No, support is hardest because they get shit like this. They have to worry about everything the AD worries about, most of the stuff a jungler has to worry about, and then they get some of their own shit. And they're never rewarded, ever. There's no "GJ Sona", only "..." or "pls report this sona so bad". Yes, maybe the supports weren't fucking perfect. Part of your job as a yoloqueue AD is to deal with it.
I'd disagree. The AD needs to worry about last hitting while not getting harassed and harassing back if possible. The support doesn't usually need to concern themselves with last hitting and needs to worry a bit more about harassing, but they tend to be less of a harass target and care less when they are harassed. They are responsible for warding, true, but I wouldn't really consider that difficult in the same sense.
You could probably argue that tanky supports have the added problem of knowing when to go in or not, but that's an initiator issue, not a support issue.
As for junglers, I really don't see it. Obviously bad carries tend to blame their supports when things go wrong, and vice versa, but everyone, the aforementioned included, tends to blame the jungler when things go bad. Supports are typically only concerned with their own lane, whereas junglers have to worry about everyone's lane, their jungle, and often the enemy's jungle. Harassing as an occupation and getting ganked by the opposing jungler are the only things I can think of that supports have to worry about that junglers typically don't.
Finally, I've never particularly seen supports getting less credit than everyone else. I rarely see "GJ whoever" or similar at all, but when I do, it's usually bent towards disablers and chasers, ie people who pull kills out of not-kills. I don't see "Man this support is helping so much" every game, but I don't see that for any role every game, and if there's a bias against supports for it otherwise, it's not something I've really noticed.
Right now you're spewing entitled bullshit and generally being the scum of the community.
No, you're spewing oversensitive reactionary bullshit and generally being disconnected from what everyone else is talking about. Evidently you either you think AAing minions is perfectly fine but can't be bothered to explain just why, or you think AAing minions is equivalent to not warding perfectly or similar but can't be bothered to explain why either. The result is you screaming about self-entitled assholes while we
explain about horrible supports.
For the record, I tried maining support once. Never again. For every one AD that was even so much as silent, I got easily a dozen that bitched every time there was a single pixel of map unwarded, every time I even so much as stepped near the minions, and every time I couldn't give them godmode 24/7 while they sat around with their thumbs up their asses. I think out of 400 games or so, I might've had 5 or 6 ADs who were decent guys I'd add to my friends list and queue up with every now and then.
For the record, I support with decent frequency. I occasionally get (sometimes well-deserved) shit about warding, and very rarely get the standard I'm Losing Must Be Support's Fault jive, but usually I just get relative silence and a teamwork honor at the end. Most of my complaints have been with my AD's last hitting ability or occasionally their aggressiveness, not their stated opinion of my supporting ability.
I've been maining supports today a bit. Played a couple games of Sona, with the arcade skin. Went 3/0/20something on the first game. Let me put it this way: if your bot can't kill an untanky Sona, you don't have an ADC. They were running Garen and Thresh bot for some reason. Ashe and I mopped the floor with them.
Maybe this is just me, but I always get a really warm fuzzy feeling when I end up going 1/8/24 as a Leona or something.