So last I heard Sony is discontinuing all the UMD games for the new PsP thing coming out soon. If not, it doesn't matter, its not enough to keep paying money to Sony, I was even gonna start buying the games Digitally, but luckly that was before I realized they were hacked. Thankfully missed that boat...
Yeah Sony I ain't even got a PS3, And I ain't gonna bother any more, your system doesn't import enough games to Australia because we won't buy them cause all you sent us when they first came out were the trash games that USA didn't buy, and maybe one or two ok games. Looking on their PsP catalog online and seeing all these games that never hit our shores. That I WOULD buy... Bah... I can't go into a Store these days and have a good long look at the PsP section, its this big... {}. One SIDE of an aisle Shelf is all they have, the top shelving is PSP Units (Boxes) and 90% of it's games are the same game 5 times over with Preowned on them and mark down stickers. One store has the Games in boxes for less then $20 on even the Latest releases. Those $59.95 games, came out last Month, $20s... Heck even Dissidia 012 was there. I will miss my Handheld MonsterHunter games, but the Wii has Tri so I can deal...
Nintendo have been Emued too much Sony, now its your turn while I play a Nintendo product in my loungeroom or on the Throne. Too many games to count that I want to play there.
Who else out there is trading in their PsP and all their games for something like a DS or 3DS???