Speaking of terrible games, had an ARAM match as Ezreal. We had no supports, they had a Sona and Nami. In spite of the sustain advantage and our Mundo constantly feeding them by charging in 1v5, I managed to keep picking up kills with my QW poke when they got cocky, and the only thing that I couldn't really deal with was their Gangplank, who was pretty much singlehandedly carrying (he was something like 9/0/12 by the time I killed him). Meanwhile our Malzahar joined our Mundo in feeding repeatedly as we were ground down. Damned near every time it happened I would ping and follow them in, getting off as much damage as I could, even blowing ults just to try and push the enemy team back, which actually worked somewhat, because I had already finished TF/IE/PD/Zerks, so I could dish out a lot of hurt.
The point where I just plain gave up and started headdesking was when I watched our ~1/5 health Mundo chasing the entire enemy team, most of whom were still at ~1/2 health, with no one but me a decent distance behind him, frantically pinging at him and asking him to stop chasing. Naturally they turned and gobbled him. Then the Mal did the same thing. I mean, I could kill all of them save Gangplank reliably, but with two people feeding (though Mal didn't feed as much because he spent half the game lagging out), one guy not doing much, and only the Kat being helpful, it was only a matter of time. The only bright side is that the feeders weren't blaming us for not helping them suicide rush.