I drink waaayyy too much coffee. As a kid, I was big into tea and could never get into coffee. Once I graduated high school and started going to work at 8am, where you can't sleep for an extra hour until you wake up, I learned to drink coffee. Then I learned to love it. Now I think I'm starting to learn to hate it.
Well, ok, not hate, but I need to cut back. I like mine stronger than normal so it doesn't turn into cream-flavored nasty after a slash of half and half.
When there's a new game out (like Terraria.....) my coffee pot gets like twice the use too. I think I've been through 2 Mr. Coffees at least in the last 4 years. It's to the point now I do what professional drinkers do: I make myself drink a large glass of water or two after every pot. You don't realize until it's way too late how dehydrated you get.
I try to get whole bean when I can, because Folgers and most commercial brands are shit. It's pretty appalling here in the midwest though. People here are obsessed with flavored coffees, and they'll soak beans in flavored oils before putting them up for sale in the grocery stores. All the quality gourmet beans are bumped out for shit like "Butternut Scotch" and "Maui Wowi". You walk into the coffee aisle and it's like they mopped the floors with Hazelnut oil. Blech.