Re: Kayle: She needed the nerf. Aside from the fact that with how much utility she has she'll always be extremely strong, she was just really out of line.
Re: Xerath: What the fuck are you complaining about? Xerath's rework was great. I can't think of anything wrong with it, unless you enjoyed being absolutely fucking useless while your r was on cd.
Re: Skarner: Stop bitching, it needed to happen and Riot's not going to take it back. At least Riot's still looking at Skarner and making sure he isn't going to be completely trash.
Stop crying about nerfs. At this point the only players that can cry about nerfs are Urgot, Karma, and Alistar players.
I take issue in your tone. Why are you being to aggressive? Also, (surprise!) I disagree with your opinion.
rework (it's not supposed to be a nerf) was absolutely unneeded. He was unplayed, not very strong, and niche. Riot took him, butchered him then sewed him back together. His play rate was low, and now it's... still low. Win rate, low. Good job, riot! I agree that they won't undo his rework though.
The problem is that all the old players of Skarner unanimously agree that his current version is vastly underpowered. And it's not even Poppy or Urgot-levels of niche power, but no power at all.
Disclaimer: I don't play Skarner.
Kayle didn't really need the nerf. It was Lich Bane that made the Q so oppressively strong, and now with Lich Bane going away she's mediocre. Unlike Fizz or TF, she didn't even get a buff to compensate. The extra movement speed on W is nice, and so is the 0 mana cost, but going by her play rate she wasn't really toxic per se.
Xerath's rework isn't that great. Sure, he feels more fluid, but a lot of his identity was lost (hey look at me I'm charging my long range skill shot! Before it was super-long-range skill shots, like artillery with long durations between shots). I think it'd be a 50/50 split on this one.
Why would Karma players cry about the (new?) Karma? She's an excellent mid/top/support. It's just that she completely lost her old identity. She hasn't had any buffs nor nerfs in forever, too.
Disclaimer: I am a New-Karma player.
Urgot is pretty fun to play, but he's also soooo immobile ;_; Plus, his ult seems rather bad in a 1v1 situation like Top lane.