What is the best option for recording and posting matches? It turns out I am pretty terrible at this game and it is starting to annoy me.
At least I try to pick the job the team needs.
Top: Shen or Mundo
Mid: Karth or Vlad
Bot AD: Ashe or Kog
Bot support: Jana
Jungle: Lee Sin or Ram.
I took a long break from LoL too, so running into the newest champs throws me.
I don't know about recording matches, but I can give some advice. I'm currently around 1550 elo in ranked solo, so take this with a grain of salt. It seems to me that you are just picking bad champs to learn LOL with.
my thoughts on your top:
Shen is a good choice, easy to last hit, easy to run away, easy resource management, effective all game. I don't know how mundo fares top, he is usually played as a jungle because of his insane clear speed, spammable 40% slow and powerful 1v1.
I'm guessing this is probably your most successful lane.
karth can be a real beast, if you can guarantee that you will last hit 5/6 or 6/7 minions every creep wave, and not die in lane. If you can't last hit well, you run out of mana and fall behind, if you die, you fall behind. This is not something most beginners can do. Vlad is pretty faceroll, that said I still fail with him pretty horribly, go figure.
bottom (ad carry):
ashe and kog are both really really strong in the right hands, with the right team. However, both need to get 3 full items before they really start to shine, and neither has an escape. The combination of weaknesses makes them incredibly unreliable in solo queue, and very exploitable for the enemy team. Pick something with an easy escape and natural burst (graves, and trist are both good choices).
support: start with defensive supports, and work your way into aggressive ones. Playing a good support is often the difference between winning the lane and not. Janna is a good pick. Soraka is too.
Jungle: Lee sin takes a lot of skill to play properly, and even then he doesnt scale into late game well. Rammus' clear speed is slow slow slow, leaving you underleveled and underfarmed, not a good combination for someone that is supposed to be the primary engage. Pick junglers that are quick, and hopefully have some cc. Mundo is a great jungle still. Skarner is fun but has mana issues. Shyv is super fast with broken good stats, but no natural cc's (red+phage/frozenmallet can fix this).