What information do you need? Regardless if you want to play AD or AP, he'll do the same thing.
Plant boxes every goddamn where, especially at points.
Backdoor nonstop, or defend points 1v2.
Don't straight up stand and fight unless you have ult and are at an advantage. If you don't, just kite them and harass them until you do. This means don't use deceive to initiate until you plan to straight up kill the target.
Go top immediately to help your team at the level 1 fight. Shaco up there is almost as horrific as Blitz. Put boxes on the point, around the point, etc.
Don't be afraid to pop your ult, it's on such a short cooldown and it makes a massive difference. Make sure you get used to alt-clicking to move the clone around.
Skilling is incredibly flexible. You can freely mix and match whatever. Mostly you just want cooldowns on them, so get whichever you want to use the most. I recommend boxes because it's incredibly annoying, but if your playstyle is different, you might want more damage from crits or more damage / slow from his knife toss. Personally, I think Shaco is best skilled as being incredibly trolly since if you wanted damage you could play someone else more specialized for that role (like AP Eve huehue), so there's no harm in maxing cooldown and plopping boxes everywhere.
You have many choices to start with, prospector's ring for balanced stats, blasting wand for quick RoA or whatever, etc. etc. Honestly it's all up to your own creativity.
I saw this post on Reddit about Gman Bob:
Yesterday in chat 2 people were giving him shit because he said his Support did not understand the matchup of Bottom Lane.
He gave into the trolls, and then gave a full in depth analysis of what he meant, and how his support was playing and why it was not good. He stated it because his Sona was playing really aggressively against a Cait/Soraka combo. While Bob was playing Graves/Sona Combo. The crux of the argument was Poking and trading damage with a Soraka will always end up worse off for you. Because you will always be down in Mana after healing. While this was happening they started to loose the lane and eventually Sona died.
Bob replied "And that is why you do not poke a Soraka"
I think that's wrong. It comes back to my old post about how supports must be chosen not because of matchups or whatever, but what the AD carry can handle. In this case, this wasn't a case of "never poke Soraka" but "there's no teamwork between Graves + Sona". I'll elaborate:
I'll tell you what's the most common complaint that comes from laning bot lane, especially with a stranger. "WTF IS HE DOING?!"
Tell me you haven't said that every time you go bot lane with a random. I do. That's the crux of the argument. Teamwork is the ultimate key towards winning the bottom lane. Right now champions are honestly quite balanced in the laning phase (in the bot lane) that you can choose any random support with any random AD carry and you will still have a chance of winning anything. The only difference between you and the enemy is teamwork and personal skill. Skill is something you develop by yourself, but you must sync with your teammate or you will fail.
Regardless of whether Sona was right or wrong in harassing Soraka, Gman Bob should have followed up. If you look at it from a broader perspective, what was happening was basically a teamfight where Sona was attacking 1v2 whereas Graves was standing at the back not doing anything. It doesn't matter if it was a stupid idea. If an engagement happens, you MUST commit. If it fails, it fails. It's too late to back out. If the support doesn't want to play passive, the AD carry has no choice but to be aggressive as well. Similarly, if the AD carry is going hyper aggressive... the support must do so to or the entire thing will collapse. There is practically no way to communicate otherwise because... honestly... randoms. No one has time to process rational arguments in a heated game. You just have to DO and worry about consequence later.
tl;dr: it doesn't matter "WTF IS HE DOING?!"... you HAVE to follow up or you will lose. It's way, way easier to do botlane when you're on voicecomms... but since most of us have to deal with randoms, this is something we just must deal with.