I've mostly been playing Shyv and Mumu jungle. Both of them are as fun as ever. And I LOVE the new Stalkers Blade[The one which gives Smite a slow and reduced damage vs champions] on Mumu. Waddling after an opponent who flashed away with Bandage Toss on CD? Just Smite them, catch up and secure the kill. Or just kill them with the Smite. Which is hilarious every time. As for WW, the only Warwick I met was AFK, so I can't judge that. Theorycrafting time: Would the thing that makes his ult so powerful also work with Fiora? Or did they just give up and make her ult not proc on-hit effects anymore? And...
Kalista. One of the few champions I hate supporting above all else. Maybe if I was with a duo-queue partner I was skyping with. Who was competent. Instead of being dragged out of my half finished Leona stunlock by her ult unexpectedly, leading to both our deaths from lack of communication. Although the rest of her Oathsworn thing works out surprisingly well most of the time[12% of max health for something easy enough to proc? Hell yeah.]. I foresee the next few weeks to be hell for most supports. Or until people realize Kalista is hard and go back to playing Jinx. I LIKE Jinx. Jinx is fairly simple to play, so fairly few utter failures and easy to kill when its them. Kalista bounces around so you can't hit her with much and throws Leona at your head[With mixed results]. Nasty on their side because ALL THE KITING. Nasty on your side because you usually get hung out to dry with her ult.
EDIT: Rangers is easily my favourite jungle item so far, although Stalkers is cool too. Rangers lets you push ALL THE WAVES while clearing ALL THE CAMPS. Although the early sustain it gives you doesn't matter as much as I thought it did. Skirmishers seems like its the sort of thing that makes people like Yi or Warwick broken. Not sure how it'd work on Shyv. I'd much rather have another slow, so I can reliably catch up to fleeing prey. Going to have to experiment with this.