Before rocket boot nerf, my accessories were usually Rocket Boots+ALL MANA RINGS (Plus full jungle set, of course)
Nowadays, it is Rocket Boots+Red Balloon+Ciab+DepthFinder+PocketWatch (Skull replacing one of the last two when going to fire town. I don't even know what armor I wear anymore, its not like it matters)
But basically, nerfing the boots have reduced options from two viable final accessory choices, one of which I was interested in, to one that I'm not.
If they introduce a leveling system, I'm done with the game for good pretty much. Same for random modifiers. I've played enough games that with lazily slopped together mechanics or based on grind to have absolutely no interest in that. I already hate the "rare drops from enemies" system they have now, but tolerate it because frankly I couldn't give a damn about any of that stuff and its totally unneeded to enjoy the game.
No, what I really want is worse equipment options, and more variability among what picks/axes/hammers can break/destroy. That will open the doors to a lot of awesome scenarios and fun gameplay opportunities.
(Shovel that can only dig dirt/sand/mud, stone pick that works as it does now for ores but not for regular stone. Axes that can only destroy wood thats only 1 width thick or something. Just something, you know, to give a sense of escalation. I love the demonite or greater pick required for the good materials, and I want more of it!)