Ap Support Nidalee can work great but traps don't replace wards which is annoying, the thing that most people don't realise about nidalee traps is how fucking op they are, 20% armour and mag res reduction for 12 seconds at rank 1, going up to 40% reduction at rank 5, that is much better then abyssal scepter and black cleaver.
Traps are not wards, they should be used offensively so people step in them, not as a safeguard to cover gank paths without wards, a jungler stepping on a trap only works if they step on it a long way away, the tri-bush or river bush is not long enough warning to get ad carry to safety.
I hate nidalee so much though, she is so damn fast, crazy poke and even pretty damn good in melee, traps which almost reduce armour and mag res by half and a heal with a 0.7 ratio with fairly low cooldown compared to other (targetable) heals which have longer cooldowns and crappier ratios. Everything about her is pretty op. Had a hilarious ARAM where we were down to nexus and should have lost but enemy chased our nidalee from our nexus to theirs and then the ones who gave up got killed when we respawned and we killed them all and won, and nidalee still survived.
Also Zac is so op, I bought him and just laughed at the op'ness, the leap is so fun and so easy to escape with, and the passive is hilarious in fights especially when you build as a tank later on, I had a teamfight where I got focused pretty hard, I leapt out but had ignite on me so passive proc'd, revived, leapt back in and got triple kill, his ability to do great engages and CC whole enemy team and ability to escape is so great.
Had a great escape where I stole enemy red buff while being attacked by their jungler, then 2 more guys tried to pincer me if I try and leap out, but one leap from red buff and im in baron pit, they flash follow and I slow them and walk away, they catch up a little bit more and then I just leap away again from blue buff to by base.