Religion is not an innately evil thing.
One: anything (good, evil or moral) can be used as a scapegoat
Example: democratic government -> French Revolutionary Terror period
Example: Betterment of the human race -> Social Darwinism
General: "<positive effect> justifies the means"
Saving souls justifies being a dick
Negative truth: Religion may be used for evil purposes
Just because something can occasionally be used as a scapegoat does not mean that it does not cause problems. Religion definitely causes a lot of problems, and evil. You can not rationally deny that.
Two: Religion provides people with a certainty to life
It provides a false impression of certainty, not actual certainty. That is harm, not good.
That morality has an actual reason rather than being the result of random chance (or random chance applied to competition)
What? Real morality is derived perfectly from reason and compassion, not faith and tradition encumbered by thousands of years of atrocities.
That there is something more to existence after death
Is there? Nothing rational shows that there is on a personal level. Meanwhile, in the real world we can focus on our lives now and the lives of generations to come after our death.
That there is a purpose for humanity and for specific humans
Is there? You are talking about predestination, the removal of will. That is a bad thing. Our purpose is the one we make for ourselves.
That the final victory of good over evil is ensured.
Thus ensuring that the good will never work hard enough to actually overcome evil. that is again, a bad thing. Evil will win unless good stands up and fights for what is right.
Specifc Rebutal
1: Says you, arguing with belief is a pointless endeavor. See also "mystery of faith"
Says me because I am right. The existance of magic, gods (or any one god over all the others) and an afterlife is an extra ordinary claim and requires extra ordinary evidence to even be considered. Yet no such evidence exists.
2: Says you. Closest thing I've ever had to be physically forced into a church service is the last time that I guy driving by me on the street asked me if I'd like to join him for a service. See also non-rebuttal points one through three. Religion provides comfort and certainty for people.
You are honestly telling me you are ignorant of the millions of people who have died as a direct result of religion? I have very personal experience with it. I have 2 dead siblings, a brother beaten deaf, a sister so abused she sterilized herself to save her potential children from being born into a world so horrible, another sister abused so horribly that she is terrified of even talking to people. All thanks to the religion I was born in and brainwashed to believe absolutely as a child. In addition to the shit I lived through, I also got strangled by a preacher for asking to many questions. This is the shit I don't talk about or think about because I feel rage so powerful that I would have to be a saint to keep it from taking over. Fortunately, I AM morally superior, in no small part because I reject faith completely. So shut the fuck up because you don't know what evil really is until you experience it first hand. SO DAMN RIGHT SAYS ME.
3: Ascribing terms like amoral or evil to omniscient beings is difficult at best and pointless at worst. Whole 'nother discussion, really.
No, not really. Some things are amoral and evil, the bible clearly describes god doing these things. There is no room for argument. The god worshiped by all Christians Jews and Muslims is evil, even if they choose to be ignorant of it.
4: Not specific to Religion. Any type of opinion does this.
It isn't specific to religion, but it is an integral and inseparable part of it. And no, not any type of opinion does this.
5: Really? See non-rebuttal point one as well as "conspiracy theory." Unless it's supposed to be about authoritarian theocracies, in which case just see non-rebuttal point one.
1: really? provide one sliver of evidence for the existence of god.
2: brain washing is used in every church, period. Memorization, repetition, reinforcement, Repeat. Its in your prayers, you hymns and your verses. Fear of damnation ass well as ostracism from religious community is used by nearly every christian church. Violence is far, far more prevalent than you can imagine. It happens right under your nose and most people never notice it.
3: It doesn't except that nearly when talking about religion I don't really care about the odd benign religions the exist as outliers.
4: it is a bare assertion, but its one well documented and supported from other sources.
Criptfeind: yep. Religion is still doing horrible, horrible things. All the time, all over the world. It far, far outweighs the little good things that it does here and there.