The main reason I am considering Fizz is that the few times that I've played him he's been an insane amount of balls-to-the-wall fun, plus besides Vlad and Ryze (which I never play) I don't really have a regular AP champ (heck even Vlad isn't regular the way I play him, full on hp tank monstrosity that has 5k hp and 500 AP)
Looking for balls-to-the-walls action? Mordekaiser is your man. He can basically 5 vs 1, as long as he manages to get a good ghost (AD Carry) then he can solo the entire enemy team. You don't play Mordekaisi as a behind-the-lines mage, you play him as the tank. But instead of doing tanking, you do goddamn enormous amounts of AoE damage. And because nobody ever focuses his ghost when they are in range to attack Morde, his pubstomping power is immensely high.
My build for him:
- Amplifying Tome + HP Pot
- Amp Tome --> Hextech Revolver
- Sorcerer's Boots
- Haunting Guise
- Negatron loak & Chain Armor
- Abyssal Scepter
- Deathfire Grasp
+ Once you have DFG, nuking enemies becomes super easy. DFG --> Ult --> Ignite. If you're in range with no minions around, pop a Q on the enemy to deal additional 500 damage to them. Instant ghost most of the time you manage to pull it off.
+ True damage to everyone who has less than 70 MR.
+ Immense heals due to high damage.
+ This build is also quite cheap.
- Can't think of anything. The cheapness means you get early advantage, which means you get to farm much better, which means better late game. You don't get as much straight durability, but since you get more damage, Hextech Revolver + Iron Man keep you alive better than when stacking tank items.
Once you have DFG, you can get either Rabadon, Lichbane and/or Zhonya's hourglass. Sell Haunting Guise when you're going to buy more AP items. Ignore Rylai's Scepter, it is useless. The slow isn't going to help you all that much because all of your damage besides ult is AoE, the slow % is low. Stacking flat health also is a bad idea: The healing from Hextech Revolver and your ult don't work well with flat health: Armor and Magic resist increase the effective healing a lot more. I'm not entirely sure, but if your passive shield gets reduced damage from resistances, then stacking those will also be
much better than stacking health.
Ignite + Teleport naturally. if you don't want teleport, take Ghost, Heal, Exhaust, Cleanse or Flash. For runes, I generally use Health/level Seals, CDR blues and MPen reds and quints. You can get flat AP & MPen runes for better early game too. Masteries... Get durability and AP. Focus on whichever you want, but I'd suggest on 21/9/0.