patch was released, Swain feels balanced honestly, only got one chance to use him in a match and it was against Illaoi, he does damage but its not precisely absurd like say, Zoe. Toplane was pretty contested as neither of us could advance further.
as for the new champ, there was a teaser video from rito about a purple projectile coming out of the wall and slaying the Rift Herald. guess it will take 2 weeks more until they finally give a proper trailer for it.
oh and the Lunar Revel skins have been released, there's a lunar revel event and you can also get a Noxus icon from a mission.
forgot to mention that there's some changes to AP items in the PBE.
-Morellonomicon looses its mana and cdr stats in order to become AP + flat pen + anti-regen, passive no deal grievous wounds for 3 seconds when applying magic damage on enemy champions (doesnt have a treshold anymore, its automatic)
-Archangel's Staff gets some stat improvements along with 20% CDR (10% base, and a passive that adds another 10%, wut)
-Hextech GLP-800 gets the same CDR thingy in exchange of its old passive and and looses the extra health for extra mana, still keeps the active
-Liandry's Torment changes its burning passive to deal 1% of enemy's max health while getting its flat pen replaced with a damage increasing effect while in combat with enemy champions (max 10% damage increment)
-Haunting Guise has the damage increase passive replacing its flat pen while Lost chapter has the 10% cdr passive on top of the mana recover on lvl up
-Luden's looses 10 AP and the mov speed bonus in exchange for the same CDR stacking thing and some mana (item recipes changed of course)
-new item Ominous Orb used to build into Morello, adds a bit of health + AP and the the flat pen passive
-Rabaddon now builds from 2 large rods and gives now 40% bonus AP (other stats unchanged)
-Ornn's version of the deathcap also gets the same 40% bonus AP
-Rilai got an increase of 10 AP
-new item Spellbinder gives AP + mov speed along with a stack bassed effect, enemy and ally spellcasts charge the item to up to 100 stacks, the item can be activated to spend the stacks to get up to 75% decaying mov speed and 50 AP for 8 seconds with a 1 min cooldown.
-Twin Shadows returns as an AP + CDR + mov speed item along with the spooky ghost active, enemies can be slowed to up to 40% depend on the distance travelled by the ghosts (probable the same or bigger than the old frost queen's claim active).
-Void Staff got its AP reduced by 10