upon the ship. The MDs were now several degrees off target, and reorienting them would require convincing command to reorient the entire ship. Unfortunately, Command would also be mostly human, meaning that they would not understand his request and would doubtless ignore it. He decided to try anyway, in hopes that his CO would prove reasonable, and requested that his CO relay his request to the bridge. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #34 on: May 28, 2011, 06:53:08 pm »

As soon as the missiles impacted, the Taission's Batteries opened up with a counter barrage of lasers and propelled metal slugs upon the new ship.

7476's Gunnery officer tells him to not worry as the targeting computers haver already compensated for the three-degree push by the missiles and told him to prepare for the next salvo.

The Taission's EW team notices the shadow "Diving" and switches from the IR sensors to the gravatic ones, tracking it. they also started an attempt to hack the computing system to switch off the engines.

Catwith watched the command staff on the bridge, receiving a few reports from fire control and the EW team. "Looks like there's a few smugglers around here if EW is right. See if you can disable them so we can bring them in for questioning. If not, just blow them open. Get the boarding teams prepped up and ready to go as we'll be in sight of the main force soon"
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #35 on: May 28, 2011, 07:02:00 pm »

" Vannessa get us out here now !!! Grubs return fire concentrate all autoturrets at their engines, but fire only one volley after that activate the stealth field. Engineering prep the us for lightspeed we need to get out of here ! Now, Simon send a message to the JSF ship tell them sorry, but we have to get out of here we got something to deliver to their main base see how long they can hold off, and tell them once the package is dropped we will come back to help. " Hikari turned to see that Harkinson was standing in the doorway, and Hikari said " I know that look, so be it scrample Skull Squadron now have the your men aim for the weak points of the ship if possible. We will come back to retrieve you. '" and just as Harkinson left the other ships fire it Primis, adn there were several explosions. Hikari yelled " Get us out of here now ! Divert 20 % power to the shields, and put all reserve power into the engines ! If they hit us with much more we are done for now go ! " and just as he finished talking the Stingrays took off, and the warpdrive turned on taking them towards their destination.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Immoveable, Indestuctible
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #36 on: May 29, 2011, 05:06:30 am »

((radio signal fron The knave)) " Uh captain i think were about to get stuck in an crossfire if we dont get of this planet like ASAP.))
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 10:32:36 am by Ahra »
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Elf
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #37 on: May 29, 2011, 07:06:48 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nicole lay back in her bunk, counting the ceiling tiles... again. It's always like this before the first job with a new crew. nobody knows anybody else, so there's not much to go on. Still, it never lasts forever, and ...

Ah, there it is, the captain's yelling through the comms for everybody to show up. Whelp, that's her cue. She jumps out of bed, and suites herself up, grabbing the medikit she always keeps fully stocked. You never know when you'll need somethingm, so you gotta pack as much as you can fit.

She meets up with the captain in the bridge, who seemed impatient. well, she came as fast as she could, and he'll have to live with it.

"So, captain, what do we got?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2011, 09:28:51 am »

ooc: Ahra - Just to let you know, we're not in the Jhordian system where all the shooting is taking place. We're in the Kettle system - A desolate, stinky, backwater on the edge of GPC space.

"Im in. Now where do you want me docking my ship?"

Patrick returned the shake and couldn't help but grin a bit brighter. It had been some time since the Knave had a dedicated engineer. "Docked? Ah, right. I think the sign said it was hanger 8."

The idea that Kettle Starport was a starport at all was a generous term. Really more a collective of building around makeshift hangers dug out of the ground, though they did manage to keep a token security force to enforce some semblance of law and regulation. The captain stood from his chair, pushing the remains of his mysterious blue drink as far from him as he could. As he dusted off his pants he was interrupted by one of his older crew members:

"Uh captain i think were about to get stuck in an crossfire if we don't get of this planet like ASAP."

O'Kelly frowned for a moment, and opened his comm-link, "Cross-fire? You piss off the locals again?" he stated with a half chuckle. "In either case we're taking on a new member, prepare the Knave's aft docking port, we're going to be taking on his ship."

He looked over at Brian and shrugged, "Guess, I'll be seeing you at Hanger 8 soon enough then?" After he exchanged pleasantries he walked off hurridly back to his ship, not eager to see it in the middle of any sort of fighting.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #39 on: May 29, 2011, 10:30:31 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Strife walks onto the bridge after Nicole, as appropriate to hired muscle types, he's got a mil-spec pulse enhanced-solid rifle. As per usual, he's wearing a heavy coat, although he's thrown some webbing festooned with pouches over it.

"Apologies for my lateness. Had a bit of trouble getting a door open. Is the operation a go?"
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Immoveable, Indestuctible
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #40 on: May 29, 2011, 10:36:09 am »

((Aaron was waking up from an shock that had knocked him out)) "uurgh, the captain bought crappy nullifiers again ,glh, wonder if i started rambling like last time this happened
we need an real engineer"
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #41 on: May 29, 2011, 12:35:18 pm »

Ludwig looks at the woman entering the bridge, he hasn't been on a mission with a woman forever and having a woman on the ship gives you something to look at other then the wall. Then after the woman there entered a man, a strong type, promising, somebody you like to have on a ship.

"Alright, we are going to salvage some stuff from this station, preferably from the engine room. Our goal is to get the plasma that is used to run the engine, the nearby planet is paying very well for it. Now, there is no atmosphere in the station and security bots might still be working, so gear up and stay on you're toes. Oh, we also have 60 tons of free space in the hold."

Ludwig puts on a helmet that goes with his suit, checks the status of the suit and steps out of the ship, heading for the engine room.

(I skipped the decompression chamber here in order to save time in-game)
That last gobbo would stand there, missing an arm, punctured in a kidney, liver, and spleen, fading in and out of consciousness at the far end of where the drawbridge would go, and his last sight would be the drawbridge dropping down and smashing him like a bug.

God DAMN I love this game!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Die Wacht am Rhein
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #42 on: May 29, 2011, 01:13:05 pm »

Brian then headed out of the bar, he was glad he actually got a job. The only problem now was remembering what hanger he docked in...

An hour later after a confused search for his ship, he docked at hanger 8. As he stepped out of his ship he turned to take a good look at it. It's original model was a Class II Erebo Mining Vessel, unfortunately when he recieved the ship only half of it was working. He had to replace alot of parts, and the result was this ship. It had no weapons but the mining beam was recently rigged to be able to shoot faster moving targets, although he hasn't even tested to see if it worked due to him being afraid that it would overheat and blow-up.

He stood outside his ship and began to look around for Patrick's ship.

Well, you do have a busy life, what with keeping tabs on wild, rough-and-tumble forum members while sorting out the drama between your twenty two inner lesbians.
Your drunk posts continue to baffle me.
Welcome to Reality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #43 on: May 29, 2011, 01:50:34 pm »

Newton makes sure she's armed, and heads out after him. She doesn't have much in the way of arms, just a blaster, but she knows how to use it. you kinda have to, when you're out here.

She rushes ahead of the captain, eager to be the first to see whatever is waiting for them in the station.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Descan Pengwind
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Re: Space Forces and Freelancers (Structured Freeform Roleplay)
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2011, 05:06:12 pm »

[The bridge of the GPCS Taission]

"Hold on. I'd rather we not waste anymore ammunition on this wretched cur than necessary. Open a up a channel to the Freelancer ship," said Captain Catwith.

The communications officer entered some configuration into his computer, and a signal was broadcast to The Shadow.

"Freelancer, this is Captain Catwith of the Galactic Protectorate Collective's Ship Taission. By opening fire on this vessel, you have committed an act of aggression upon the Galactic Protectorate Collective itself. Therefore, by Collective law, if you do not surrender yourself and your ship immediately and prepare to be boarded, I will be forced to terminate your existence in a most definitive manner. Also, if you do not call off your fighters, there will be no one but you to blame for their deaths."
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 05:37:47 pm by Kadzar »
What if the earth is just a knick in one of the infinite swords of the mighty fractal bear?
Glory to Arstotzka!
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