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Author Topic: Rebellion! Turn 5: Time for a prison break, m'lord?  (Read 11251 times)


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Re: Rebellion!
« Reply #60 on: May 27, 2011, 05:52:55 pm »

Spoiler: Imperial Decree (click to show/hide)

Due to the fear-inspiring effect of the Empire's forces it has become somewhat harder to obtain proper intelligence, but it seems that there has been troop movement and some fighting nearby Middbord. naval activity around Cessfenn has been increased and part of the garrison of Törnharb has started moving to an unknown destination.

Actions: Pyrus begins mustering and arming his loyal forces in Rindbronn and scouting out the Imperial Garrison to discover it's strength.

At the same time, he incites riots in the nearby cities of Rindreht and Wodesbarth to draw out Imperial strength from Rindbronn itself.

You can feel the unrest brewing in the area around Rindbronn. More an more people are coming to your speeches and they are getting ever more rowdy. Amongst the rabble, you notice two fellows who seem to have quite some influence on the people. Upon further inquiry, it seems the tow, called Börn Hammerhilt and Egard Mehlsow are the de facto leaders of the small group of rioters that trash the cities along the Rind almost seasonally. Although you haven't had the chance to speak to them directly, your words seem to have the desired effect. Reports of unrest brewing in Rindreth and Wodesbarth are seeping in and the people in Rindbronn are getting more and more restless. But it's not the time yet to strike.

First thing is to arm up. You manage to gather 300 of your most loyal followers, as well as some equipment 'borrowed' from the local garrison with the help of a disgruntled soldier, enabling you to equip yourself with medium weapons and light armor. He also estimates there are some 1.200 men manning the garrison and walls altogether, although at least 120 of them aren't planning on supporting the crown in the first place.  All your men have high moral and are very loyal to you. 


Pledge the Crimson Company to help in the Siege of Denskbord. The artillery will mostly obey the general in charge of the attack's command, but my own troops will stay a bit behind, waiting for the right moment to launch a decisive assault with minimal losses.

Your company moves to assist with the siege, but unfortunately the assault ends in a stalemate. The rebels took some losses while both the Empire and the Crimson Company came out almost unharmed.
The Imperial forces have set up camp outside Denskbord. Current plans are to starve the city into submission.
During the fight, one group of Imperial soldiers decided to make a "tactical retreat", leaving their guns behind. One of your centurions saw his chance and secured the guns. Will you keep the 5 pieces of medium artillery, risking that the empire finds out, or do you return them and hope for a reward?

- Move frigates in Denskhahn to assist with blockade in Denskbord

- Have ships in Perrionne patrol for smuggling operations

- Ask the Tresurer of the Kingdom if Guild Mercenaries can be payed a premium due to their training.

- Increase recruitment and training at all halls. Petition the government to assist in arming and equipping new recruits if they do not have their own equipment.

The situation in Denskhahn looks dire. For the Rebels that is. The empire has set up camp outside Denskbord and the Mörnagd has been locked off. A total of 3 Ships of the Line, 13 frigates and 30 cogs are patrolling the waters around Denskbord and the Mörnplad. The amount of smugglers making runs on Denskbord is dropping steeply as a result. Your men have managed to intercept a patrol craft carrying a shipment of 10 cannons, who surrendered without a fight.

On the other hand, you have slightly less success with the Empire. Official reaction to your query is that your men will be payed "according to results". The courier has made it very clear that the Vice-Roy does not see the need of aiding mercenaries who have not contributed yet, but that he is also willing to pay anyone showing good results richly.

Upping the recruitment rates had a noticeable result. 25 fresh recruits have joined the guild in Cessfenn and Ösbord.
Have 100  of the huntes, and 200 of the woodsmen gather together in a set of small bands consisting of 5 hunters and 10 woodsmen, and break off under the guise of hunting parties, have them move west and scout on the town of ochsfrem, and attempt to get any possible armor or guns from the city that we could smuggle back to the forest, make sure they understand to be extremely careful, and avoid all crown personal.
Get the other 100 hunters to train 100 of the farmfolk in a specialized form of trapmaking and setting, using modified rabbit snares, bear traps, pitfalls, and noose traps, that are made to work on humans, have them practice and train, and at the end of the month take the top 50 of the trained farmfolk and name them the forest sappers troop. 

Set 500 of the woodsmen to making wooden walls and defencisive fortifications for the towns and villages that support me in the woods, get them to make the walls appear to be little more the high fences to keep out wild animals, but have them reinforced with sharp spikes on the top, and made to withstand attacks by men.

get the last 200 woodsmen to put thier efforts towards making carts that are able to hide men and suplies within secret compartments in the carts and wagons, have any spare labor go towards making firewood and helping peasents.

Have the free farmers work extra hard towards gathering and planting food, and preserving any extra.

Personally Khan shall look for the most able man, with a bow, woodstraining, and loyalty, and name him Khan's right-hand man.  Then look for any men who may have been part of the army, that would be knowladgeable in firearms and swordsmanship, and try to presuade him to become my advisor and lead trainer of men.

(Ochsfrem is the name of the plains around Ochmed, so I assume you wanted to scout that town)
Scouting the town of Ochmed has been met with some difficulty. The garrison has been brought to a heightened state of alertness due to the rebelling counts to the south of it. Stealing equipment has not been able, but luckely your men have been able to explore the city and surrounding region somewhat. They have also made contact with duke Arrebled, leader of the rebels in th Ochsfrem. He's holding out with a small contingent of men, but he has lost many to desertions and assassination squads that appear to be operating under command of duke Hasbred den Rohsse of Randsmed.

Your training schemes have been more fruititious. Your sapper squad has caught several Imperial scouts in the last few weeks and several of the logging camps in the surrounding area have been fortified with palisades and traps. Besides that, your men have been able to convert 50 carts for covert action.

While inspecting the sappers your eye fell on one of them. You had been looking for your right-hand amongst the hunters and woodsmen, but this man, Per Occhefled radiated with a natural aura of command. According to the trainers he was the de facto leader of the sapper and had made impressive progress with the bow and ax as well, outshining some of the trainers with just a few weeks of training. Unfortunately he isn't a man of the woods and he could be a burden during raids. You are not sure if you should ask him to be your advisor or let him be the leader of the Sappers instead.
Besides him, there are several former infantrymen amongst the hunters who could help your men train with firearms. The most experienced of them, Gern Stressel, was expelled for refusing to attack rioters in Randsmed. Having served 12 years in the army and another 10 as one of your best hunters, he is sure to make an excellent advisor.

ACTION: Letters to Oliver, Corwin, Khan Le'Giash and Jonas. 500 infantry, 100 cavalry and 5 cannons to the eastern border. Train half the reserve. Three ships to patrol his waters and three ships to pirate the royalist ships. Spy sent out.
(Letters are instantaneous, to avoid too much bookkeeping)
You sent out a patrol to the eastern border. Although their heavy guns slow them down somewhat, use of mounted scouts and knowledge of the terrain should enable them to intercept any armies that could pose a threat to your lordships.
Their help is quickly enlisted when one of the 'tax collector' squads enters the rebel lands to seize your possessions. It's obvious the Vice-Roy doesn't take you serious, did he realy think 500 men infantry would pose a threat to you? Your men bring their guns to bear.
Spoiler: Glorious combat! (click to show/hide)
Unfortunately, as your commander orders the guns to open fire, one of them explodes, tearing a gap into your lines. Dazed and shocked, your men are easily rounded up. 80 men of your cavalry manage to flee, but the remaining 20 and your infantry are either killed or taken captive. Your guns are towed away. As the message reaches your lords, moral drops.

Your brother has however more luck. Although he didn't manage to find out anything about planned troop movements, 'enlisting the help' of a kitchen maid did enable him to to find out that a shipment of heavy weapons and armor will arrive in Randsmed in two months (2 turns). Furthermore, training is going as planned.

Coastal patrols report nothing out of the ordinary. Your buccaneers however, team up with a rebel frigate and 2 patrol ships leaving from Törmharb. They intercept a patrol consisting of 2 frigates off of the Mörnplad.
Spoiler: sea combat (click to show/hide)
The frigates are caught completely by surprise, but sailing under a false flag tends to do that. The opening salvo of the rebel frigate rips a hole in the chest of the captain of one of the ships, killing him instantly and prompting both ships to surrender. The rebels loot the ships for weapons and cannons and hand them over to you. You've now got 2 frigates without guns or crew (they require 4 guns each. You could recruit a crew from the fishermen.)


ACTION: Send reply to Lugwid. Take 700 men, with Oliver as general, and capture Meskhabn while leaving a hundred men behind to occupy and expand the swamp and its fortifications. Have spies report in garrison status of Axessven.
After you burned down the garrison in Meskhabn, it was never fully rebuilt and now serves as little more then a police post, with the town relying on the garrison of Cessfenn to protect it. Unfortunately for the Empire, that garrison is now largely stationed outside Denskbord.
Spoiler: Urban combat (click to show/hide)
Although you put up a valiant attempt, you just don't manage to break through the enemy defenses and are pushed back into the swamps. You retreat to your camp, which has been hastily fortified.

Your contacts report that the fortress in Axessvenn has largely been deserted. Only a small force of 900 men still defends it. Unfortunately, it is heavily equipped with at least 150 cannons so a frontal assault is going to be difficult.

Spoiler: Player status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: political map (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 06:36:06 am by Virex »


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #61 on: May 27, 2011, 07:29:19 pm »

 :o wow, very nice update with tons of info! Bravo!

This must have taken a bit of time!


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #62 on: May 27, 2011, 07:40:57 pm »

holy crap, my turn went surprisingly well compared to others, and damn i control alot of land, hahah, anyways loving the turns, I'll post my turn in a bit.
edit* typo under my sappers unit count, you put that I have 1000, when i only have 100
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 07:46:15 pm by kilakan »
Nom nom nom


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #63 on: May 27, 2011, 08:01:05 pm »

Do you see? Do you see how the Empire treats it's subjects?! We come asking for bread, and they respond with CANNON FIRE! The blood of our sons, sisters and wives runs in the street! I say, any man would fire on his countrymen is no countryman of mine. Let Perrano hear your voices! We shall not stand for these crimes! We..."

The Friars voice rose and fell with every practiced nuance. The crowd was eating out of his hand. He had to but point them in a direction...the mob would be an excellent distraction, while his handpicked forces struck the rotten core of Rindbronn. The members of the watchful had given him their blessing. It was almost time.

Use the recent deaths of Imperial rioters as propanganda to increase recruitment of loyal followers-try to recruit local foresters, hunters and trappers.

Arrange a secure meeting with Born and Egard-convince them to begin organzing their people for mass riots.

Start training 50 of my best men in the art of assassination, spying and sabotage.

Arrange a mass prison break from the local dungeons to both increase our popularity, cause chaos and free useful indivuals to fight for us. This will not be a direct attack, but rely upon bribery, blackmail and subterfuge.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #64 on: May 27, 2011, 11:20:26 pm »

Oliver rallies his attack force back at camp, a little wiser and humbled by the stalemate. His attack force suffered losses, but the enemy suffered more! A direct frontal attack would cost him more lives, but starving the people out would be against everything he stood for. "Once more into the breach, my friends!" His small army cheers as he hand out orders to various runners. It was time to attack again, but he had to start planning for what would happen afterwards.

ACTIONS: Take the most charismatic and intelligent five men out of the attack force and send them to Cessfenn with orders to catch a fishing boat to Axessvenn and then start organizing and recruiting for the local resistance.

Send an order for the local garrison at Meskhabn to surrender. If they surrender, none of the soldiers in the garrison will recieve persecution for resisting. If they don't surrender, attack again. If the attack succeeds, take the local garrison that survives as prisoners.

The hundred men stationed in the swamp should continue working on fortifying the camp.
Blizzard is managed by dark sorcerers, and probably have enough money to bail-out the federal government.


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #65 on: May 28, 2011, 04:55:45 am »

As a former GM, you may want to somewhat curbs the amount of dispatching forces the players are able to do. It needs not be a strict rules, but troops and men left on their own away from their beloved leaders may start to think that the war isn't worth it and desert, or turn to the other side.

Basically, there is not incentive to keep our forces in large, manageable bodies so far. If you don't introduce one, the game will soon collapse under the added weight of thousands of small parties doing different actions.

Turn the guns back to the Imperial Forces. As a reward for our honesty, and pointing at the worth of the Company during the fight, ask the General to consider the following plan:
I, along with some of my men, will slip into the besieged city, and try to convince influencial merchant that the fight is not worth it, and that it is in their interest to allow their city to fall quickly rather than endure a long siege that they are bound to loose. If I find sympathetic ears, I will give them a large sum of money (Coming from the general) to help them fund a small counter-insurrection. The counter-insurgees will use the surprise effect to attack the defenders, neutralize guns (Nailing them at nigh would be really effective) and open the gates, thereby removing the advantage from the walls.

This combined effect should allow my and the general's forces to breach into the City, thereby ending the insurgency there and allowing us to turn to Mörn or Denskfrand.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 07:12:24 am by Sheb »

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #66 on: May 28, 2011, 06:40:48 am »

:o wow, very nice update with tons of info! Bravo!

This must have taken a bit of time!
Now you know why it took me a day to get a new turn up ;)

As a former GM, you may want to somewhat curbs the amount of dispatching forces the players are able to do. It needs not be a strict rules, but troops and men left on their own away from their beloved leaders may start to think that the war isn't worth it and desert, or turn to the other side.

Basically, there is not incentive to keep our forces in large, manageable bodies so far. If you don't introduce one, the game will soon collapse under the added weight of thousands of small parties doing different actions.
Good point and thanks for the tip, although armed combat is the main time consumer and I think everyone agrees that small companies just can't do much. If people start splintering their units too much some loyalty problems could occur though ;)

Edit: there also seems to be a bit of confusion about the names on the map. Red names are the names of forests, swamps, plains and other large areas. The names in black are the city names. For example, the Denskplad is the peninsula surrounding the city of Denskbord. If the empire were to conquer Denskbord, rounding up the remaining rebels on the Densplad would probably be relatively easy.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 06:46:49 am by Virex »


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #67 on: May 28, 2011, 07:12:01 am »

Oooops, I meant Denskfrand, not Denskplad.

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #68 on: May 28, 2011, 03:09:36 pm »

Though Corwin was disappointed with the Vice Roy's reply, he was not overly surprised. Though he was slightly worried about the rising momentum of the rebel forces. All around the country he had heard of rising leaders rousing crowds to renounce their oaths to the crown. It didn't sit well with him.

Most worrisome were reports of rising unrest near Denskhahn and Randsmed, both locations of Mercenary Guild halls. Though Corwin couldn't be sure what rebel forces would do to the mercenaries, he doubted they would be favourable terms. Common people had little love for sell swords.


- Have ships at Mornplad turn guns and newly acquired artillery on Denskhahn. If not possible then:

- Ships will continue with their patrols.

- See if additional Cavalry or Artillery forces can be hired or purchased at Denskhahn Harbour.

- If loyalist forces near Ochsfrem decide to attack rebel forces to their south, Mercenary forces at Randsmed will join in the attack from their rear.

Mercenary Guild Forces
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 09:47:29 am by Knave »


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #69 on: May 28, 2011, 04:10:56 pm »

Ludwig was listening to an officer who escaped the chaos. As the man ended his report Ludwig sent him away and he turned his attention to the other two letters. One said about 2 frigates being captured in a successful raid and he sent a messenger to notify the navy to prepare the two frigates with supplies and crew and send one of them to pirating. Ludwig drafted a letter to Khan saying that in 2 months a heavy weapons shipment and armour will arrive in Randsmedd, saying that he hopes that Khan will do something about it. He then drafted another important letter, this time to Iddenberth, asking them to join the rebel cause as the emperor will continue to raise taxes, strip people of positions and let the land to fall deeper into the black hole.

ACTION:Prepare both ships and send one to pirating. Send 400 infantry to ambush the imperial force heading our way and continue training, but now convert 200 trainees to cavalry training. Sent a letter to Iddenberth. Start production of armour and weapons.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 04:29:02 pm by vagel7 »
That last gobbo would stand there, missing an arm, punctured in a kidney, liver, and spleen, fading in and out of consciousness at the far end of where the drawbridge would go, and his last sight would be the drawbridge dropping down and smashing him like a bug.

God DAMN I love this game!


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #70 on: May 28, 2011, 04:27:40 pm »

Promote Garn to become my right hand man, then set him up training 100 of the farmers in the uses of guns and swords.

Personally interrogate the captured scouts, attempting to get information about empire troops in the area, along with the location of empire weapons and armor caches.

give Per Ochfield full command over the sappers troop.

Get 200 hunters to take the trick carts, and move to the rebels in ochsfrem under the guise of peasentry, have them contact the rebel forces and smuggle out the rebel leader and as many of his men as possible, and move them into the forest.   Order the full unit(1000) of woodsmen to supervise this undergoing, stay hidden in the woods should an empire death squad attempt to attack the hunters.  Send Per Ochfield and his sappers to leave traps in the wake, to kill or maim anyone attempting to follow us, have him lead the move towards Ochfrem, and scan the area for traps before, and signal the coming troops.  Get them to attempt to skirmish and ambush any empire men they come across who show suspicion, and attempt to flee to the woods should the troops be found, have them dump the carts if they have to.

The shadows will guide us, and the woods protect us, but we need men accustomed to combat on the open plains, if we are to have sway beyond our borders.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 04:29:46 pm by kilakan »
Nom nom nom


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #71 on: June 01, 2011, 04:07:06 pm »

Arg, got home late for two several days in a row, hence the wait. Tommorow I'm free for the whole day, so expect an update ;)


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #72 on: June 01, 2011, 04:27:29 pm »

Arg, got home late for two several days in a row, hence the wait. Tommorow I'm free for the whole day, so expect an update ;)


yay. :P


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #73 on: June 02, 2011, 01:41:26 am »

Yay!  :D
Blizzard is managed by dark sorcerers, and probably have enough money to bail-out the federal government.


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Re: Rebellion! Turn 2: Stalemates, piracy and exploding cannons.
« Reply #74 on: June 02, 2011, 10:04:36 am »

Hehe, onward with the rebellion.
That last gobbo would stand there, missing an arm, punctured in a kidney, liver, and spleen, fading in and out of consciousness at the far end of where the drawbridge would go, and his last sight would be the drawbridge dropping down and smashing him like a bug.

God DAMN I love this game!
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