So a short overview of my last game.
Go into lobby, call top and pick Vi, don't care if it's solo or not, but I'm playing top as Vi.
Other people start picking roles and locking in, two spots not chosen yet, on goes jungle Wu the other picks Irelia and insist he should go top because he's better (champ and otherwise) despite being told by both me and the team that I called top first and that Vi really is better (champ and otherwise). Last moment of picking he switches to GP adamant that he's going top.
So I go with it and go bot with our Trist who so far is the only one in the team not flying off the hinges. Game starts, Gp gives FB, afterwards me and Trist score a double on their bot. Some time later we get ganked by mid and their jungler all the while our Wu farms mid and Kata comes down to help after Trist died. Both of us die (I could have gotten away but for some reason I was expecting her to do damage and Wu to come and help us from mid, neither happened) and I get called a noob by Kata who asks for a 1v1 when I reply that it's her fault we all died (no ss on Karth or anything). By this time GP has two deaths and two GP/10 items.
Fast forward to mid game, we're getting pushed hard with only one turret left standing outside the base, while they have all of theirs. Their Kayle who went top is fed as balls and really good with her ult. Me and Trist managed to get some more kills and assists all the while being called noobs and calls being made to report us by Kata.
Lategame and me and Trist have most of our stuff, I'm strong enough to gib pretty much anyone on their team if they don't get saved by Kayle, which usually happens and then we win a teamfight. Except that one time where I went in but others didn't follow, so I blew up and my team followed shortly after. Now, as we're somehow holding together and the other team is less and less cohesive we're actually punishing them pretty hard. One good fight and they have two inhibitors down (our base is still untouched). Stuff happens, me and Trist kill baron while the rest of the team insist on a teamfight in the other teams jungle, most of them die. Shortly after that Wu, Kata and GP set up a "trap" on the now dead Baron, while me and Trist are home healing and shopping. Teamfight erupts two of our guys die, we mop up the now weakened enemy team. Proceed to push their base completely down.
End of the game, Kata writes bg and eazy. She along with Wukong had the worst score in the entire freaking game, even GP could grab a kill or two with some lucky crits.
Oh and that 1v1 didn't happen, she failed to respond for some reason :I