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Author Topic: Frozen Synapse  (Read 5916 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #45 on: May 28, 2011, 03:16:46 am »

It reminds me of some game called nemesis. This game thankfully has manageable squad sizes...


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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #46 on: May 28, 2011, 03:25:17 am »

Laser Squad: Nemesis?
<Dakkan> There are human laws, and then there are laws of physics. I don't bike in the city because of the second.
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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #47 on: May 28, 2011, 03:42:41 am »

I've been following this game for a while, though despite my enthusiasm I don't feel it's worth the money they're charging for it (even if you assume that the game is only really half the price they're currently charging, because you get a spare copy). I really like these sorts of games, but unless you have a group of friends who'll enjoy playing with you (and assuming one of the group isn't vastly more proficient at these sorts of games, thus discouraging the others in the group from ever trying to compete) I don't see how the game will justify its price.

I could well be wrong however, and that's why I am keeping a close eye on this thread. I hope someone can give an in-depth review of the single player experience once they've had a few days to play through it.

Right now, this game is firmly in the "Wait for a steam sale" category.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #48 on: May 28, 2011, 05:56:24 am »

Is this game finished or still under development? After all these indie games lately you can never be sure :S
I am kinda disappointed that the combat phase (after the planning phase) looks the same as the planning phase, I hoped it would look like real combat and not like yuppy doodles. I still have to beat the AI once though :(

Yes I think it was called like that


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #49 on: May 28, 2011, 07:54:37 am »

Is this game finished or still under development?
Is still being developed. 1v1v1v1 or 2v2 will pretty sure be implemented since the community wants it so much, and also LAN/Hotseat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #50 on: May 28, 2011, 07:55:52 am »

I just bought the game today, and so far I like it!

To demonstrate the game a bit, here are two of my multiplayer games I played today: one win, one draw. These were exported to youtube with the games own "export to youtube" -feature, so these videos lack the planning phase which is between every turn, controls are hidden and the game uses autozoom in this recording. Also, all of these games were "dark", which means you don't automatically see where enemy is. The video shows locations of all soldiers, but in-game I didn't see where my enemy was unless I had Line Of Sight, or saw where he fired granades from etc. Well, I only see at the start of the game (starting positions), but not after that.

Too fully see what is going on, pause at the beginning (when guys first appear) and pause every few seconds. You also may want to watch these videos multiple times, so you do not miss anything they do. There is a planning phase every few seconds, so watching it in one go will only leave you confused.

Anyway, here they are:

I'm green, and it's my first game ever. Idea: Rockettroopper and machinegunner start at top left, I intend to fire rocket at enemy down right while taking him from rear with my 3rd guy. The machinegunner at top left is supposed to cover vs any enemy from downwards direction, but enemy machinegunner takes mine out, leaving the rocket-troopper alone. I do manage to take out the enemy on right, so it's even after first turn.

Problem here is: rockets have to be fired manually. It means rocket trooppers will never fire automatically on sight. Also, rockets have to hit something solid, or they'll fly forever and never explode, map border will not make a rocket explode. This means rockets and such are very hard to use. As you can see from my rocketguy dying in the upper left, during the game.

The game comes down to a 1v1 shootout, which I win barely.


Fun fact: chats are incredibly well integrated into the game - in addition to private and in-game chats, there is an in-game irc chat you can enter, if you want to. It's like a public channel of the game. But here is the second game:


Start of the game planning phase: I'm green again. My machinegunner in the cube that's in middle of the screen can in theory take out the enemy machine gunner north of him, but after a couple of test simulations I see the red rocket-guy can shoot a rocket at my cube and take my guy out. So I decide best course of action is to run fast to left, and then turn around and defend versus two enemy guys in the north, if they decide to come south to the open area. Meanwhile my rocket guy (on left side of screen) will shoot a rocket at the wall shotgunner is hiding behind, so he can't just wait there in ambush and my shotgun guy will run down to meet enemy shotgunner, if he decides to run out. My guy on top right was the hard one: I had to test simulate over 20 different scenarios before coming up with one that would enable me kill both enemies, if they decided to peek into the room. I start the game and... didn't go as planned. I was right about enemy rocket-guy shooting at my cube in the middle - good thing I ran out. Also, one of enemies peek into top right room and gets killed, just as I planned. But enemy shotgunner takes a route I didn't expect and kills both my rocket and shotgun guys! EEEK!

I run several scenarios of my machinegunner taking on enemy shotgunner, but my machinegunner dies every time, so I decide only way my machinegunner is going to live is to run away and hopefully ambush the shotugnner while he triest to rush into the room. My top right decides the other enemy machinegunner is sneaking north somewhere because I didn't see it, so I sneak to south door of the room and see if I can pick off the enemy shotgunner from far range, if he decides to come up and right from where he killed 2 of my guys.

I get a lucky strike as the 2nd enemy machinegunner triest to peek into the room from the exact door I'm sitting on, and I manage to kill him. My guy on the left isn't as lucky as enemy shotgunner overpowers him. Meanwhile in top left I start the search for enemy rocket guy. I find him, take a few shots but the rocketer runs away: I decide it's not a good idea to chase him downwards, because there are so many obstackles he can shoot rockets at. Instead I turn left and....I catch the enemy shotgunner running towards me! Thank god I didn't start going right: I would have died to enemy shotgunner shooting at my back.

Enemy rocketer shoots at me, misses barely, and the game ends to a draw.


I think this game is great! What my videos did not show was the granade launcher: bit like rockets, but they do not break walls, instead granades bounce off walls and have a slightly lesser radius, also are slower so you have more time to run away from them.

What makes this game especially great is two thing in my opinion:
1)There is no luck involved. Everything is mathematically calculated, and if the test simulation shows something will happen in some way, it will happen so when the turn is executed for real.
2)You have infinity to plan, test, and try out different things. This means also that your enemy has, so if you get bored waiting for your enemy to finish his turn, you can start another game! This way you can play multiple games at the same time, and game informs you when you get a next turn in a game you are not currently in, and shows all active "action is needed" -games. This way you will never be bored, and you will always have as much time as you need to take all scenarios into account.

Also, I should say, your guys are not always scattered around the map, sometimes each team starts in one corner of the map. For example, green on top left and red on bottom right. Also, all of the maps are randomly generated.

I say this was totally worth the 20€.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 10:51:57 am by Mandaril »
Oddom Adagsibrek, war Mandrill (Tame)
"He is incredibly skinny yet gigantic overall. His hair is brown. His skin is cinnamon. His upper body bears a very short straight scar. His left front leg bears the marks of old wounds, including a tiny straight scar. His right front foot bears a very short straight scar. His throat bears a massive curving scar. His eyes are orange."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #51 on: May 28, 2011, 06:28:34 pm »

I'd love anyone's extra copy as well


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #52 on: May 28, 2011, 10:01:17 pm »

Multiple people wanting extra copies here; I'm sure some of you could gang up and buy the game together, for ten bucks per face.

Anyway, this is surprisingly addictive in multiplayer. There are many little things that annoy me, though. Weapon picks for teams seem to be totally random in all multiplayer scenarios except extermination. That really sucks. I mean, having other team with a sniper and a rocket launcher and the other with just shotguns and assault rifles sucks balls. The game should really give both teams the same amount of heavy weapons, just randomizing whether they get grenade/rocket/sniper for each pick. Now you can lose or win a fight purely by lucking out on the weapon loadout. Second, I really wish there was direct information provided on line of sight for each guy. What they actually see... and the ranges of their weapons.

Oh and I'd like it, if you could put a timer on the planning phase. Some people spend too much time with it, that would make the action hectic. Say, one minute for planning, max. I already play only with Fog of War; Fog of War and timer would be sweeeeeeeet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #53 on: May 28, 2011, 10:13:22 pm »

Oh and I'd like it, if you could put a timer on the planning phase. Some people spend too much time with it, that would make the action hectic. Say, one minute for planning, max. I already play only with Fog of War; Fog of War and timer would be sweeeeeeeet.
Seeing as you're not limited to one concurrent game, I don't see the need for this.
Just go to a different session while you wait.
Mishimanriz: Histories of Pegasi and Dictionaries


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #54 on: May 29, 2011, 02:24:55 am »

I gotta say. This game would make for killer livestreaming. While Cript was playing today, I was talking about what he had to do (I've not played it much), and I had a fun time sharing what I thought he should do. Now, I've no doubt I was more of a hinderer  than a help, it would be sweeter than sweet Bro to have a bunch of people crowd around Solifuge and yell at him what to do.
Clearly, cakes are the next form of human evolution.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #55 on: May 29, 2011, 07:29:19 am »

Seeing as you're not limited to one concurrent game, I don't see the need for this.
Just go to a different session while you wait.

Not the point. People make mistakes under pressure. Mistakes tend to be hilarious. More mistakes, more fun. Getting infinite time to plot your moves removes this element from the game. I'm just saying it would be nice addition, like light/dark choice. 


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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #56 on: May 29, 2011, 08:01:43 am »

Not the point. People make mistakes under pressure. Mistakes tend to be hilarious. More mistakes, more fun. Getting infinite time to plot your moves removes this element from the game. I'm just saying it would be nice addition, like light/dark choice.
That element was never in that game at all. It is turn-based for a reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #57 on: June 03, 2011, 12:00:56 am »

Alright. I am still playing this game, and I must say I love it. Although it is really hard at first until you learn the flow of the game. Then it gets easy. Then they throw overwhelming numbers of enemies at you. Then it is hard.

At any rate, I think I have found my favorite NPC of all time in this.

Keep this picture in your mind, a unarmed and helpless civilian is lead to the strongest enemy base in the area, when he is part of a assault team that's only job is to get him into a building that is heavily guarded by enemies that grossly outnumber them so he can plant C4 to bring it down.

Here is what he says as snipers trade shots, machine gunners riddle the land with bullets, and enemy rocket men blow up pretty much the entire side of the map that I started on:

Yes, you sort this out. Afterwards, we'll go and get some chicken. Mm-hmm, chicken. You can control my movements: tactics really aren't my area of expertise.

The battle starts. Bullets are flying and he is running from cover to cover to stay alive.

Hmm. Don't think much of this duct work. How're you suppose to get consolidated airflow with ducts this small? Has anyone seen my tools?

Less then a yard in front of him my machine gunner takes a shot to the head, dieing instantly and spraying him with blood.

The guy who built this was having a laugh! Look at those struts. Good lord, I'm hungry. Hungry for chicken.

Everything is blowing up around him, and my only hope for clearing the way to the room he needs to get to is shot in the head by a sniper.

You know, I could just lean on one of these walls and the structure would probably go down anyway.

My last unit, a grenadier, sacrifices himself to clear the room. Surprisingly it worked! The AI screwed up it seems, and can not get any of his shooters back there in time. He makes a mad dash for the room, making it just as the wall behind him blows up, if he was a inch closer he would have been killed.

Device is operational, chaps. Also, it's a quarter past chicken, so I will be seeing you.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #58 on: June 03, 2011, 02:27:29 pm »

Hopy shit guys. Have any of you got to the new unit 'devastator'? That is god damn ridiculous. I won't spoil what it does, put I will leave you a screen shot of it's aftermath.

At one point that was a double walled building.


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Re: Frozen Synapse
« Reply #59 on: June 05, 2011, 07:24:25 am »

Oh hey! Back in the days Hemmingjay presented me a beta login/password access through a rumble, and it looks like it's applied to the full game too! Awesome :).

Thanks again to Hemmingjay, and add me on Steam (my username is "deon23").
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