I think I've finally figured out how I like Elise to be built in order to win hard at life.
Elise Mid/Top Items in "()" either get upgraded or sold later
(3 Red Pots)
(Heart of Gold)
Sorc Shoes or Merc Treads
(Hextech Revolver)
Nashor's Tooth
Will of the Ancients
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Rabadon's Deathcap
Banshee's Veil or Zhonya's Hourglass
((Rabadon's and Banshee's/Zhonya's can be replaced with other items of choice depending on game, such as a Randuin's or a Deathfire, etc.))
Skills are maxed out in this order: QWQEQRQWQWRWWEEREE
Runes and Masteries:
21/9/0 Very standard masteries, I grab MR over Armor because you're in mid, but if you go top lane you can grab armor instead and it should still work.
AP Blues, AP Quints, MP5 Yellows, MPen Reds
Important tips for Mid Elise,
- Last hit in Spider form as much as possible, the passive W health back and free mana cost of everything is amazing for lane sustain if you find yourself running low on mana, and it's about twice as easy to farm.
- Remember, your explosive spiderlings can be walked around the creep lines to harass the enemy champion more directly
- If you find yourself in any kind of sticky situation, your E is the most helpful skill you have in either form, don't be afraid to use it, forcing the enemies to stay around an extra two seconds could be the difference between your team being able to pick up a kill on your opponent, and them getting off scott free even in the worst case scenario
- Play around the edge's of team fights until a tank gets in there, never initiate fights with your E(spider form), no matter how low they are. You are not a tank, you are Elise, the Queen Bitch of Bursting Squishies in the Back Row of a Team Fight.
Elise Jungle(Cloth Armor)
(5 Red Potions)
(Philosopher's Stone)
(Hextech Revolver)
Hextech Gunblade
Merc Treads or Gank Boots
((At this point check with your support, if they are getting Aegis, throw out cloth armor, if they are not, grab it and help your team with some survivability))
Nashor's Tooth
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Banshee's Veil
Rabadon's Deathcap
(You obviously ditch Aegis late game if you get there)
Now I know they question you're all asking yourself right now, "V-Norrec, why in the sweet mother of Baby Jesus are you getting a Hextech Gunblade over a Will of the Ancients on an AP character?" Check that active, 50% slow for 3 seconds. The Hextech Gunblade ends your dependance on Red Buff or a good human form E for ganks. All of a sudden you run up, hit them for 300 with a nice slow, you and your spiderlings jump on them creep blocking them in (Save your Spider E for expecting flash if possible, use Spider Q to close the gap as quickly as possible if not possible just use the E and force that flash burn, then come back after clearing golems and wraiths half the time they'll be back in a gankable position), and then your team jumps in because they see you're eating the enemy alive, and your team chalks up another kill on the board. It also synergizes well with the Nashor's Tooth which is almost essential for it's CDR, Attack Speed, and AP (in that order).
Jungle Route
Start blue, you're a bit too squishy to take wolves early imo, because you'll eat all five potions on that first clear. So you want your skills to be on as low a CD a possible. Don't be afraid to go B if your are running low on Health after the second Wraith Clear, you'll be able to pick up MP5 and HP5 so you'll get that extra bit of durability you need. Anyhow, always start the camps Human Q, Human W, Human E, Spider, Spider W, Spider Q, camp dies. It is imperative you go through the Human Spells as quickly as possible so you take as little damage as possible, also E can be skipped on Wraiths, (It's only used on the big guy in the camps to prevent a bit of damage on those first few clears until you have revolver)
Skills: QWQEQRQWQWRWWEEREE (same as mid/top)
Runes and Masteries:
21/9/0 Two points in Butcher, taken from your AP, the rest are distributed as one would expect of a standard AP build, grab armor over MR is Defensive.
Health % Quints, Health Yellows, Attack Speed Reds, AP Blues
Important Tips
- Spider Form Q gets more powerful the more health is missing, try to save it until they are low then pop it and get maximum damage.
- Remember that Gunblade active, it is essential to successfully ganking as Elise without Red Buff
- Always jump to the back of a team fight with your E, keep the enemy from retreating, and distract the squishies. You have Life Steal, Spell Vamp, and Health for a reason, so those early team fights are in your favor.
- Red Buff is more important than blue buff for Elise because spider form uses no mana. Always give Blue Buff to your mid or top after first clear. You don't need it.
- Human form Q is longer range than spider form, switch to pick up that longer range kill.
- I thought I told you not to forget that Gunblade active you son of a bitch. DON'T FORGET THAT GUNBLADE ACTIVE!
Really that's just about everything I've learned about Elise so far, feel free to ask questions, and such if you're curious. Also yell at me if you want, I'll just laugh at you and keep doing what works for me though.