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Author Topic: League of Legends - Patch 7.22 - Runes Reforged  (Read 1340560 times)


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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15405 on: February 11, 2016, 11:00:04 am »

Is it me, or does it seem like the passive of the new item seem like a good candidate for the cycle of "jungle item reworks" for Warrior? In the sense that they've changed all the other jungle items to get their own passives at some point.

Flying Dice

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15406 on: February 11, 2016, 01:47:33 pm »

Lolyep. I've always thought he was op, going 1 or 2 offensive items with tons of damage, extremely fast, can't burst, can't outduel, can't kite.

... yeah. I guess his short range makes up for it. His early should be a crap ton harder, when his late is so strong.

He's like Yi/Trynd, strongest when the enemy team doesn't have hard CC and doesn't know how to deal with a splitpusher. If you watch high-ranking Udyrs play, the one thing they pretty much all share is very strong mechanics, in the sense of footwork and well-timed ability rotations. A really good Udyr can deal with a lot of things, but most Udyrs you'll meet are either just bad or (worse) Trick2g fanboys who didn't learn anything except the memes.

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Flying Dice

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15407 on: February 11, 2016, 03:41:23 pm »

Once he has four items, sure. Doesn't stop him from getting CCed and kited. It's why movement control is so crucial.

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15408 on: February 11, 2016, 06:58:32 pm »

Haven't ran into udyr in ARAM, yet. His kit is definitely in that range of "Things completely marginalized when the other team rolls CC," heh. Just about anything straight melee without a fairly significant gapcloser is, really. Had a fun (and short) game a lil'bit back where the enemy team was malph, poppy, alistar, thresh, and a varus to round things out. Our entire team spent pretty much the whole game stunned or in the air, ended 9/36 at the 15 minute mark :V
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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15409 on: February 11, 2016, 07:02:34 pm »

How to kite Udyr ;(

Impossible with anyone save Lee Sin, Leblanc, or some shit.

A dedicated peel support neuters him. Yi and Trynd have gap-closers that aren't reliant on movespeed to work. Lulu would be MY Udyr counter of choice, although she might not have enough damage to solo him if built support.
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Flying Dice

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15410 on: February 11, 2016, 07:58:32 pm »

Any bruiser, pretty much, as long as they're not massively behind and don't build full damage. Udyr's schtick is that he can escape most things that he can't kill. Irelia is one option: solid sustain, probably has a BotRK and TF to melt him down, naturally fast, isn't as badly affected by the stun, and can stun+gapclose to stop him from doing that weaving in and out game while rotating abilities.

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Flying Dice

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15411 on: February 11, 2016, 10:03:52 pm »

Honestly, Mantra Q is one of the few abilities which I absolutely can't stand playing against. Karma's super-annoying all around. :x

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15412 on: February 11, 2016, 10:25:34 pm »

I'm still pretty bothered by Karma's rework after 3 years or so. I liked old Sion a lot but didn't mind his rework. Can't speak for Poppy. But Karma's rework really totally trashed what made her distinct and unique and replaced it with a genericness which is really lacking.

She had a very distinct identity before her rework, "Clutch Support". Her RQ was like her current RW, but helped teammates. Her W was this really neat buff thing that I'm really surprised they haven't revisited since. Her E was like it is now, but it wasn't neutered. And her R had a charge system so you actually had moments of huge impact, instead of her current obnoxious poke but largely lacking in anything to distinguish her when it's go time. And her passive now could very easily be a component of her R text. She used to get a pretty sizable amount of AP for being low on health, and between that and her RQ healing for %missing health she'd wind up being this really unique playstyle of kinda doing stuff for a while, but if you went in on her, suddenly she's deadly as hell.


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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15413 on: February 12, 2016, 08:32:55 am »

Her E used to shield more and nuke harder by a pretty significant margin. Her speed boost was a part of her W, with a lot of interesting mechanics behind it.


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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15414 on: February 12, 2016, 12:36:37 pm »

The excuse they spit when they blandified her was "She was either useless in low level and good in high level or playable in low level and bonkers in high level" because so much of her kit was supportive in a way that's only effective if the team knows how to handle. Her RQ had relatively short range and a cone targeting so you had to group up weirdly to benefit from it, her W was a mess of "what exactly does this do again?" and maybe 1 out of 20 players understood that she's stronger when she's dying.


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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15415 on: February 12, 2016, 01:22:12 pm »

So I heard Dominion is going the way of the dodo bird
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Flying Dice

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15416 on: February 12, 2016, 01:32:56 pm »

"is"?  :P

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15417 on: February 12, 2016, 02:22:48 pm »

"is"?  :P

I mean, come the 22nd its going to be gone completely.
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Flying Dice

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15418 on: February 12, 2016, 02:28:11 pm »

And I'm sure that will greatly sadden the ten people that still play it.

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 5.1 - Open the Gates
« Reply #15419 on: February 12, 2016, 02:51:31 pm »

Especially considering they're all the same guy multiboxing.
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