So I gave Yasuo a few [tens] of tries on Dominion, because hey - a resourceless champion with some cc and mobility? That's like most of the holy trinity of dominion!
The build I ended up with most often was Static shiv -> Trinity Force -> Whatever. I gave a more AD-carry oriented build a few games, didn't like it much. Seems like Yasuo needs to hang around to do his damage, rather than go in and burst someone, unless you have another reliable knockup [and aren't really bad at ulting when someone else knocks them up ._.]
I got a few triple kills, got a few games where I was plain useless, so he seems a bit hit-and-miss on Dom. The biggest problem I had was that I just wasn't doing a lot of damage early on, and it was hard to snowball compared to something like a Riven, or a standard melee carry like Yi or Fiora.
He's quite fun to play when you get the hang and range of his abilities, you can dash around like crazy if there are minions around, and can do some nice jukes combined with the W. That said, me and a Yi seriously spent like 5 minutes chasing a LeBlanc in the jungle around the storm buff, it was hilarious.
I can see him being really powerful on SR in the hands of good players, that W is godly. On Dominion, though, if you want a resourceless champion with mobility and good damage, go Riven, Lee Sin or Zed.
W-ing an ult will never stop being hilarious, though.