This morning I was having a couple nice games : first I had to go mid for a change (instead of ADC bot), and played Kassadin (unranked soloqueue), which resulted in a 9/0/6 score for me and a win. I decided to push my luck a bit and play a ranked game (soloqueue still).
I managed to pick Kassadin again, but the enemy team countered me with Fizz ! I was panicking a bit (I had all sorts of bad previous experiences with Fizz), so I read a bit about how to play the lane while the map was loading... Turns out, after a couple exchanges, I managed to kill Fizz once, then again, and again... He never got a kill on me and I was able to gank sidelanes quite easily. I was 9/0 when I eventually died 1v1 from the fed enemy draven, but it wasn't that big of a deal, at this point I had already snowballed and we won.
Then I played another unranked solo game and picked my main (tristana adc), while most of my team kinda trollpicked (well I guess me too since there was already someone playing adc caitlyn). I was expecting Caitlyn to play with me bot, but instead she said she hated my guts and went top with kat. Thankfully, the other team was trollpicking as well, so I ended up 1v2 against Yi and Nunu. At lvl 2 they decided to tower dive me, but I managed to grab a double kill :p. After that I just bullied them thanks to my range, and grabbed kill after kill, dying only a couple times from ganks. I snowballed super hard on this one, so my final score was 19/2/5 (and we won of course). I guess Caitlyn still hated me, given how she was trying to take CS or kills from me at every turn (too bad she didn't succeed
). I could tell that Yi and Nunu got scared of me quite a bit though, every time I went after them they ran away despite being full hp and having managed to score kills on my teammates, and every time they died
Having games like these after a bad streak is really good for my morale !