So, people tried Taric on the PBE, and the general consensus is that he's ok, both as a support and as a jungler, but he kinda suffers as a jungler since the laner needs to do most of the damage, since taric doesnt do that much damage unless he gets something like a devourer, and even then its just sustained damage. His W interaction with E allows for some really cool peels and strange ganks, though.
Most people I've seen are maxing his E first, since its base damage is kinda high, but his AP rations in general suck, so AP taric won't be a thing unless riot changes it. His Q is also regarded as not very useful and will prob get buffed. Ultimate is kinda hit or miss. Even if its an AoE give everyone invulnerability thing, its just 2.5 seconds, with a delay of 2.5 seconds, so its kinda hard to get a lot of value from it. Its good against super bursty/combo heroes since you can really disrupt them if you get the timing right, but kinda eh against people like annie, whose combo is basically instant once she's in range.
So yea, general veredict is that he lost a fair bit of his burst, and has a higher skill cap, and will prob get buffed/shifted around a bit before (or if) he becomes a top pick, but has lots of utility and is fun to play in general. He's also pretty tanky, since he's taric.
Altough he's pretty damn great with frozen fist.And he looks a little bit like the God Emperor of Mankind :v