So I played two ranked games yesterday, S3 starting and all that. First game we got stomped hard, still not sure what happened, I lost top to Jax (was Vi), it was easy at first but at a certain point he could just outburstme and afterward I would either run or die. Our Lux somehow horribly lost mid to Ryze (seriously, how does that even happen, he claimed that he can't aim that well (WHY WOULD HE PLAY LUX THEN!?!?!)).
Don't mess with Ryze, man.
Just because Lux has an advantage on him does not mean she'll win. If he gets an advantage on her, she might get knocked out for good.
Don't act like you auto-win with Lux against Ryze. I never trust any match-up against Ryze.
Trist's early game is frankly one of the strongest in the game. Her burst is just completely absurd. If she's been doing her job and dropping e on you at every chance, she can towerdive you at level 6, get a kill or two, and then hop out and keep on farming.
Her crutch is her mid game. Her burst falls off, and she isn't at her unkillable 700 range + knockback + jump mode yet.
I'm not saying she has a bad early (although it depends a lot on her support), but i'm just saying that since AD is cheaper now, any champion with AD scaling (like graves, caitlyn, ezreal...) will have an easier time compared to before, but not trist. Also, she doesn't have that great of a range early on, so she can't poke with her AA as much as some others.
So basically i'm not saying she's bad (she's still my main for a reason), i'm just saying that, compared to Season 2, she has lost some power, so she's in a relatively weaker position. Heck, she's the second last AD carry for win rate on LoLking (just a bit above vayne, i guess this one suffered the most from the nerf to AS).
Or, i don't know, maybe it's just my imagination. But I've been playing her A LOT, so i'm fairly confident in my analysis.
Trist's scaling is her AA and AS steroid. That's how she scales. Her burst is magic damage, which doesn't scale, so it's sort of set at a certain position, but that damage is fairly high, which is why she's so destructive early (no one has extra physical damage) and late game (she's got her long range and AS, and skills aren't doing nearly that much anymore). Mid game everyone has high AD but low AS, but that makes them more reliant on their spells, which Trist is falling off on at that point. This means she's really reliant on her Q and building AD or she's doing very low damage.