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Author Topic: League of Legends - Patch 7.22 - Runes Reforged  (Read 1272800 times)


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7485 on: February 17, 2012, 03:09:09 am »

Report exists for a reason.  Don't listen to the people crying about tribunal being flawed, if you go to any county jail you'll hear hillbillies saying the same shit.  If they're being gratuitously toxic, report them.

As for Vayne:

I use all flat AD runes for better last hitting, but that's definitely not the optimal setup for a competitive environment.  Vayne's a very weak laner pre-6, post-6 and with some items her damage and mobility makes her really good at killing people who don't play carefully.

Boots, dorans as necessary to stay competitive in lane.  Don't go overboard on AS, even at maximum attack speed her W isn't nearly as powerful as people think.  IE or BT first.  IE if you have good teammates and a sustain support and know you can get by without lifesteal for now.  In solo queue you'll usually end up with bloodthirster.  After that phantom dancer.  That's the core, and after that it's situational, but my completed build was usually Boots, IE, PD, PD (At two PDs you can probably get rid of boots if there's something else you want), BV (Nowadays QSS has overshadowed BV as the carry defense item), BT.  As always, you have to be flexible.  I haven't played Vayne in quite a while so this may not all be 100% accurate anymore, but I don't think she's changed significantly aside from losing some of her chase power.

Flash is obviously mandatory, for carries the second summoner spell is usually either Heal, Cleanse, or Ignite, with a sort of rock paper scissors deal.  Heal counters cleanse, a heal carry will always win exchanges against a cleanse carry.  Cleanse counters ignite, ignite counters heal.  Exhaust is also a decent choice, especially on a close range duelist like Vayne.  I can't think of anybody who can 1v1 a Vayne with exhaust on equal terms.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 03:40:25 am by Cthulhu »


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7486 on: February 17, 2012, 03:35:23 am »

Has anyone been getting more leavers than usual this patch? I feel like it's a statistical anomaly, but I've seen a leaver/troll (not necessarily on the my team) every 3-4 games for the last week.

Usually I see a leaver/troll every 10-15 games, so this is kind of absurd.

I have one every 2end game, like clockwork.

AD Malz:

That man is clearly insane - he states that jungle malz does not work. Works like a charm, I won 4 out of my 5 jungle malz game as top AP dmg dealer and his ganks are A-M-A-ZING (also you never lose a tower, since any unattended lane gets a single E that does the rest.) Camp clearing speed on high levels is around 2 sec.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 03:43:21 am by ThtblovesDF »

FluffyToast J

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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7487 on: February 17, 2012, 04:10:03 am »

Turns out Naut is a fairly decent AP mid.

If you don't like ColbyCheeZe, I guess just mute it or something. It's good gameplay.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7488 on: February 17, 2012, 04:10:55 am »

New Shen is so derpy...

It's so easy to manipulate the bans to suit your needs sometimes. I wanted to play Shen in ranked and was first pick. I'm the kind of guy who doesn't think anything is overtly OP unless it was intentionally made that way (see: GP post-remake, New Shen, etc.). I also own most of the considered "OP" champs, and those that I don't own, I'm not really scared of. So for me, I don't really ban any of the big guys like Morg and Kassadin. I use my bans for Kennen... Cassiopeia... etc. Just champions I personally find annoying.

So the enemy is forced to ban all the common bans and I would be free to pick what was left. In this case, I made it so I got Shen.

Herp derp herp derp. Oh hai Akali top lane. I'm your master and you can fly a kite!

I left the lane some umpteen thousand times to ult our bot lane (they would be dying every minute or so) and somehow I still had more farm than Akali who never went anywhere. By the 15th minute, I could sit under a tower and tank both the tower and a fed Graves with 6 kills for nearly a minute. By the 20th minute, my ult had more HP than Ashe. Ended 10 2 x, and by the time the enemy surrendered I was pretty sure I could fight their entire team by myself.

New Shen is so derpy...


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7489 on: February 17, 2012, 05:19:46 am »

I played Malzahar in a somewhat similar build to the one Umiman linked, and it was great.

Gonna do it again soon.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7490 on: February 17, 2012, 05:56:42 am »

To be honest, it does seem really viable. Makes a lot of sense too considering how strong his voidlings are to begin with.


Edit: New champ:
Fiora Abilities: Taken from the PBE client, so no idea on damage numbers, etc.

Passive - Duelist: Fiora regenerates health over 6 seconds each time she deals damage. Striking champions will cause this effect to stack up to 4 times.

Q - Lunge: Fiora dashes forward to strike her target, dealing physical damage. Fiora can perform the dash a second time within a couple seconds at no mana cost.

W - Ripost: (Passive) Fiora's Attack Damage is increased. (Active) Fiora parries the next basic attack from a champion or monster and reflects magic damage back to the attacker.

E - Burst of Speed: Fiora gains Attack Speed for a couple seconds. Each basic attack or Lunge she lands during this time increases her Movement Speed, stacking.

R - Blade Waltz: Fiora dashes around the battlefield striking random champions dealing physical damage. Successive strikes against the same target deal less damage.

Blade Waltz sounds familiar =P

Tips & Items:

Playing as Fiora -

Fiora's passive grants health regeneration whenever she attacks. The bonus stacks against champions so don't be afraid to fight small skirmishes and trades.

Blade Waltz deals a lot of damage, but if you save it for when the enemy team tries to attack you it also save you from taking a lot of damage. (sic)

Playing Against Fiora -

Save disables for when Fiora activates Burst of Speed-it only lasts 3 seconds and Fiora needs to deal a lot of damage while it is up to be effective.

Fiora is really sticky when she has access to Lunge, but after she casts it twice it has a fairly long cooldown which can be exploited.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7491 on: February 17, 2012, 09:13:39 am »

Aw sweet, a fencer? And potentially a jungler, at that, with the monster clause on W! I like it.

In other news, Shyvana jungling is still badass. Especially when the enemy picks Warwick after you pick Shyvana. That warwick went 1/10. The excuse the enemy team gave was "most Shyvanas are bad". Well, dude, I'm not just some FOTM Shyvana, I've been doing this since she came out. I just improved my strategies after M5.

Also, it turns out Shyvana is a good counterpick to Nautilus. She burned through my shield before I could actually do damage to her, so I just had to run away or die, even when I had significantly more HP than she did.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7492 on: February 17, 2012, 09:50:39 am »

I'ma gonna be streaming all day now, upgraded

I got it going at HDTV quality now ;).
« Last Edit: October 17, 2022, 02:26:23 am by Yodamaster »


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7493 on: February 17, 2012, 10:20:05 am »

#Trynds gonna suck and rage, all game, every game.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7494 on: February 17, 2012, 10:47:42 am »

#Trynds gonna suck and rage, all game, every game.
Tryn on your team = Worst noob ever. Tries to spin 5 feet away from a wall, and hit it. Uses his ult as an initiate. Ignites minions. Grabs clarity.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7495 on: February 17, 2012, 10:59:15 am »

Tryndamere really doesn't make me shake in my boots. Never had a game where I was utterly owned by one. (Had plenty of games where they annoyed me by escaping certain death, but that's hardly the only champ in that category)

Champs that scare me: Jax, Kassadin, Malphite. The first two because I'm tending to play ranged squishy like MF lately, and they can both close like a boss and hit like a freight train once they're in close. The latter because he becomes *so* tanky late-game.

I used Master Yi almost exclusively when I started playing. I had one (1) match against a Malphite that convinced me to find some new champs. Y U NO TAKE DAMAGE, MALPHITE?  :'(

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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7496 on: February 17, 2012, 11:11:29 am »

So Yorick is supposed to be this super-strong and almost unnatural bot pick for Dominion, right? So I stroll over to my friend's to try him out since I don't have him. Thing is, said friend is lower elo than me in Dominion, he plays mostly SR. Thus, I'm playing at about 400-500 elo less than my usual level. Bear in mind I haven't played Yorick, ever, so this suits me fine.

enemy team : "Hurrrr Yorick you so bad you constantly die to 3-man ganks since your team can't hold a 4v2 top and keeps losing mid, too!"

Though I have to admit Yorick seems absolutely mindless as a bot pick. I'm really bad at creating builds for unusual champions (i.e. not straight up tanky dps/AD carry/AP carry) so I'm doing the equivallent of throwing darts at the items list, and still I never lost bot 1v1, and when I learned how to pick my fights I never lost to a straight-up 2v1 unless one of them came to gank me when I pushed, either.

It's just w-e-q, stand back, repeat, maybe R if someone tries to gank you but it's cool, no hurry or anything.

I know I've always hated it when the enemy had a Yorick bot, now I know exactly why I hate it - great sustain, incredible and really safe pushing, great ult since it guarantees a kill even if you die.

Btw does anyone else play mainly Dominion, or am I raving for the sake of hearing my own voice x]
What a strange and beautiful world I beheld, but dangerous too, I was certain. And I was friendless and homeless. And so I prayed.
"Hear me, exalted spirits. Hear me be you gods or devils, ye who hold dominion here. I am a wizard without a home. I am a wanderer seeking refuge."


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7497 on: February 17, 2012, 11:17:41 am »

Dominion is like LoL Calvinball.
Nobody knows the "rules", and everbody has different ideas on what the most effective thing to do is. Some people just try to rack up kills. Others try to "work the wheel" taking towers, yet others are trying to farm. The first couple of minutes of a Dominion match are predictable. After that, it's just mass chaos unless you have a picked team that's working together.

Remember, knowledge is power. The power to make other people feel stupid.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7498 on: February 17, 2012, 03:13:35 pm »

So, Renekton Bot made a post about Lifesteal and Spell Vamp. Quite frankly, I agree with him.

It would make like Warwick even more.

EDIT: I'm starting to dislike how much FotM Lee Sin is now. I'm seeing him like every game.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 03:32:11 pm by Knirisk »
Also often called Boowells.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths -
« Reply #7499 on: February 17, 2012, 03:26:52 pm »

So, Renekton Bot made a post about Lifesteal and Spell Vamp. Quite frankly, I agree with him.

It would make like Warwick even more.
I don't. Lifesteal is nowhere near as OP as in his "example". If you have double-digit health, you're not going to be able to lifesteal your way back to full from one minion wave. About the only way to do it would be to use a character with inherent lifesteal or combat heal (like Xin Zhao) and build your entire rune kit and items and masteries to give you maximum lifesteal, which means you're shortchanging yourself in other areas.

Now, I will agree with him that some of the items that have lifesteal are also big damage boosters like Bloodthirster. But that's because it's a top-tier item and takes a ton of cash to build up. I'd be okay if they wanted to rebalance items to make lifesteal items have little to no damage boost and vice versa. But the inherent notion of lifesteal/spell vamp is a valid one if you don't want to be dependent on a support healer (say, as solo mid or solo top). And in teamfights, the damage comes so fast and heavy that lifesteal is NOT going to save you. I should know, I started the game building an AS/lifesteal Master Yi. It doesn't hold up so well when the bad guys can drop 1900 damage on you in a matter of seconds.

Remember, knowledge is power. The power to make other people feel stupid.
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Science is like an inoculation against charlatans who would have you believe whatever it is they tell you.
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