Wuju like to dance?: Dance now scales with movespeed.
So you want to destroy newbies as well as boost your friend through levelling? I have never bought the 'I'm only smurfing to play with my friends' excuse.
Because you don't have friends? I jest.
Ouch. That was cold hearted, dude.
I think people should have more faith in Riot's matchmaking. If the major reason for smurfing is that matchmaking will make matches where you're queued with somebody of a different skill level unpleasant, consider that without smurfing matchmaking would be a lot better and more capable of handling stuff like that.
That's the thing, though: unless you deliberately throw games, your smurf is very quickly going to get MMR similar to what you already had on your main. Visible rank means very little. Back before I stopped playing ranked, here's how things worked out for me: I placed in Silver III after going 7/3 or something in my promos. A few matches later, I skipped a division into Silver I. I played a few more matches and quit at Silver I ~83 LP (literally the most poisonous gaming environment I've ever played in, don't nobody have time for that shit). However, my MMR was mid-high gold and I was seeing mainly golds and the occasional plat in my ranked matches. The same thing happens in my normals, I see plats/golds fairly regularly, along with the occasional diamond.
Basically, as long as you don't deliberately lose and feed to stay at a low MMR in a low division, you're not going to be there for long. If a smurf has been in bronze/silver/gold/whatever for longer than fifty matches, it's probably because that's where their original account was as well. Incidentally, more than a few streamers and Youtubers have had their accounts banned for doing "Bronze to [Whatever]" series where they deliberately dumped new accounts into bronze for the purpose of climbing, so Riot
is doing something. It's just, y'know, it can be hard to tell the difference between someone who is good at losing subtly versus someone who sucks, and being bad isn't a report-worthy offense.
It's actually kind of absurd. I've watched more than a few YTers and streamers I enjoy do Unranked to Diamond, and they rarely spend more than 20-30 matches lower than Platinum. Smurfing is, I think, mostly in the realm of other stuff like lag, bugs, ELO Hell &c. -- things that occasionally genuinely impact a player's performance, but which are often dredged up as excuses for being at the appropriate rank. There's nothing wrong with not being in the 99% percentile, but an alarming number of people appear to disagree.