I'm in general agreement re: Twitch: the visual upgrade is nice, and I am sort of hesitant about the mechanical changes.
Re: Rengar: This is secondhand, but I've watched some play with new Rengar, and the E does have its upsides: longer range and damage that's actually pretty darned good. In other words, it's decent poke now, at least against someone that doesn't just stack tank items. The Q still serves as an AA reset for killing towers, which I suppose is nice, but can also drain his ferocity, which... isn't. Ofc. the bonetooth necklace is awesome now, considering that it's absolutely no risk for slightly less reward. I actually think that the changes to his ult might end up being good; you need your max bonetooth stacks for it to be anything like what it was before, but from the get-go it seems like a much better tool for escaping
after making a kill, and once you get those stacks it's a great gapcloser as well.
Oh, and Jopax, did you happen to get a read on how much each kill/assist/big monster boosts the Flare's damage by? I'm curious to know how viable it is as a replacement for the Lizard Elder for aggressive junglers. I mean, obviously it's more lategame oriented given the stacking nature of it, but it also apparently pre-stacks while you're still on machete and Madreds.
I'd appreciate it if this thread cooled down a bit.
We're done with that discussion, mate.