The upcoming champ is looking similar to the "dream champ" I was thinking of, one that would be focused on empowering or somehow controlling minions or have some other strategic ability (like this turret creation thing). Most of the recent new champs haven't interested me much, but I'm definitely going to look into getting this one when he gets affordable.
In other news, I was screwing around with support champs to see who can carry like crazy at low elo when needed. To do this, I played with the worst people I know that play League regularly; a level 10 MF main living in residence with ping that periodically shoots up to the 600-2000 range, and a bronze 5 person who owns nearly every champ, plays Vayne because "she's so op and does lots of damage", despite being terrible in every game I've seen. In the process, I found the most awesome support-carry ever.
Support Heimerdinger.
His turrets do excellent poke while keeping the lane rammed into the other turret, he passively provides nice health regen for his partner, his ult can kite and ruin any ganker's day, he has a long lasting stun and a very long ranged poke that actually hurts squishy champs like ADCs. He passively steals farm sometimes, but with the ADCs I was playing with (and, indeed, with most ADCs in bronze/silver), they didn't miss any farm anyway because they basically just autoattacked every minion and prayed for a last hit, and an ADC that does know what they're doing can generally coordinate hits with the turrets since they don't hurt minions too much anyway.
Out of five games played, each laning phase went the same: turrets were placed in the bushes, both giving free vision and poking the enemy when they tried to check the bushes. There was also one game in which I solo'd the enemy red to screw their jungler over, which I think prevented him from ganking much. Initially, enemy champs would try to clear the turrets, but they took enough damage in the process that they decided to back off. Turrets were pushed further and further up (with some ADC support) until there were two in the far bush and one in the middle of the lane, basically forcing the enemy to farm under turret. My ADC died a few times for stupid reasons like running past the turret line and getting focused, or refusing to acknowledge poke and getting poked to death, but our general KDA and CS was better than the opponents, often quite substantially. Enemy junglers tried to gank early game twice; the first time, I stupidly burned my ult trying to rocket the enemy support and I died, and the second time the jungler was kited around my ulti turret, resulting in a triple kill for me. We took turret fairly quickly each time and with several kills gained in the process.
Mid to late game resulted in some problems, though. First, the ADC didn't necessarily get as many kills as me, though this wasn't a huge issue since I found that my ADCs rarely knew what to do when fed except buy expensive items and assume that "4/0/5" means "right click on champ and they will be chunked". Also, while I was fed too, a fed Heimerdinger is pretty much dependent on his teammates to exploit his turrets for defense/kiting and to pressure the enemy, so I tended to find myself in a 3-5v1, fight valiantly, die, and then discover that 3/4 of my teammates were aimlessly wandering blue side jungle. So despite decisively winning lane in each game, we only won 3/5 of the games. Despite that, I'd say that's as good as can be done by a support champ unless you completely give up on the pretence of supporting and just play Akali or something.