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Author Topic: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (overseers wanted!)  (Read 15223 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2011, 02:01:02 pm »

I want a turn. I'll be the handyman, slap a skill on me and I'll do whatever. Every fortress needs a handyman.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2011, 03:43:07 pm »

Just finished my turn. Here's the save:

The embark supplies:
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The dwarves:
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Urist Mcmean
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Journal of Johnnydigs:

1st of Granite-
Ok, so apparently I'm suppose to keep a journal now because Urist Mcmean told me to. Well if you're reading this Urist:


Ya I said it, you grumpy bald bastard. I can't believe you dragged us all to this frozen hell hole. You tore apart the wagon while giving a little speech about standing together or falling together in this god forsaken wasteland blah blah blah. If it wasn't for those two axe wielding goon henchmen you brought along you'd a have a pick in your back.

Now you force me to do all the actual fort building while you keep stocks and "supervise".  Bah you
lazy littl...wait, I hear strange noises. This place is freakin me out. Where's my pick? I need to get my hairy ass underground.

10th of Granite-

I take it back Urist, I'm sorry I wished Armork smite you down. I didn't mean it! It was just anger. Im sorry I called those brave dwarves, Biag and Maldevious goons.

When it was decided we were here to stay, SirAaron and I grabbed our picks and started digging through the ice to get to the stone beneath. The others were hauling all the food down to the planned entrance while Urist stayed up on the hill counting all our supplies.

Everything seemed to be going well but suddenly a dragon came out of nowhere and went straight for Urist. It wasn't even alive. Its entire body was rotting and its head was split open spilling brains everywhere it went. As soon as it scaled the hill to where all our supplies were, it opened its rotting jaws and unleashed a huge cloud of flame. Urist barely avoided getting cooked as he fled for his life.
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Biag and Maldevious grabbed their axes and charged at the dragon while it was distracted. They tore it to pieces I couldn't believe it.
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But right before the zombie dragon fell it unleashed one more cloud of flame and caught both of them in it.
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They're both charred corpses now and another rotting dragon, this time with many heads, climbed up the hill as well. A Hydra is what this one was and it chased Urist straight into a pack of ice wolves that proceeded to tear him apart.
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The whole time the rest of us hid in the tunnel Aaron and I dug out. We tried to build a drawbridge but we could not finish it before the Hydra came for us. I had Gatleos make an emergency wall to keep that thing out but now we're stuck in here and all our supplies are outside. That stinking Hydra is just camping out there waiting for us to come out.

15th of Granite-

We're still stuck in here. We managed to get the two horses, a dog, and a cat inside before we built the wall. The hydra went and killed the other dog and cat stuck outside. Since we have no food I had Varnish slaughter the horses.
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21st of Granite-

Still digging. I'm so damn thristy. We need to do something or we'll all waste away in here. We're digging a tunnel under where most of our supplies were. Maybe we can collapse them in here but that would require us to go outside and dig channels. The hydra is still out there waiting for us.
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5th of Slate-

We had to risk it so we made a plan. It was simple. We dig some ramps to the surface (because trying to dig stairs from underneath doesn't work apparently) and we all run out there and get the Hydra to chase one of us while the rest dig the channels. Things change though when you haven't had a single drop of liqour in weeks. We all ran straight for the booze but had to run away when the Hydra came for us. It would always chase one dwarf but it went back for the other three that were trying to get a drink from the barrels. This went on over and over for..was it days? It felt like days.

Anyways, Varnish finally snapped, grabbed one of the axes from the charred corpses of our old comrades, and charged straight at the hydra. We all watched (and drank) in horror as Varnish battled the beast. One minute I'm watching Varnish get smacked down to the floor, the next minute my heads in the booze barrel, and when I finally have to get it out to breathe I see the Hydra is nothing more than a lump of gore on the snow. How the? Oh well, this deserves another round of drinking!
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27th Slate-

We collapsed all our supplies in the tunnel and completed the drawbridges. Varnish and SirAaron won't stop yelling at me. They think we should bury the corpses of the other dwarves but screw that, I ain't going out there with all those Rocs and zombie goats out there.

Gatleos has been a real pain in my ass. I hate Gatleos so much....
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Everyone is too busy yelling and no one bothered to move the horse meat in the butcher's shop. Now there's miasma everywhere, god it stinks.

1st of Felsite-
SirAaron refused to do any work. I had to have a long talk with him that resulted in me being cried on. Dammit my beard is all wet which then froze solid so now I AM unhappy!
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13h Felsite-
Had a meeting with Varnish which was nothing but a yelling contest really. I'm trying to do the best I can here. We have four rooms, a small dining room, and a big area dug out to put storage and workshops for now. Gatleos is busy smoothing out the dining room.
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27th Felsite-
I have to keep holding meetings with Varnish and SirAaron to discuss their "feelings" of unhappiness. Don't they know I don't give a damn? I'm trying to dig and find some carverns so we don't all starve to death later. I had Gatleos make and engrave some slabs. Maybe that will shut them up.

1st of Hematite-
Summer is here. A small group of our guildmates are suppose to migrate here in the summer. I don't know how they'll even get in here with all the roks flying around outside.

7th of Hematite-
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Yes we found an underground lake. This is where we will build our fort in the caverns. Whats up there is only temporary. Time to smelt all the copper and hematite to make equipment for ourselves so we can take it.

26th of Hematite-
After a long deserved break we are finally starting to smelt ores and burn wood. We also dug out some graves for our fallen comrades. The corpses are still outside being picked clean by ice wolves, so ya, we can't get to them yet.

13th Malachite-
The migrants are here but our entrance is under siege by Ice wolves! We only have a couple iron mail shirts and helms. I told the others to grab the picks and axes and to prepare themselves. We have to attack or the migrants will be eaten.
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16th Malachite-
With a mighty roar we lowered the drawbridge and charged out the entrance. Our enemies the ice wolves, had apparantly already ran away...victory!
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Three of our old guildmates have joined us in this frozen hell hole. A milker, a wood burner, and a smith who is ten times better than SirAaron. This is good news!

Also, we were finally able to recover the corpses.

10th of Galena-
Work work work. I drafted the milker and wood burner as axedwarves. The migrant smith is making armor for them. I told her to smelt the cassiterite we brought to make some copper shields. She just slapped me upside the head, laughed at me, and told me cassiterite is the ore for tin not copper. What kind of idiot embarks with a ton of useless tin?

1st of Limonite-
It is now autumn.The slacker smith is pissing me off. Still waiting for the soldiers to get properly equiped so we can take the caverns. Also, the female dog we managed to save was pregnant and gave birth to three puppies. All were female too.

3rd Sandstone-
More migrants showed up. A herbalist, a stoneworker, another armorsmith, and a fisher. Thankfully the Ice wolves went away and the migrants came from the south east avoiding all the zombie rocs in the north.

18th of Sandstone-
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We have taken the caverns! All we need to do is hook up the drawbridges to levers and we will be secure. Time to relocate everything down here.

18th of Timber-
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A caravan has arrived! They come from the southwest avoiding the rocs in the north. I hope they like all these mugs, crafts, and instruments I made from marble.

1st of Moonstone-
Winter is here. I traded a bit with the merchants but I'm not so good at this haggling business. I'm pretty sure they ripped me off. Currently trying to make more mugs to see if I can get more out of them.

14th Moonstone-
The merchants packed up and left. They didn't care that we were hauling extra mugs to the depot to trade some more.
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They took off in the caverns instead of going back to the surface. Good luck with that!

17th Moonstone-
The trade liason took off. I told him we need wood, ores, bars, and some other stuff. He left using the front door like a sane dwarf.

1st of Obsidian-
I drafted almost all the migrants. They all had skills in fighting anyways so they didn't mind. Now its just SirAaron, Varnish, Gatleos, me, and one of the smith migrants running the fort while the others train and spar. SirAaron and I are just mining and hauling. We stop to do stonecrafting or weaponsmithing as needed. Gatleos and Varnish are both cutting wood on top of their original duties. Varnish is also our temporary carpenter and mechanic too. The migrant smith is making charcoal, smelting hematite, and making armor for our badly equipped military. All of us tend to the plant fields as well.

1st of Granite-
The fort is doing well thus far. We have bedrooms, a dining room, a hospital, and four big multipurpose storage/workshop rooms. My job is done and I'm sick of overseeing. Everyone keeps bothering and complaining at me and I just want to dig and be left alone. I'm handing this job over to the first dwarf that passes me in the hallway. Let someone else deal with this mess. I don't even care if its Gatleos, whom I hate with a passion.

Also,I have not forgotten about the goblin tower that looms over the mountains in the south. They've surely noticed the passing of the caravan to our fort. I have decided to name the fort Slaughtergorges, because its only a matter of time....
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 06:17:31 pm by JohnnyDigs »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2011, 08:58:12 pm »

I am astonished that my dwarf survived, and even more surprised that he apparently took down a hydra! We cooks are a tough bunch, believe you me.

Looks like nice work so far, looking forward to my turn (Which will no doubt be disastrous).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2011, 06:36:57 pm »

Had no internet for two days, anyways, Gatleos hasn't taken the save yet? Did I start too soon? Oh well, I'm going to make a schedule so everyone knows when their turn is. Current GMC time is Tuesday 11:30 pm or 23:30. A players turn will start in 9:00 pm (21:00) GMC time and end at the same time the following day. I'll let Gatleos have the rest of this day and tomorrow to finish a turn. After that Varnish picks up Gatleo's or my save and we go from there.

05/17 Tue 21:00- 05/18 Wed 21:00: Gatleos
05/18 Wed 21:00- 05/19 Thus 21:00: Varnish
05/19 Thurs 21:00- 05/20 Fri 21:00: Biag
05/20 Fri 21:00- 05/21 Sat 21:00: Urist Mcmean (blah28722)
05/21 Sat 21:00- 05/22 Sun 21:00: SirAaronIII
05/22 Sun 21:00- 05/23 Mon 21:00: Maldevious
05/23 Mon 21:00- 05/24 Tue 21:00: Selenite
05/24 Tue 21:00- 05/25 Wed 21:00: Open
05/25 Wed 21:00- 05/26 Thurs 21:00: Open

Google a time zone map to find out what 21:00 GMC is for you. For example, I subtract 7 hours because 21:00 is 14:00 where I live.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2011, 07:14:51 pm »

I get it on a Saturday? Frikkin' sweet, man! Right when I get off classes too.
"I want to watch the sun setting below the horizon, thinking about my significance in this world. That's my dream."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2011, 08:39:50 pm »

I won't be able to take a turn, but will enjoy reading along. My dwarf had some real quick FUN.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2011, 09:37:22 am »

Well, I've checked over the times and I believe it is my turn right now? At any rate, I've got the save and am playing right now. Feel free to interrupt me if I've got this wrong, otherwise, I'll post my progress soon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2011, 11:54:50 am »

(Ok, here we go.)

Varnish Gives an Account of His Time as Overseer of the Fortress of Slaughtergorges, or, Augh oh no oh help we're all doomed!

Early Spring:
Today, following the finest traditions of dwarfs all around the world, Johnnydigs ceded power over the fortress to the next dwarf in line, me. At least, I think he did. Man was in a bit of a hurry, and all he said was "It's your nightmare now, Varnish!" So I, also in the finest tradition of dwarfs everywhere, spent the first day of my rule huddled  between to rum barrels,  shaking in terror.

But I'm better now. I only moan in despair every ten minutes or so, at the most.

I took a few moments to survey our little home here in the caverns.  Our previous overseer handled things quite well, considering a large portion of our first year was spent watching friends get fried up and eaten, crispy style. But there's room for improvement. I've made it my first goal to organize our food stockpiles. Right now the damn things are scattered every which way. Now, I don't mind having a few near the dining room and so on, myself, but there's such a thing as a centralized location! I like things at least a bit organized

Also, there's all sorts of the remains of little critters lying all over the place, just waiting to rot. Cats!

All right for those that like 'em. I like them roasted on a spit, myself, with perhaps a tourne of glazed plump helmet on the side. But no one asked me.

Down to work.

I do wonder about some of our previous overseers decisions. I mean, we have a dyer's workshop. Why? And it's using up one of our buckets, which could just as easily be put into a well! I'm putting a stop to it. We can have fancy dyed clothing after we get the luxury of clean water.

There are lizard remains everywhere. The cat may soon have an "accident".

The well is built! So long as we have booze, it's not a complete nescessity, but I feel better just knowing that it's there. I hope I put it in the right place. I'm not sure what Johnny was going for with this odd little platform. I mean, I can't read the fellow's mind. I suppose I could have just asked him, but... nah. It's a well now.


Migrants have arrived! Here's hoping we can get them in alive.

Our fort population has jumped from 11 to 36. Lots of new faces around here, looking half froze and completely stunned.

Yeah, folks, welcome to Slaughtergorges.  It's got that name for a reason. Still, they came with plenty of animals. Or, as I like to call them, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and afternoon tea. The tea being booze, of course. Booze tea.

I have made food and booze production my goals for this year. We're skating on the edge of starvation and sobriety here, and those are things that no dwarf wants.

Particularly the second.

Let the butchering and brewing begin!

Late spring:

The elf caravan  has arrived. I'll admit freely that I was not expecting them. From what I've read about the fellows, elves like trees, and things made of wood, and um... bushes, all of which are distinctly lacking here. But they made it here, and presuming they aren't et by zombies, we'll trade with them. Who knows? They might have brought booze!

Well, from the elves we have strawberry wine, river spirits, and some other junk. All for a few mugs made out of rock salt. Strange people, these elves.

(Coming next: Summer and autumn. Having a time limit on my turn had made me realize what a slow gamer I am. And also a confused one.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2011, 02:32:52 pm »

I'd like a turn.

Khoreas. Male, anything remotely close to a physician. (Even an herbalist (lol) or a bone carver would suffice.)
...And no one notices that a desert titan is made out of ice. No, ice capybara in the desert? Normal. Someone kinda figured out the military? Amazing!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2011, 03:09:55 pm »

I'll take Wednesday 5/25 to Thursday 5/26, if no one objects. I'll be completely and utterly done with all my classes by then.

Also, dwarf me. Name: Vandersleld. Must admire a funny animal.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2011, 03:12:34 pm »


Ah, summer in Slaughtergorges! It's basically a lot like spring, and come to think of it, a lot like autumn as well. And one should never leave out how strongly it resembles winter in Slaughtergorges.

Most folks were busy with the food and farming and what not, but one dwarf apparently found himself being pushed by “eldritch forces unknown” to a workshop, where he began work on a project “beyond that which may be understood by mortal minds”. At least, that's what they tell me.

I don't know what they were on about. I understand it quite well. It's a gauntlet. You put it on your hand. Not sure why it's  made out of tin, but it seems quite nice.

It's even got a picture of itself on it! Which also has a picture of itself on it. And that picture has... Uh... Oh.

Huh. Not sure what happened, but apparently Gatleos found me curled up in a corner, murmuring something in a guttural, incomprehensible language. Well, whatever. I'm sure I just had a bit too little to drink or something. Anyway, I had them put the gauntlet somewhere safe and out of sight.

The rest of the summer was quite dull. A human caravan arrived towards the end, not doubt having braved the wastes in search of our famous salty mugs. We gave them all that they requested, and more. (And by more, I mean more mugs made out of salt).


Nothing much continues to happen, repeatedly. The zombie rocs that filled us with such fear when we first arrived don't seem to do much besides hover pointlessly in the air.

 I think the hordes of badgers waiting just outside the entrance are far more dangerous.


More migrants arrived, bringing up up to 54 dwarfs. Some folks we'll draft, I suppose, but I'm beginning to wonder what to do with all of them. It seems like half of them are animal trainers, too. Maybe we can start a circus.

Until we get things really organized (not under my watch. I'm already looking towards winter with eager anticipation), most everyone is going to sleep in a large dormitory we Johnny and Sir Aaron dug out.

My assurances that the room is airy and comfortable don't seem to have much impact on the complaints.

Late Autumn:

Another fellow acting odd! This was some fishcleaner, and he shoved his way in to a craft workshop. Everyone has gathered around to stare at him until something happens, and I'm off to join them.

A bracelet. Well... that's something. You can't deny that.

Perhaps summoned by the siren song of really great mugs, the outpost liason and caravan put in an appearance. And it seems that Johnny's mug making skills aren't just great, they're amazing. He bought everything the caravan had, and had plenty left over for next year! Yes, the world had gone mad for mugs, and you heard it here first! We've got a huge amount of metal now, plus charcoal and coke and dogs besides.

Winter is here. Still looks like summer to me. I guess the frozen walls of ice are looking a bit more forbidding, so that's something.


Absolutely nothing happened in the winter. Well, I tell a lie. Someone had a baby.

So really, absolutely nothing happened in the winter.

Well, spring has arrived, and we're all still here. I feel fairly good about passing on the mantle of leadership to someone else. I'll be the first to admit that under my reign the fortress is still a bit of a mess, but we've got plenty of food and booze to face down the next year with. So, I say good luck to the next overseer. May your time be as mind-numbingly dull as my own, for all of our sakes.

(Well, that was fun! And also quite dull, perhaps because I only focused on food. We're doing pretty good on that front, though.)

(Also! Here is the save file. Hope I did this thing right:
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 03:24:36 pm by varnish »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2011, 03:26:21 pm »

Nice job. Next up is Biag, who is buried in one of the coffins at the entrance.  :-X
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 03:29:58 pm by JohnnyDigs »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2011, 07:39:52 pm »

Had no internet for two days, anyways, Gatleos hasn't taken the save yet? Did I start too soon?
What a coincidence, I didn't have internet for three days! It went out right after I signed up. Sorry about that, just add me back to the end of the list. ::)
Think of it like Sim City, except with rival mayors that seek to destroy your citizens by arming legions of homeless people and sending them to attack you.
Quote from: Moonshadow101
it would be funny to see babies spontaneously combust
Gat HQ (Sigtext)
++U+U++ // ,.,.@UUUUUUUU


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2011, 07:02:53 pm »

Looks like Biag has decided to roleplay being dead and did not take a turn. It is currently Urist Mcmean's (blah28722) turn.
Gatleos, I put you in the open 05/24 Tue 21:00- 05/25 Wed 21:00 slot.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Western Romanticist
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Re: Slaughtergorges- Terrifying Glacier Succession Fort (24 hour turns)
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2011, 07:28:47 pm »

So does GMC mean GMT? Because if it is, when it's time for me to take up the save, I think I'll be asleep.
"I want to watch the sun setting below the horizon, thinking about my significance in this world. That's my dream."
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