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Author Topic: Deathgate - And We Must Scream (Finished Succession Game)  (Read 859602 times)


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1905 on: May 31, 2012, 11:14:52 am »

Just thought of something;

C.A.R.P. - Carpe Demon.


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1906 on: May 31, 2012, 01:07:25 pm »

As a note, the training room that you are currently updating to an archery practice *should* have two levers nearby, one to the bridge, and one to the cages. This helps to get rid of that pesky delay between pulling a lever and raising a bridge.

Also, I had intended to do some live melee training myself, but the nearby "dump" pile was empty. We simply don't have haulers relieving the goblins of their weapons and armor. Which is fine as far as it goes, but whips seem to do exceptionally well even against candy armor, in my experience. And  I know we've seen goblin lashers about.
You don't get a hell of a lot of use out of minions when the standard training regimen outputs quadriplegics.
Unless you load the quadruplegics into catapults and fire them on the enemy.
First person to record farming in HFS, and in a community fort no less!


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1907 on: May 31, 2012, 05:40:23 pm »

As a note, the training room that you are currently updating to an archery practice *should* have two levers nearby, one to the bridge, and one to the cages. This helps to get rid of that pesky delay between pulling a lever and raising a bridge.

Also, I had intended to do some live melee training myself, but the nearby "dump" pile was empty. We simply don't have haulers relieving the goblins of their weapons and armor. Which is fine as far as it goes, but whips seem to do exceptionally well even against candy armor, in my experience. And  I know we've seen goblin lashers about.

Not such a huge problem for the archers (though I must make sure that any enemy bowmen are killed quickly). As it stands, I see a single lever that was connected to the bridge and several of the cages (checked by using the Link to X, and then seeing what wasn't listed). As a safety precaution though, I'll make sure I can put the genie back in the bottle should some of the goblins escape.
Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1908 on: June 01, 2012, 07:09:40 am »

I save scummed DG during one of my turns, tried my damn hardest to save Karakzon from death.
First time he unceremoniously dodged into a hell-pit and died.  I figured he needed a more dwarven death.

I guess choking on your own lungs is dwarfy, right?
Quote from: StLeibowitz
Quote from: Yuli Vlasi
It's probably worth mentioning that AnimaRytak is the only ecstatic dwarf in the entire fort.
Quick, check him for rum! The bastard's probably spirited some off to his lair office, to act as pleasant refreshment as his evil scheme unfolds!


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1909 on: June 02, 2012, 07:12:38 am »

OOC: I was inspired to build a megaproject. I hope its dwarvy enough for you :-). Sorry for the delay in the writeup, but this took forever to explain my plans, and designating that much mining was extremely slow and irritating

Journal of Id 'NCommander' Matulcog
19 Slate 777

Slate has mostly passed relatively quietly. We have learned to sleep, eat, and even fight while in water. It is slowly becoming natural to all of us. Once news of my project spread and its inspiration came forth, TheAussieDwarf conned the term "Clown And Rabble Pacification" for our new solders. As such, I issued a decree those who've undergone CARP training shall officially be a member of the First Dwarven Marine CARP Special Forces. 

Our first batch of CARP recruits are now approaching an accomplished level of swimming. Once they have, I plan to release us from our prison, and allow them to eat, drink and sleep. I find it rather hilarious that some of us are thirsty despite the fact that we are continuously surrounded by water ...

Once cleared, pumps will be installed in this area, and all military personal will be given the Pump Operator profession, and their training schedule modified to spend 7 months military training, 5 months as civilians where they will build their bodies. I also hope that in this configuration, it will end the constant griping of 'endless patrol duty' that is all too common.

Speaking of pumps, I consulted with TheAussieDwarf, and provided a detailed set of instructions of how the BATTERY is designed, and the necessary steps to complete its construction. While we have no need for the power at the moment, at the very least, it will allow Deathgate's sole milestone to once again become operational once it is relocated to the BATTERY's drive chain.

I've also began work on my own megaproject. While sitting in the waters of the trade depot, I found myself possessed with a clarity of mind that I have never before experienced. I've known many who have entered the strange moods that occasional claim members of our race to produce legendary artifacts. While I do not have the compulsory urge to run and claim a workshop, the vision persists in my mind.

Many years ago, a previous overseer began construction on an aqueduct that would lead into hell and presumably act as a cleaning system for the exterior of the Hellbunker. This aqueduct was never completed, but I realize it could be used for a far greater purpose than simple building washing. However, closer examination reveals that this first aqueduct's construction was fatally flawed. Instead of connecting to an infinite source of water such as a river or an aquifer, it connected to an underground pool which was fully drained into the aqueduct. Furthermore, since the passageway has since dried up, trees have grown in the fill passageway rendering it useless for my purposes.

Thus I've begun designation construction on what I call the Kôkdath Areltulon Sash. I suspect someone or another will find a more glorious name for it, but until then, Areltulon Sash will stand.

The Areltulon's is comprised of four parts. The first part, known as Therlethcustith ("The Serpents Passage" in common tounge), is a two-urist wide aqueduct leading from the top of the adamantine spire and winds its way up over 90 levels until it connects to the underground sea in the first cavern.

Construction will begin from the bottom-up, using upward ramps to bridge each level to prevent any mining accidents. To insure quick construction, any and all miners are to be immediately releved of their current positions. NRDL, who beside being an axedwarf, is one of our few legendary miners. As such, he is immediately exempted from CARP training and will oversee mining operations. At the beginning of the Therlethcustith, two floodgates will be installed and both accessing seperate taps of water, ensuring constant supply. Floodgates-behind-doors combined with mine-and-run will be used to safely tap into the underground sea.

One complication exists though, a forgotten beast lurks within the sea.

As a building destoryer, this monster could destory any floodgates installed, either destorying our possibility of draining the Areltulon, or destorying one of the floodgates before the final tiles are mined out, thus leaving the passage with less than ideal amounts of water. I also do not know if building destoryers can success destory open floodgates. As an alternative, I may simply bring the feed point for the waterway to the aquifer, which is at least monster free.

On the flipside, once a path to hell is opened, the beast may decide to travel down and attack the demons within. The waterflow though by itself will not be strong enough to wash its bulk into hell. Alteratively, live bait may be usable in luring it downwards. Finally, to allow the beast to reach the bottom, the construction must be devoid of demon-filters, which is less than ideal. As it stands, I will likely have to reconstruct parts of the waterway during to include straight channels so grates may be installed.

Areltulon's second part, the Okilisul ("Test of Faith"), is the dropzone into the Areltulon. Built directly over a straightway near the bedrooms, two bridges with a lever will be constructed to allow our CARPs to be dropped into the waterway. I'm currently debating the design of activiating the actual drop, but this is not an immediate concern. As an addition aside, the bends in the Custiththerleth can be used to construct addition entry points where we may drop units in thought this initial design will only involve the single Okilisul.

The third part, which I call Therlethrazs ("Seperant's Tooth"), involves the construction of the waterway through the adamantine, and into hell itself. Due to the irregular shape of the vein, walls will have to be constructive to keep the waterway at 2x2 less it dispence and loose depth. I believe a minimal depth of 3 or 4 will be required to have the flow move our solders unwillingly into hell (as an additional note, the water level must never reach 7/7. For reasons I do not understand, any waterway at 7/7 depth seems to loose any pushing power it has on things within its passageway. While I must reconfirm this fact, it is a valid worry).

At the bottom of the vein exists a 2x2 constructed floor to prevent demons from flying into hell followed by a four level drop to the ground below. This floor will be removed, and a set of artifical steps must be constructed, beginning the start of the fourth and final part of the Areltulon, which I've come to call the "Final Insult", as there is no formal words to desire it. It safely bringing the water down one level at a time until it reached the floor of hell itself. The bottom of the vein exits relatively close to the original Hellfarm, and the bunker. As such, minor modifications to the bunker must be made to provide a way to safely bring our warriors back into the safety of the fortress once they've been deployed and are ready for collection.

The water from the Areltulon will provide safety to our warriors as the fight, washing off any dust and poisions (as long as the idiots are smart enough to stay near the stream), and will coat large portions of the slade floor with water, constantly washing grim away. My current construction plan involves a large overhanging passageway with regular gaps in it to allow water to flow out and create mist all throughout hell. In effect, it will be a giant sprinkler system for the demons. A quick survey of all the current monstories in hell show that none of them are capiable of flight. As such, building from the top down should be relatively safe, though I have never attempted a construction like that before.

As for the insult part, well wherever possible, I plan to construct most of the overhanging waterway out of soap.

Before you call me crazy, let that thought sink in for a moment. The floors of hell and the demons within are covered in centuries of fifth, blood, grime, and ichor. Demons seem to believe that being covered in the dried blood of their enemies strikes terror into mortals, and they would be right. However, should they become squeakly clean, the terror they hoped to strike into their enemies will be lost for good.

The water travelling through the Areltulon will pass over several kilometers of mineral dust; effectively, hundreds of gallons of mineral water will pass into hell itself. In addition, it will gain traces of adamantine as it enters Separant's Tooth, and be warmed as it passed close to the magma, and the semi-molton rock below. The now hot mineral waters will then pick up the soap as it runs over it, and falls into hell, wiping the filth away before finally falling into one of the pits.

I believe you can now see why I've choosen to call the last stage "The Final Insult".

I must still draft up the remainer of the plans for the overhang and passage construction.

OOC: I decided though the ability to flush our military into hell, surrounded by water (and live fish; if we have any to capture), is WAY too good of an idea to pass up. I'm not sure though if stairs will block a unit from flowing downward; my concern is I know stairs block pumps, hence they might prevent flowing water from dragging a unit down into hell. Any insight is helpful, else I'll channel out all the staircases.

In addition, due to the design of the sprinkers in hell, I've wondering if I should up the aqueduct up to 3x3 or even 4x4 though that risks creating a bottleneck in the vein. Alternatively, I could use the mine through SMR/slade exploit and simply MAKE a bigger passageway, though that requires killing off at least seven to nine dwarfs ...

I've never attempted to construct anything like this before; my few projects before all involved magma vs. water. Any thoughts, insights are GREATLY welcomes. I also suspect I won't conclude it before the end of the year, though it should be trivial for another overseer to finish it.

And yes, Kôkdath Areltulon Sash is actual Dwarven as taken from the language files. I suck at naming things though in general. Another idea I had for a name for the last part was Via Purifico (latin: Cleanse the way).

Also, the first image is showing up at a 404 even though I know have the link correct. Here's a hotlink to it if anyone is having issues
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 08:04:43 am by NCommander »
Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1910 on: June 02, 2012, 12:04:46 pm »

Journal of Id 'NCommander' Matulcog
19 Slate 777 - Second Entry

After resting my eyes for a few hours, I've believed I've solved the last lingering construction problem with "The Final Insult/Via Purifico". To construct a waterwall in Hell requires that we have a support or pillar of some kind reaching from the floor to the ceiling. While it is possible to build "stairs upon stairs" to reach downwards, we can't build a wall or support off said staircase; we simply can't build a wall while we are standing ontop of it.

To build such a support would require either building out from the Hellbunker, or building downward and then back up from the vein, both are highly risky options. While mulling on this problem, I had a second flash of inspiration. Recalling the layout of the vein, there is a single point where a wall could be punched out, and allow magma to flow safely into Hell.

Directly above, and below is a straight pathway to the pit itself. Magma would flow from the breach, and pass through two distinct locations.

Magma reaches the bottom of the vein here and ...

finally lands here in.

A staircase then will be built above the breach point and lowered into the hole allowing a miner to safely get in, breach the sea, and get out. Unfortunately, a hatchcover can't be built directly on the breach since we must be able to stand adjacent to it. As such, a cover with walls will be constructed one level below.

Once magma covers the surface below, we merely drop buckets of water downwards to cast it into obsidian. A lever will be constructed on the bottom level of the vein to allow the hatch to be remotely triggered. With a little bit of careful timing and planning, we should be able to construct a 2x2 piller up three levels without having to risk sending anyone below.

To safeguard against flyers, four melee dwarfs will be stationed in the bottom of the pillar at all times. As an added bonus, since neither level pulling nor pond filling requires any specific labors, the children will be able to see to this task after the initial groundwork is concluded in effect allowing to be done at a net-zero labor cost.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 12:06:53 pm by NCommander »
Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1911 on: June 02, 2012, 07:28:40 pm »

Having attempted a similar stunt in a previous fort, I must inform you that this plan will, unfortunately, not work, as, unless there has been a serious change in mechanics, "filling pond" over magma will generate only steam, not obsidian.
You don't get a hell of a lot of use out of minions when the standard training regimen outputs quadriplegics.
Unless you load the quadruplegics into catapults and fire them on the enemy.
First person to record farming in HFS, and in a community fort no less!


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1912 on: June 02, 2012, 10:09:06 pm »

NCommander *cough*useafloorgrate*cough*


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1913 on: June 03, 2012, 01:07:55 am »

NCommander *cough*useafloorgrate*cough*

Gives the same message as building a hatch. "No Access". :-/.
Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1914 on: June 03, 2012, 04:33:07 am »

You're going to shower the military into hell.  Bravo?

Also, I was kinda hoping my dorf would be on the front lines.  If you actually can't spare my dorf, then sure, a support role would be fine, but in any other case, PLEASE put my dorf into the breach with the rest of the military. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1915 on: June 03, 2012, 07:45:08 am »

You're going to shower the military into hell.  Bravo?

Also, I was kinda hoping my dorf would be on the front lines.  If you actually can't spare my dorf, then sure, a support role would be fine, but in any other case, PLEASE put my dorf into the breach with the rest of the military.

Well, no one is fighting demons yet. Once the aqueduct section is entirely mined out, your dwarf will resume military duties, I just won't be drowning him for CARP training. That being said, given he is a legendary miner, he's already super strong.

Having attempted a similar stunt in a previous fort, I must inform you that this plan will, unfortunately, not work, as, unless there has been a serious change in mechanics, "filling pond" over magma will generate only steam, not obsidian.

It works as long as the water falls at least one full z-level before hitting magma.
Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1916 on: June 03, 2012, 12:11:19 pm »

Awesome, that's very good to know! Makes a couple of my evil plans much more viable! Also, may I recommend using a drawbridge instead of floodgates for your project? Unlike floodgates, closed drawbridges cannot be destroyed by building destroyers.
You don't get a hell of a lot of use out of minions when the standard training regimen outputs quadriplegics.
Unless you load the quadruplegics into catapults and fire them on the enemy.
First person to record farming in HFS, and in a community fort no less!


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1917 on: June 03, 2012, 02:05:56 pm »

Awesome, that's very good to know! Makes a couple of my evil plans much more viable! Also, may I recommend using a drawbridge instead of floodgates for your project? Unlike floodgates, closed drawbridges cannot be destroyed by building destroyers.

That's an extremely good point on closed drawbridges. That being said, I *think* building destroyer can still take out open drawbridges. My biggest concern is not so much that forgotten beast running havoc in hell, vs. more that the shutdown mechanism being destroyed. When running, I suspect the fort is going to bog down to MAYBE 2 FPS. My own tests though with building destroyers and drawbridges are somewhat inconclusive though. Forum search suggests that they won't destroy them at all (open or closed), or will allow them to stand if it is the only path to some place.

I also realized useful things for additional overseers. We have a distinct lack of flying demons (as it stands, only Grey Demons are roaming hell/they are non-flying), and looking back, I can't find us ever having dealt with flyers. The practical upshot is that once the support pillar is cast, a second hell bunker could trivially be made without risking any dwarfs by making sure the entire thing is exactly one Z-level above ground level, and making sure that no land units can path into it.

Also, when the aqueduct is completed, the 400+ stone generated should be washed into hell. I can construct a "cup" of sorts to catch it, leaving a massive amount of stone close to hell
Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1918 on: June 03, 2012, 02:40:24 pm »

Yeah! So somebody will finally (ab)use the aquaeduct! I really like what you are planning (and do not grudge you the delay). Go team CARP!
I don't care. I have discovered that if you spawn elves this way, cats will chase them down and eat them.


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Re: Deathgate - A Legacy of Horrible Things! (Succession Game)
« Reply #1919 on: June 03, 2012, 07:23:04 pm »

Yeah! So somebody will finally (ab)use the aquaeduct! I really like what you are planning (and do not grudge you the delay). Go team CARP!

Sadly, I had to build a new one, but its all good. Only now that I've played through part of summer do I see the third vein in the upper-lefthand corner which would have probably worked better for my needs. In addition, looking at the walkway coming off that vein, I don't actually need to build a pillar in hell, seems I can build off staircases with nothing supporting them (could have sworn that caused an instant cavein). Might have to do with only using an downward staircase vs. up/down one (also not sure if that "hanging" staircase is demonproof from the bottom.

I've played about four hours today, and will do the writeup first thing tomorrow. Couple of interesting things happened, one of which has required me to suspend CARP training for the immediate future. I also realize I might have created a new method of tower building which is probably going to get a separate write-up as other players might find it useful.
Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )
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