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Author Topic: League of Legends - Patch 7.22 - Runes Reforged  (Read 1270266 times)


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7/4/7, first time Darius. I whiffed a couple pulls (why does his E not have a range indicator?), but otherwise this guy is a beast. Destroy everybody midgame.

He's pretty kite susceptible if you're out of his E range, annoyingly. That Vayne would have died like six more times if I'd have been able to reach her.


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Thoughts on Draven? I haven't bought him yet, but I'm watching Guardsman Bob stream him, and played against a couple on Dominion today.

I like the detail put into the champion model, animation and voicework, I LOVE the ult (in fact I was thinking of this exact champion type and ult - a dude throwing axes with a global axethrow ult - recently and felt kind of sad it would never be since it encroached on Olaf territory), but his core mechanic - the Q - kind of bothers me.

I got somewhat stomped by one Draven today, who seemed to be outputting immense damage through my 200+ armour, and then ... nothing. All other games Dravens would either do moderately well bot, or fail top and/or bot. It seems Q offers a bit of a trap in that it seems to cause people to forget about positioning as a concept and focus on Dealing Damages.

Also I haven't done the math, cuz I don't have the champion, but won't using the Q lategame be a net DPS loss, like Caitlyn's Q?

And on an unrelated note, wouldn't it be cool if they made a Ranged AD carry champion, who uses twin lashes or whips instead of a true ranged weapon? Because I personally think it would be pretty great, like that scene in the first Underworld, but preferably without the champion instantly dying to werewolves.

This scene:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Actually, does anyone have a gif of that? I searched but I couldn't find any :(
What a strange and beautiful world I beheld, but dangerous too, I was certain. And I was friendless and homeless. And so I prayed.
"Hear me, exalted spirits. Hear me be you gods or devils, ye who hold dominion here. I am a wizard without a home. I am a wanderer seeking refuge."


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He's definitely a very high skill cap AD carry. I'd expect a lot of bad ones early on because nobody knows how to play him yet.


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While Draven does have a high skill ceiling. Overall he is still a really strong champion. His Q allows him mini crits, and resets on skill/opportunity cost. He has a powerful movement steroid that also resets when his Q does, to mitigate some of the mobility loss from actually catching the axes. His other skills are a compliment.

As a whole RIOT has focused more on making champions with tight kits recently, and Draven is a strong example. Early-> Mid he gets minicrits that proc extra damage from his passive (it stacks). Late
game he crits normally, and still stacks his passive. He is not one of those champs that really just explodes at one level or another (all champions with ults explode a bit at 6), but he will dish out alot of damage all game long played right. PS: TRINITY NO BUENO

Personally I bought him for the style, the guy is just too rad :P.


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I don't think the passive stacks, it would say if it did. Just refreshed when you hit the enemy again.
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19 kills as Darius, still ended up losing. Our Varus and Jax were pretty much never with the team. I got like four double kills though! Sigh.

I don't think the passive stacks, it would say if it did. Just refreshed when you hit the enemy again.

I believe Volty said it does on the forums. It doesn't stack like Darius' does where you refresh the previous stacks, it just does the damage completely independently of any other stacks of itself that are on the target.


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19 kills as Darius, still ended up losing. Our Varus and Jax were pretty much never with the team. I got like four double kills though! Sigh.

I don't think the passive stacks, it would say if it did. Just refreshed when you hit the enemy again.

I believe Volty said it does on the forums. It doesn't stack like Darius' does where you refresh the previous stacks, it just does the damage completely independently of any other stacks of itself that are on the target.
Wait, if it stacks, does it have a limit? I could just stack Phantom Dancers, crit on the enemy twice per second, and the stacks would deal immense damage once I have applied like 10 of them?
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Laned bot as Taric last night with the world's worst Darius. >_<

When your damage dealer runs away from the fight and alert pings the shit of you because he's dropped to all of 75% health? Probably picked the wrong champ.

In his defense, he said it was his 1st time, but daaamn. I don't play that chickenshit even with the squishiest of characters (which is probably why I fare poorly with squishies).

Speaking of, need some new champ recs. I tend to play aggressive, perhaps even too aggressive, so I find that I do best with speedy champs to help me recover when i've overextended. My tactical positioning is often a problem -- I get caught too far out, isolated and nuked way too often. But my strategic map awareness is usually quite good. I'm always the first to notice that an unattended tower is about to be hit by a wave of red, or that hey...all their team is bot so I'm going to push top like crazy and take down a tower before they can react (or at least force a couple to burn a 'port to stop me). I'm also getting a better sixth sense about when a gank is coming and can withdraw in time.

Definitely Wukong, Riven, or Ezreal. Wukong's jukes are way too fun to pass up on. I once had three chasing me, I already used decoy but that didn't work out so well. I decided to press S just around 25% health, they thought my decoy had gone off CD and pursued the other way while I ran opposite of their ENTIRE team. It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. Wukong also nukes towers with his Q.

Riven is really mobile in and of herself. With flash, you can cover a WIDE distance. She's really great at taking down towers too. Great early game, even better scaling lategame.

Ezreal is my go-to AD Carry. I generally play him in Ranked. I can't expect my teammates to peel so I like to play people with escapes and what-not. Some other ADs are too team dependent, not to mention the fact that my positioning needs some work too.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 06:06:28 am by xDarkz »


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I've had good success with Riven during a recent free week. Wasn't totally enamored with Wukong when I tried him, but it's been a while. Not sure if I've ever played Ezreal.

I wound buying Janna last night on an impulse after several satisfying matches with her. Can hold her own mid lane and works as a lane support very well, while still having a respectable long-range damage output.

Came damn close to carrying my team after our top lane (Darius/Wukong vs. enemy Malphite/Wukong) were made of epic fail. Laned mid against Ryze and had him constantly on his heels (Ryze just seems to not be a good mid, at least against me) and pushed both top towers, escaped several gank attempts but then finally started falling once Malph and Wukong had like 10-15 kills under their belts thanks to the Fail Twins.

Still made a hell of a fight of it though. Took me a while to fully grasp it, but her ult is so nice because it's multi-purpose. It heals, it damages, it pushes, it blocks off lanes, it isolates enemy champs to be focused down, it can be used to throw a bad guy into your turret, it can let you escape a 5v1 chase. And Janna herself can be built aura-whore (and unlike Taric has the speed to maintain good position), she can be built straight AP, she can build CC, she can build support shield/'s just a very versatile character and that global MS buff will always make you popular.

Once I made the realization to build a Rylai's, nobody could escape a gank. NOBODY. Although I found Janna vs. Zilean to be an awesome matchup, like something out of two kids trying to outthink each other:

Janna: "I'm faster, you're slower!"
Zilean: "Oh yeah? Ha! Now I'm faster and you're slower! And you have a timebomb on your back!"
Janna: "But your timebomb dmg is blocked by my shield! Ha! Now I knock you up in the air!"
Zilean: "No you didn't! I went back and time and sidestepped it!"

And given the low CD on all these abilities, this kind of spell-counterspell thing was going on every few seconds.

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That's because Janna's the best.

That's all that really needs to be said on the matter.

And to gauge how good your partner is in bot with you, just ask them one question: "Max shields or slows?"

If they say shields... better max shields.


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At the risk of sounding repetitive, I'd like to ask for some more opinions for a new champion!
I aim to have a champion for each 'meta lane role' or whatever you want to call it, one for support bot, jungler, solo top, mid and a carry of some kind. I bought blitz (again) first so got me support bot covered, now I was thinking of getting a jungler.

So now I need to figure out who I want as jungler, I don't think I'll go with trundle again, something new would be better.
So far Shyvana and Volibear seem interesting. Problem is I've only seen either once, and both times they were played by terrible noobs so I haven't yet seen their playstyle propper.
There's also that Hecarim guy, but I've yet to see him. He appears to be a decent jungler as well, how's he like?
There's also Lee Sin. I've been told I was an amazing Lee Sin when I played him on a random pick, but I don't much like him, and people say a lot of things.  :P

Are there any others I've overlooked perhaps? Suggest me a jungler!

Oh and where can I find full skill info? The descriptions and videos are nice and all, but I need to see some numbers!

« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 08:15:49 am by Jelle »

Rebecca Black

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That's because Janna's the best.

That's all that really needs to be said on the matter.

And to gauge how good your partner is in bot with you, just ask them one question: "Max shields or slows?"

If they say shields... better max shields.

Oh. Is that why you do that? Ok then. Seems like a good idea.


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For jungle I like going Nocturne or Udyr, even though they've fallen out of style after the jungle rework. Oh, and Borderlimmies? Thanks SO MUCH for the AP Gangplank build. Pwning noobs has never been so fun.
When a soldier makes a mistake, one man dies.
When a captain makes a mistake, a dozen men die.
When a commander makes a mistake, a thousand men die.
When an emperor makes a mistake, well, there is a game save for retry.


  • Bay Watcher
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From the recent discussion, it sounds as if Nocturne comes highly recommended as a jungler. Warwick too. I'm not the best authority on it though, as I'm laughably bad at jungling.

Was on my A-game as MF last night. Dominated bot lane from the outset, even paired with a Vayne who was aggressive to the point of suicidal (tumbling under the tower to chase that fleeing champ doesn't do much good if you get killed on the next turret hit). Wound up with almost half the team kills.

Unfortunately, top lane got absolutely faceraped by an Orianna. Who proceeded to ball our entire team into submission. It was a beautiful, horrible thing. As someone who plays Orianna from time to time, it was kind of a weird pleasure to be so thoroughly owned by a skilled player. I took notes.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 09:23:17 am by RedKing »

Remember, knowledge is power. The power to make other people feel stupid.
Quote from: Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Science is like an inoculation against charlatans who would have you believe whatever it is they tell you.


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I just tested Draven's passive and PD stacking. It is awesome. Managed to get baron take over 430 damage per tick, and since it ticks at least once per second, that translates into over 1700 damage over the duration. Really funny how it deals so much damage. I'll post a video or something of it soon.

I never thought I'd see the day where stacking Phantom Dancers would actually churn out so much damage.

EDIT: Video out.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 01:28:35 pm by Bordellimies »
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