I dunno, have you seen new doran's?
They have cool stacking passive (except shield but who the hell would stack that?) so stacking 4 dorans blade is = to 10% lifesteal doing 200 damage (doesn't matter about enemy armour either). 20 hp per attack is nothing to sniff at and with the 40ad and 320hp isn't too bad either for the cost.
I'm not a big fan of the stacking dorans either but the rework hasn't hurt it at all.
Well, you usually won't get 4 Doran's, but yeah, I view the shift as mainly a change from late-game lifesteal to early-game sustain. It feels like basically an encouragement to sell your Doran's only when you get actual damage.
To be honest, I've actually been running Doran's start nowadays when I play AD carry. When I fight enemy AD carries as Corki with a Doran's, it's very often a no-contest. I just outdamage them if they start boots. Doran's Blade start is working very well for me so far even in comparison to Boots+3 pot start.
In other news, I went back to my roots. I originally started my now-main Summoner profile so I could grind up more IP, eventually resulting in an impulse buy for Kassadin. Now, I really really like mobility. Much of the time, I run Movement Quints (partially because they're just all-around decent and I'm too cheap to buy other Quints
). It feels really really good to play Kassadin and all his mobility again. Not the least because I fought an Akali mid and wrecked her with the hard-counter.