So Azubu surrendered their first game at some 20 minutes against rather big nobodies Gambit. Eve was proven OP, Rene seems really powerful and Kog got raped by Ez among other things.
Also Mundo jungling, that's still slightly confusing.
Gambit Gaming is M5, so they're not rather big nobodies, really. Eve wasn't really proven too OP, especially since she was only winning against Ryze after the first two kills. If you had seen the Azubu Frost games, GG is really really utilizing that Renekton to his maximum due to his 35% armor shred on his E and Ezreal (who doesn't need attack speed) to really drive home the changes with S3. There were some calculations on Reddit on the Renekton top/Xin Zhao jungle, which shred 35%/15% armor, respectively, which, combined with Last Whisper (and masteries), which GG was rushing as a second or third item on Ez, means basically no armor for anybody. Not even to mention the Renekton grabbing Black Cleaver as one of his first items. Thanks to W, Renekton instantly shreds the target for all BC stacks.
I'm mostly just copypasting what I learned from Snoopeh commentary and Reddit stuff, but that's basically it. For the 2-0 win against Azubu Frost, anyway, but they seem to really like that Renekton pick so far, so I wonder if he won't be banned for the second game against Blaze.
Mundo jungling is pretty standard now. He works similarly to Shyvana in the jungle with better ganks (although I still like Shyvana better for DRAGONS).
EDIT: ACTUALLY, now that I think about it, wouldn't Shyvana work well as a top for this sort of thing as well? When in Dragon form, her E AoE-shreds 15% armor on multiple targets in a wave. That is very interesting to think about.