Morgana carries all the teams.
All of them.
Whoever decided feeding bottom lane Akali and Caitlyn was an idiot, but Shaco, Irelia, and I managed to carry our entire team to the end. Though, to be fair, Kog'Maw managed to realize his role was to stand AWAY from the fight. Mordekaiser... had no idea what to do.
We lose top and bot towers. We lost a teamfight early, with 4 to 5 being killed. Pirate takes our mid tower. Shaco and I get adequately fed at the start, but Akali and Caitlyn were much fatter. After that, we manage to make AP Sion useless, but they take baron. They manage to win another teamfight, take out our mid inhibitor and then take out more towers.
We get an amazing turnaround. I tried surrendering, but it doesn't succeed. Good thing too: We go and push some lanes, and then a teamfight breaks out bottom. They're way out of position: Sion misstuns on my shield, Shaco has already killed Akali, they're at half health, they run right into my ult... Bad news for them. We push mid to their inhibitor, but can't take it in time. Shaco assures me we can take baron, and seeing as how he and I are the best players on our team, I trust him. We take it just as they show up, and Morderkaiser acts like an idiot and gets himself killed.
We defend our bottom and top towers, and Shaco manages some amazing kills, and I get the best assists ever. Kog'Maw gets himself killed on Akali and Sion, but I throw a bind on Akali and a pool and scare her off after she does a lot of damage. Sion comes out of nowhere and chases me with his shield. I'm down to like 100 health, and I get the luckiest snare ever. He's snared right in my base turret. He gets hit three times, and the turret even blasts through his shield for the kill.
That Sion. He just got so kill-happy. He tried killing me so many times, and failed almost every time. At the end, he was 4/11/15. I was 5/2/23. Also, their Gangplank had no idea his heal removed cc. He sat in my snares for their entire durations before eating.