Why I keep answering to the obvious flame bait post? What so bad and wrong about casual dating/hitting on someone? As long as all involved understand what's going on, it's pretty fun, even if nothing special comes out of it.
Plus, dueling by Pokemon TCG looses the point of dueling. A duel means something because you risk something important, namely, dying, or at least actual bodily harm. Risking a papercut out of a card is not good enough. Dueling for something important while not risking physical harm would mean that whatever you're dueling for is not important enough to actually risk your body. If you were to accept the validity of duels, it would be offensive to all parts, including the prize, to be involved in such thing.
Oh, and of course, it's the challenged, not the challenger who chooses the weapons of the duel. So, it would only be pokemon cards if they want it so. He's certainly to choose something that suits his strengths and your weaknesses.
And I keep answering this thread. Why?Edit:
Getting flashbacks to Yu-gi-oh The Abridged series right now...
I just had to edit to add this. I now wishes that there were a rep system in this forum, just so I could rep this post up.