Yeah I don't really like the way Rito's design mechanics work. On one hand it's generally more intuitive than Dota, while mastery of Dota a lot of times entails mastery of various unintuitive mechanics and engine quirks, you can probably guess that it's a bad idea to get hit by flying objects which is a big part of League.
All the good stuns are skillshots or very slow projectiles, and most of the reliable CC is slows, so runspeed is disincentivized and blinks and other disjointing mobility moves are incentivized, you can check the champ release schedule for a laugh and look how it went from a pretty reasonable setup with most non-assassins being pretty immobile, especially damage dealers like mages and carries, then starting somewhere around Vayne or so we started seeing more and more mobility, on every champ, until now almost every champ they release has some form of mobility.
Sometimes League feels like dodgeball. Especially mid-lane if you're better at dodging than the other guy is at hitting, you can pretty much troll him all game. Lee Sin is pretty much the epitome of this design philosophy. Flashy, mobility/skillshot based, looks really cool (or at least he used to, I for one am sick of seeing Lee shit though it still seems like they need extra shoutcasters in Lee Sin games just to loudly orgasm whenever he hits a Q), but isn't actually all that hard to do.