Tank != "Please go die for me so I can get a killing blow"
Had a match yesterday where we had me (Malphite), Galio, Ziggs, Ezreal and Fiora. Ezreal goes mid, Ziggs and Fiora go top and leave the two tanks together on the bottom. Wait, what?
Both of us tanks were like, "Uhhh...one of you needs to come down here." No reponse. Well...other than Fiora running straight up to the enemy tower and dying before minions even spawned. Oh, this bodes well.
Ezreal proceeds to leave his lane like two minutes in because "i had a good gank". No you didn't. Fiora was dead (again), Ziggs was 2v1 and getting his ass kicked. And now your gank failed, you're dead and they're hammering mid.
Meanwhile, Galio and I are holding our own against Yi and Kayle, but we lack the damage to do anything but hold the line.
Game deteriorated into teamfights way too early. Before long, Fiora just goes AFK completely. Galio goes top to help Ziggs and I'm left solo bot. Which actually works out okay...as long as I hug our tower, I can fend off two at a time and I'm getting good xp and gold from it. Eventually Ezreal shows up bot (once again abandoning mid) looking for a gank after I've done 90% of the work whittling them down. We push up to their tower, but our minion wave is dead, so I hang back and wait for the next one to arrive. Ezreal proceeds to run past me and get hammered by the tower. Cue ranting and bitching at me because "OMG ur supposed to tank the tower so I can get kills!!!!".
A: The bad guy you were chasing was outrunning you. You ain't gonna catch him.
B: With no minion wave here yet, and me not yet built up into uberarmored piece of rock, I'm going to take a lot of damage from that tower. And then probably get ganked. For no good reason.
C: Bite me, douche boy.
Of course we lose the match (although we lasted longer than I would have expected for a 4v5 with no coordination) and douche boy vocally blames me (and not the AFK Fiora or himself for playing Ezreal like a melee and running into the middle of fights over and over and dying).
Lately, my game pattern has been:
PvP 5-on-5: Defeat and RAEG.
Co-op Dominion: Yi+5 Zeals for the lolz. Victory and then eff this shit for the night, I got my IP bonus for the day.
I'm beginning to wonder if this is the fabled "ELO hell". I was doing good in PvP for a while, now I've lost like 4 or 5 straight because people suck and need to die.