My biggest question is: Why would Obama fire up an issue that was just under 50 years old and risk the blaze running out of control?
What are you even talking about? What issue that was under 50 years old? Is your grasp of what's going on over there any less tenuous than in your original post?
The USA and Britain have invested quite a bit in Israel, since they decided to finally give them a place in Palestine back in the day. Having someone in the middle east that likes us is a good thing, but now it seems like we're just trying to pander to everyone that just wants us to let them be. We keep poking them and asking, "Does this make you happy?", but they keep screaming, "Just leave me alone!"
And I think that's what we need to do. Just leave things alone. Sometimes, inaction is the best course of action. Picking at a scab just means it'll never heal.
Inaction would be cutting off the millions in aid we give to the PA and the billions in aid plus weapons we give to Israel, among other things. As it is we're so heavily invested in Israel that it sort of becomes our job by default to mediate their problems. Of course, the Palestinians long ago realized it's retarded to let us be the mediator, given that our presidents will regularly contradict their own country's view of international law in order to protect Israel from scrutiny for what it does, among other things.
So, is Israel going to join the anti-American sentiment in the Mid-East, now? Feels like it.
Who knows? They certainly will be ungrateful to Obama for the sacrifices of credibility he's made for them. But as soon as a Republican president comes around who slavishly obeys everything AIPAC says, then they'll love America again. That's how it's always worked.
As for what he accomplished, shit, who knows? The PA was like screw that, we're still going to the UN rather than let our enemy's biggest ally/lackey tell us not to assert our rights. Netanyahu was like screw that, we won't...well, act like a reasonable government I guess. In September things are still more or less going to go as planned. Unless Hamas goes even further in moderation than I'm expecting and formally recognizes Israel, negotiations won't restart, and even if that happens, talks still probably won't restart given the fact that Netanyahu would never freeze settlement building. And in any case the PA has given up hope of talks accomplishing anything and they're the only party who see it as in their interest for talks to accomplish anything. Hence the UN move.
It's going to be an interesting September.