Wow, this sure was a patch.
First off, Rengar seems ruined. Yes I know I like to overreact, but there's no reason to play him now, for me at least. Either the Q damage nerf or the ult duration nerf were definitely needed, not sure about both at the same time. The ult CD, however, along with how fiddly it suddenly became - no. I got killed at least 5 times after pressing R and nothing happening. And then I had to wait around a forthnight to try again. No thanks.
Impulse-bought Elise after seeing people fail with her a lot, and she's really weird. I had a stupid game, because it was my first. My build was RoA->Abyssal-> Rylai -> FH, I was legendary at some point after being 100% percent useless at the start. Then people suddenly started dropping. The spiderlings are really strong, not sure if they scale on something, though. The E->W->Q-> Spiderform combo is strong, not sure it's what I'm supposed to be doing. It was really weird since I could almost go toe-to-toe with a jax with that combo, and it wasn't an underfed jax. All in all, I felt really weird playing Elise, but god damn if it wasn't fun. Maybe I should look for builds or something, though. Also I levelled whatever I panic-clicked in the braws.
The thing is, you're this ap caster, who however ends up right in the middle of the enemy team, but unlike Nidalle you can't build tanky bruiser... I think. I'll prolly try it at some point. Maybe a Lichbane would be good?
Oh yeah, all of this is Dominion, so bear that in mind.