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Author Topic: League of Legends - Patch 7.22 - Runes Reforged  (Read 1271065 times)


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9075 on: July 19, 2012, 01:52:58 pm »

Uh, that's all good and stuff and I got over 3k health on my first play as him. But for what? Sure, he's tanky. Sure, he can clean out minions like fish in a barrel. However, any player with half a brain will minimize his exposure to poison to a negligible minimum and there isn't much Singed can do against him. Troll them and run? Any CC will murder him and he can't escape chase for shit. His W takes more time to cast than it saves on slowing, poison can be easily evaded again and R has just way too long a CD and doesn't do that much to his MS.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9076 on: July 19, 2012, 02:03:03 pm »

If you're getting focus as Singed you either praise Jebus for your good fortune or you get you team to come too and laugh as they are forced to either waste all their CC on the dick running around poisoning them or killing someone who actually does damage while there's this asshole tossing them like summoners rift is a giant salad bowl.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9077 on: July 19, 2012, 02:08:28 pm »

dyrus who is like 2400 elo, mains Singed and has a 60+% win rate with him... so not a shit champ and in fact dyrus has a funny video up of him playing singed making fun of people saying singed is shit ^_^ lol. while he gets like 300 cs in a 31 minute game and his team feeds a bit and he carries.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9078 on: July 19, 2012, 02:11:48 pm »

Playing Singed is an art, and difficult to explain. But essentially, you are supposed to be a giant unkillable dick. Laning is troublesome, but at some point you are just running around like a madman ignoring everything ever. I believe there was some sort of Singed advice at some point that went like this:
Is what you are currently do reasonable on other characters? Then stop doing it.
Is what you are about to do an absolutely stupid idea on other characters? Then do it, for God's sake.

You can afford to do that, particularily in teamfights, because you want to eat their focus with your immense tanky girth. It's Singed's way of grabbing aggro, and he actually is excellent at chasing and running away, even though he tends to be kited a lot when he doesn't blow his cooldowns. In lane, you can flash into your tower. In a teamfight, nothing will save you from the chemical-powered train of destruction and shattered dreams.
HOWEVER, it is vital for this playstyle to know just how much you can take and how much you can dish out. Don't run into your death headlessly, accomplishing nothing. Think about what you are doing, and then run in like you've got a pocket medic with infinite Übercharge.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9079 on: July 19, 2012, 04:32:52 pm »

Is it only me or Singed is utter shit? I played him yesterday, got something along the lines of 2/10/7 and swore to myself never to play him again. Today I had a match with Singed on my side who claimed the same thing like five minutes into the match. The only half-decent ability is E, but it still sucks compared to any other pull/CC. So, what's so cool about him?
You're supposed to play Singed as a balls-to-the-walls action man + mega troll. You're kinda like Mundo on how you never die, kinda like Shaco because of how you can't be chased down, and kinda like Xin Zhao with FMallet because you can't be escaped from.

I normally build like this: Health Crystal or Mana Crystal, whichever you think is more suitable, then Sorcerer's boots and Catalyst, then Hextech Revolver. Once you have that, get RoA, then another RoA, then another RoA. Now you can either get Banshee's Veil, Rylai's Scepter, Frozen Heart, or another RoA. Last item will also be one of those four.

It is a joke how strong Singed is once you get Hextech Revolver. Keep juking in bushes and corners, flinging the enemies, ghosting trough them, and igniting when they're low. Your ultimate gives extremely good stats (Defence, regen, movement speed, more damage to smoke and fling --> more heal from revolver). When you have revolver, boots and catalyst/first RoA, you can start laning behind the enemy's tower. If they try to kill you, just gas and juke and spam /laugh as you run around and make them choke in the pink cherry clouds.

Ignite + Ghost naturally, bind /laugh to some key, and spam it whenever you don't run in a straight line. It is the most fun I have in League.

Uh, that's all good and stuff and I got over 3k health on my first play as him. But for what? Sure, he's tanky. Sure, he can clean out minions like fish in a barrel. However, any player with half a brain will minimize his exposure to poison to a negligible minimum and there isn't much Singed can do against him. Troll them and run? Any CC will murder him and he can't escape chase for shit. His W takes more time to cast than it saves on slowing, poison can be easily evaded again and R has just way too long a CD and doesn't do that much to his MS.

His ult gives CC reduction. If you have Mercury Treads, the effect stacks, meaning you can have 55% reduced stuns and slows on you.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 04:35:53 pm by Bordellimies »
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9080 on: July 19, 2012, 05:00:31 pm »

Rod of Ages is just so ridiculously godly on Singed.  He's tough to play early on if you build him that way, but the amount of fun you'll have late game after building 3 of them + a Rylai's is incredible.  He was my first main character.
In the land of twilight, under the moon
We dance for the idiots
As the end will come so soon
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Maybe people should love for the sake of loving, and not with all of these optimization conditions.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9081 on: July 19, 2012, 06:37:47 pm »

Singed is.... Odd. His kit is half a victim of powercreep (Everybody has a dash/gap-closer, nobody wants to passive farm top) and half dependent on knowing every little nuance of his so you know exactly how much you can piss off the enemy team without screwing up. A good Singed will avoid feeding through laning, have at least 100 CS by 20 min (AT LEAST), and will have the enemy team raging at him by the time for teamfights. Once you get past min.15 or so, you pretty much get a growing emotional bounty when the enemy kills you, similar to the killing spree gold bonus. Every time you die, you'll stop being seen as a threat/target, and that's not something you want.

As for the Urgot changes, he still has to choose between going for an AD caster build or ranged AD carry build, and now he's gimped either way he goes. His range is absolute shit, and he has no way to cover for that weakness as a ranged carry, but now he's fucked if he goes AD caster, since every single AD caster is dependent on good bases and dominating laning, with the sole exception of Riven (Her bases are absolute shit, but she makes up for it with absolutely godlike scaling. 4.9 on active abilities, 3.5 from passive, 7.0 from attacks to proc passive that much, 1.0 on shield, and then multiply all of that by 1.2, just for good measure. For those of you following along at home that's a insane 18.48 damage per point of AD. One bloodthister, fully stacked, gives nearly 2000 damage.), and his abilities just got massively weakened, and now even if he does manage to Q someone, it won't get the scaling from his base AD. It's just a sad state of affairs when he can't build anything without being useless.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9082 on: July 19, 2012, 06:42:53 pm »

What is the best option for recording and posting matches? It turns out I am pretty terrible at this game and it is starting to annoy me.

At least I try to pick the job the team needs.

Top: Shen or Mundo
Mid: Karth or Vlad
Bot AD: Ashe or Kog
Bot support: Jana
Jungle: Lee Sin or Ram.

I took a long break from LoL too, so running into the newest champs throws me.

I don't know about recording matches, but I can give some advice.  I'm currently around 1550 elo in ranked solo, so take this with a grain of salt.  It seems to me that you are just picking bad champs to learn LOL with. 

my thoughts on your top:
Shen is a good choice, easy to last hit, easy to run away, easy resource management, effective all game.  I don't know how mundo fares top, he is usually played as a jungle because of his insane clear speed, spammable 40% slow and powerful 1v1.
I'm guessing this is probably your most successful lane.

karth can be a real beast, if you can guarantee that you will last hit 5/6 or 6/7 minions every creep wave, and not die in lane.  If you can't last hit well, you run out of mana and fall behind, if you die, you fall behind.  This is not something most beginners can do.  Vlad is pretty faceroll, that said I still fail with him pretty horribly, go figure.

bottom (ad carry):
ashe and kog are both really really strong in the right hands, with the right team.  However, both need to get 3 full items before they really start to shine, and neither has an escape.  The combination of weaknesses makes them incredibly unreliable in solo queue, and very exploitable for the enemy team.  Pick something with an easy escape and natural burst (graves, and trist are both good choices).

support: start with defensive supports, and work your way into aggressive ones.  Playing a good support is often the difference between winning the lane and not.  Janna is a good pick.  Soraka is too.

Jungle:  Lee sin takes a lot of skill to play properly, and even then he doesnt scale into late game well.  Rammus' clear speed is slow slow slow, leaving you underleveled and underfarmed, not a good combination for someone that is supposed to be the primary engage.  Pick junglers that are quick, and hopefully have some cc.  Mundo is a great jungle still. Skarner is fun but has mana issues.  Shyv is super fast with broken good stats, but no natural cc's (red+phage/frozenmallet can fix this).

« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 06:44:25 pm by khantin »


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9083 on: July 19, 2012, 07:32:24 pm »

Also on Shy-She's too tanky and does too much Damage. There is the lack of a gap closer, but at least in my ELO people suck at kiting so you can usually burnout up to them when they overextend and massacre them.
We may not be as brave as Gryffindor, as willing to get our hands dirty as Hufflepuff, or as devious as Slytherin, but there is nothing, nothing more dangerous than a little too much knowledge and a conscience that is open to debate


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9084 on: July 19, 2012, 09:43:45 pm »

I've played all of the reworked champions now, although Malz felt more like a bunch of really nice QoL changes, and have come to a conclusion of the stealth champs.

Eve: She clears jungles like a monster, and her ganking is about on par with where it was back when she had stun. There's a catch though. She is insanely squishy. Past level 9, she can't duel anybody. Hell, I had Wriggles, about 50% mana, full hp, and level 9 and I couldn't even kill dragon with smite. She's THAT squishy. I never got to see if her ult gave her a team fight presence because I was never alive for them. I went positive kd, but only because I went about 7/0/4 by the end of laning.

Twitch: He feels absolutely terrible now. His entire kit is centered around his passive, but nothing comes from it. His E got nerfed into oblivion, even though Riot insists that it does more damage now, the passive itself does less damage, and his ult can't rape teams wholesale anymore. I'd rather have pre-rework Twitch than this mess.

Some preliminary analysis of Xin: His ult is now more than just a farming tool. It's cd isn't trivial anymore, and it actually has an impact. His Q hits like a goddamn truck, though it's not always on now. W lets you get crazy sustain early on if you max it first, and E is pretty much exactly the same. He seems like CDR/AD with Crit and AS as secondary priorities build wise.

I'm really upset about Twitch. He really deserves better than what he got.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9085 on: July 19, 2012, 10:54:32 pm »

I haven't played Eve yet, but she seems like she'd be a bit bad just by virtue of being spotted easily. It is quite amusing to see the little exclamation point above her head, though. I'd say that it depends on the reaction times of the players. When I played a bot game with an Evelynn, they just vaporized her by means of mechanical reflexes. As to her ultimate, it sounds powerful. I think it's supposed to help with Evelynn's natural squishiness in teamfights.

In other news: Olaf is the best character on ARAM. Normally, I'm not good with Olaf at all, but there's something to be said about bumrushing Vayne and Cassiopeia and just melting them.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9086 on: July 19, 2012, 11:49:23 pm »

The viking sure knows his stuff. Insanely good jungle clear times, and don't forget about the true damage nuke. I absolutely LOVE HIM! I think i'm gonna buy the Brolaf skin :D
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When a captain makes a mistake, a dozen men die.
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When an emperor makes a mistake, well, there is a game save for retry.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9087 on: July 19, 2012, 11:53:45 pm »

As for the Urgot changes, he still has to choose between going for an AD caster build or ranged AD carry build, and now he's gimped either way he goes. His range is absolute shit, and he has no way to cover for that weakness as a ranged carry, but now he's fucked if he goes AD caster, since every single AD caster is dependent on good bases and dominating laning, with the sole exception of Riven (Her bases are absolute shit, but she makes up for it with absolutely godlike scaling. 4.9 on active abilities, 3.5 from passive, 7.0 from attacks to proc passive that much, 1.0 on shield, and then multiply all of that by 1.2, just for good measure. For those of you following along at home that's a insane 18.48 damage per point of AD. One bloodthister, fully stacked, gives nearly 2000 damage.), and his abilities just got massively weakened, and now even if he does manage to Q someone, it won't get the scaling from his base AD. It's just a sad state of affairs when he can't build anything without being useless.
One the subject of the Urgot changes, Statikk came out and admitted that he screwed it up. There were meant to be some nerfs, but they apparently swung the nerf-bat a little too hard this time.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9088 on: July 20, 2012, 12:07:56 am »

So... the patch is live? That was quiet.

edit: hehe, it looks like this was a stealth patch
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 12:47:17 am by penguinofhonor »


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Jayce, Defender of Tomorrow -
« Reply #9089 on: July 20, 2012, 03:18:29 am »

Many ways to play singed, sure you can hextech or you can go warmogs + hp regen [force of nature], stack them Rods of ages [hp? YES! Mana? YES, also MORE HP! - AP? Singe me up!] or be a utility singed starting with philo stone and heart of gold for revlaery [the team speed boost] and Randuins later on, if you have to make absolutly sure noone can catch you.

The nerf to his "invisible" extra-trial range hit him very hard thou, imo. I still enjoy farming the enemys minions without getting hit by one of them and then running behind his tower [that he is trying to hold] and farming the next wave and the wave from mid and wolves before coming back and making sure the next wave doesn't reach his tower either. At higher ranks going for kills is rather pointless without a jungler around... but most of the time the enemy jungler will be there, hating your guts and waisting his time

And waisting there time is what we want. shift +4 all day, farm mid-minions behind there first tower, steal wraiths and backdoor... they have to send more then 3 guys once you hit lvl 6.

My recommended items for him are
Boots + pots
HP Gem or if your short, a mana one - if you got a kill, lvl 2 boots.
lvl 2 boots

OR if you are support singed [so troll-lol-lo] get the hp-regen starting item, philo stone and then heart of gold.

But yeah, power creep [more like movement creep] and small nerfs did take a bit out of him. Still amazing midgame, bad early most of the time [vs ranged that knows how to play and has a gap closer? Lane switch please u guys]. Love him.
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