Not at all. I just went on a streak of jungle games after I got WW, and only one out of eight had anyone who whined about me not ganking for them. The games themselves varied from "never gank before 6 and rarely then because laners are all retarded and continually shove the wave under tower" (guess which type of game the whining was in) to "start ganking at level 3, never stop". It helps that the new jungle gives lots of extra utility. It's easier to invade, which means the enemy jungler has less impact. It's easier to push down objectives -- and new-meta junglers in particular have some good stuff for this, things like Bloodboil and WW's W, in combination with the double golem buff. I've found myself being much more active as a playcaller, since so much more importance is on securing dragon and baron now.
If there's a game where people are whining about not getting constant ganks, it's probably an exception. Honestly, the rage is overblown. I don't see it much, maybe someone getting a bit salty every half-dozen matches and real rage at half that rate. Literally the only time I ever see someone complain about not getting ganks (as opposed to stuff along the lines of "hey, I'm not doing well, could you help?") is when they've already lost lane and are looking for someone to blame.
You might even say that proactive ganking is the way to offset that. As a jungler you
should be looking for ganks, especially on lanes that are struggling but not yet snowballing for the enemy laner. A jungler who says, "Lol not my problem you lost lane" when they didn't try to gank or communicate is just as toxic as a laner who blames the jungler for them losing lane.
Honestly, jungling Warwick a couple times in the last few days felt just like an especially hardcore lane. I didn't gank much 'til 6 and then only if it was well set up when I happened to be in the area.
Then again, I'm a bad jungle in lv. 10 MMR so that's not exactly representative of a higher level of play.
That's sorta how WW is with his ganks. The only chances you'll get pre-6 are stuff like a Zed who pushes and uses his shadow to poke literally right as you get to mid. Ofc. it helps to communicate with your laner, if they're attentive they'll see where the enemy laner has warded, so you can usually manage to run in if your laner baits a fight. Basically gank if there's a great chance, but otherwise farm hardcore to get 6. Natch once you've hit 6 you should be ganking whenever your ult is up.
It's not like people weren't buying QSS, either.