I know the games are different, and I didn't try to slander neither one of them, nor to compare them. I have no idea why I listed stuff of Bloodseeker since none of it was relevant.
But back to LoL: I think Riot is generally making too many Bruisers and assassins which have so similar kits that while they're all different, they all have a crapload of similar strengths and only a few weaknesses.
Diana is an assassin with a blink with only 12 second cooldown, which can potentially be used twice in a row. Her Q which makes the blink have no cooldown, and this ability has 6 second cooldown. She also has an AoE pull ability to prevent escaping. Being an assassin, her main weakness is the durability. But she has a shield which can potentially have double health. Her overall mobility also adds greatly to her survivability, making her weakness null.
Jayce is a bruiser who has too many abilities. He has a leap + slow, he can deal damage based on % health, his base damage from all of his abilities is quite high, his passive grants him movement speed as well as his wall, he has ranged harass and he is hard to kill. Being a bruiser his main weakness is.. Well, bruisers are supposed to get close in order to do their stuff, which isn't all that hard for Jayce, considering he can also become ranged if the need arises.
Darius' passive grants him movement speed as he hits enemy champions. Even in 1 vs 1 this allows for easy chasing, and in a teamfight if he hits at least 3 guys you can't outrun him. He has an ability which pulls you towards him which makes escaping even harder. His damage output without items is enormous.
Since bruisers need to get close to their target, Hecarim is on a stable base. His mobility is glorious, his sustain is fantastic and crowd control is beautiful. Although I like this champ quite much, how is he different from other brusiers? More mobility, but the build is basically the same. Build health, armor & MR, and still deal loads of damage. Especially since bruisers have such good items.
Ahri has charm, and 3 fucking dashes. She has long range and high damage as well. Assassins are meant to be squishy, and even though Ahri is very soft, she can escape all situations with no problems. Oh, and she also has loads of spellvamp combined with true damage.
Volibear is extremely durable with his passive, so he can just build like any other bruiser. He has an ability which increases his movement speed and he also has Fling. He has an ability which deals daamge based on his max hp, meaning he can build the basic Fratmogs and do tons of damage. He also has an AoE slow and high damage on his ult.
Fizz... Another assassin who can chase and get away with ease. I wouldn't have a big problem with this champ, if he couldn't pop projectiles with his trollvault. it is only on a 8 sec cooldown too. And his ult which slows and then knocks you up. And his dash which can potentially be used to escape with the help of creepwaves/jungle creeps. No biggie to get away. Build him relatively durable and not only does he refuse to die, but he also makes you die.
Shyvana has ridiculous damage and speed, and especially in her ult form she is also impossible to kill once she has a couple of items. She basically plays like a tank, as if you focus her she doesn't die and her team rapes you, but despite building like one, her damage isn't tank-like. It is bruiser damage, AKA too high when compared to durability.
Riven is another one. Just like Shyvana, she is really hard to kill and her damage overpowers you. She has mobility and CC as well.
Talon is another one, but he is a mixture of both. An assassin that can get away with ease, but he is also an incredibly good bruiser.
If you look at the list further, you notice many of the bruisers and assassins are similar. All bruisers deal huge damage and refuse to die, and all the new assassins deal immense damage and still survive super easily. If an assassin has stealth or blinks or whatever, it is okay, thats in their nature. But if the assassin doesn't have to build damage items in order to deal high damage, something is broken. Same with bruisers. It is an extremely dumb concept to make so many bruiserswhich can buy Wit's End, Maw of Malmortius, Frozen Mallet, Atma's Impaler, Warmog's Armor, Trinity Force and so on, and assassins get Abyssal Scepter, Rylai's Scepter, Zhonya's Hourglass and Will of the Ancients, items which give both durability and damage. Why would you ever want to buy something other than these, when buying these items you basically get all of the needed stats to survive, and all of the stats to kill?
TL;DR: I don't like the game since Riot keeps spewing out champions which all last an eternity and kill you in seconds. The items aren't balanced for the game since playing a non-tanky champion and buying non-tanky items will only end up getting you dead.